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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

(Yeah? Well I can fight back too.) Three sees this and quickly takes the ice shards and turns them to water. He quickly puts the water under the ice and throws the ice across to another building before the water evaporates. Three propels herself over there to and quickly refreezes what was lost. 3 and a half minutes.
Xavier was freed from his ice lock, only to be trapped once more.

"AaaAAUGH!" Xavier cried in agony as he desperately attempted to break free, but he felt his bones and ribs crushing, and the ice was slowly stained red.

I was too weak... huh...

Xavier gave up on his fruitless struggle. His father died to a conduit... And he did too.
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Sphinx frowned. "Are you sure? Because it seemed before like you wanted to tell me..." She said, placing a hand on Felix's arm. "Because I'm all ears. You sure there's nothing you wanna say?"
Dante sighed. "Really? Fuckin really bitch?" He reformed and started to fly to the other building, propelling himself with fire coming from his feet.
The Demon continued to sprint, running upon the side of walls and the rooftops of building to escape anything that would dare to get in his way. Given the location Zabuza believed he was about half way there... certainly not living on a prayer.

If Xavier had been this weak to fight it must of meant he hasn't been drinking enough blood. Which thinking back Zabuza remembers he's never even seen Xavier drink any. Of course he would of been weak...
Felix looks at James, then looks back.

I still don't think so.

Tell her.

But I don't think it's true.

I think it's true, but don't tell her.

Wow, there's a third voice in here.

James was here first.

Doesn't matter. If she agrees, then she'll choose James.

But it would hurt our relationship!

Your non existent one you mean?

Shut up.

Yeah, shut up.

See, you take offence.

Fine I agree with him.

What, you too?

C'mon, say it! I love you.


I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you.

shut up!

I love you

I love you

I love you

"I love you." He blurts out without even realizing it. He suddenly blushes. "Uh... er..."
Sphinx's eyes widened and her cheeks turned an incredibly dark shade of blue. "I...um...I need to think..." She said, looking back at James for a minute then back at Felix. She flew out of the shelter and into the air. She flew over the Neon District. "Max! Max!" She called, looking for the one person she could really talk to.
Max runs out of the base and looks up. "Down here Sphinx!" He calls waving. "What's the problem?"
Sphinx landed in front of Max. She had been crying in the air. She wiped away her tears and sighed. "Felix...he told me that he loved me..." She said, eyes teary.
James' eyes widen as he turned to Sphinx then to Felix then watched as Sphinx flew out the room. He looked back to Felix, shocked at what he said. Silence. "Uhh..... You... You really do like her?" James patted his legs and sighed. "Hey man. Don't get freaked out. I'm not mad at you or anything. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she chose you over me. There's something about you. I haven't known you for long, but there's something inside of you. Something that you don't find in most people. Now look, if Sphinx chooses you, treat her right. Believe me when I say this, I will find you if I hear your hurting her some how." James stood up from his seat and walked over to Felix. He stared at him for awhile before smiling.
Felix smiles. "I really didn't mean to say that, it just came out... geez. But yeah, I guess... and thanks for being a good sport about it. And if she chooses you, so be it. I only wonder what she's doing right now."


Max smiles. "That's great! I wonder what happened to Shard... never mind, that's great! How'd he say it? How-" He notices Sphinx crying. "Uh... are those tears of happiness or sadness... I'm bad at telling."
Sphinx sighed. "I remembered....I had a boyfriend before the blast....and he came back...I remember I loved him....but....I'm not sure I still love him...but I can't just abandoned the memories of me loving him...I...I love Felix now...it's like the Sphinx before the blast was a different...person..." She said, crying.
Max smiles and hugs her. "If you don't love him, you don't love him. If you love Felix, you love Felix. James seemed like a really nice guy, I'm SURE he would understand. And if he doesn't, well... his loss. We'd love to keep him around in the alliance... unless, that'd be too awkward for you.
Sphinx smiled a little. "Thanks Max...." She said, wiping her eyes. "I guess I'll talk to Felix then..." She smiled. "I'm gonna go right now...I'm gonna tell him..." With that, she flew into the air and flew to the shelter. She poked her head in and looked at Felix. "Um...Felix...can I speak to you alone...please?" She asked.
Three looked at Xavier as he was crushed, and then looks at Dante as he lands. "Happy?"


Felix looks at James and gives him a curt nod and a smile before following Sphinx. "Hey... so, what is it" He says, even though he already knows what it's about. and he knows there's only two possible answers.
Sphinx smiled at him. "I really really like you, even to the point of possible love...but you need to know that if we're to be a thing, we need to start off slow. Like a first date sometime..." She said, smiling a little.
Zabuza stopped running, as he became mentally shaken enough that he nearly collapsed and had to lean against the side of a wall to stop from doing so. A small tear dropped off of the Demons face as he was forced to mentally watch and feel Xavier's bones crushing. As he had to listen to the sound of Xavier's last thoughts...

They may of just lost a brother and it was all Zabuza's fault. He hadn't ensured that Xavier drank enough blood to stay strong. He hadn't gotten there fast enough to save him. Xavier had never wanted to be sired, he never wanted this...

The Demon slid to the ground as slowly more tears began to spew from his eyes and drop onto the ground...
Dante watched a his brother was crushed. He stared in horror until he decided it was time to kill the wench that did it. He ran at her and before he punched her in the face, he turned to lava and went under her feet. He materialized his hands from the lava pool and he grabbed Three's feet. All within one second. He waited for her to melt.
(Wow Zabuza... you're feeling... sorrow? What is this!)

Felix smiles. "Of course! Of course, I actually... like you a lot. I wouldn't take advantage of you like that! But it is getting kinda late. You can choose whenever you want it to happen, just not tonight, I'm too exhausted.

(Hey, Zabuza, was Darkpool ever accepted?)

Three quickly turned into water and bounced out of the lava. Most water would have melted, but since she was the water, all of her power and energy went into it, keeping it cool enough to survive. She lands and reforms, and puts herself in an ice box. this wouldn't stop the lava, but it would give her enough time to react. She took some of the water from her pouches and used it to heal her wounds. It still stung pretty bad, but nothing she couldn't handle. "Where's your master now!"
Sphinx smiled. "I'm kinda tired myself. Does tomorrow night sound alright to you?" She asked, smiling. She yawned a little and pushed a hair behind her ear.
Felix smiles. "That sounds great. Now, I think we're all tired. Let's head off to sleep." Felix says, as he goes to sleep, smiling. Then, as he was drifting off to sleep, he realized. His happiness had been a thin veneer he used to hide his depression and anger. But in the moments he was with Sphinx, he was happy... truly happy.

(On a side note, I just told the girl I have a crush on that I do, and she likes me back. My first ever crush confession was a success! Sphelix and [insert couple name here] are both a-go!)
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Sphinx lay down on her own bed, smile on her face, drifting off to sleep. Before falling asleep completely, she muttered loud enough for Felix to hear, "goodnight..."

(Congrats!!! Still trying to do that with my crush...)
Three looks at Dante and then looks down, where he sees Jacob running to the building whilst dodging Shadow's attacks. "You know what? Screw this." Three jumps down and lands near Shadow. "If I may sir, let's not spread our forces any thinner. Let's gather up the dead and prepare ourselves." Shadow sighs.

"You're right... let's head back."

(I think this means battle over)
Storm clouds gathered above in the sky, as the sun began to be blocked out and heavy rain pour ensued. Eventually, the Demon would raise himself up from the sidewalk, completely soaked. He continued to cry, but his tears were easily covered up by the rain.

From there he would slowly walk, crushed and defeated, towards the building where Xavier died in the rain. Jacob and Dante would be unable to leave Xavier's side from their last command, meaning they would have to wait for Zabuza to arrive...

Eventually he would walk in, soaked and red eyed. Where as all he could mutter was

"Remove our fallen brother from the ice..."
Shard, with Null close behind approched Shadow's destroyed based. The dome was down, the warehouse was destroyed.

"Hello, Shadow, sorry we had to leave early." (Can we say that Felix used the countermeasure in the time the fight took place?)

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