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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Vlad. I'm not growing any fonder of your little games. Your just angering me even more, and the fact that you say you were behind the whole operation is lowering your chance for survival. Tell me this one thing, and I'll leave your god forsaken 'home'. Who else survived the test and if you even try to make a joke out of this and say it was you, I will make you pray for something like death. I will cut a hole in your stomach and force feed you your own intestines."
Felix looks over at him. "What! I said not to accept your commands after either! You just want to have control over us!"
There are two reasons I said that. One, if god forbid she only accepts new commands. WE want her to be somewhat human, and be able to react to things. Two. Just in case I wanted to be able to do something like this again if we ran into a similar situation. Better safe than sorry. I could have been controlling you this whole time since we met. I told you how I feel about using my powers. It's not fun.
James ruffles Felix's hair as praise for protecting Sphinx. "Thanks man. I don't think I could live knowing that Sphinx died and I couldn't even save her. Your a really good- WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT CONTROL OVER HER!?" James glares at Null before he balled up his fist. "What the hell is wrong with you!? Your not supposed to take control of people!"
Sphinx blinked, her eyes turning green. She gasped for breath. "Um...." She looked around seeing Felix. "Felix!" She grinned. She ran to him and hugged him. "Did you win the fight?" She asked.
"He's a mind control conduit." Felix says, touching his hair. "Don't look into his ey- ooph!" He grunted as he got hit with a hug from Sphinx. "Yes! It worked! Uh... not really. Hayabusa came in and essentially stopped the fight. We were able to rescue you, so no one died!"
James stares love-struck at Sphinx. He could barely manage anything but he tried his best which came out to be this. "H-hey Sphinx I see..... You get hotter every time I see you... Ha...." He was so distracted that he didn't notice that Sphinx was hugging Felix. He uncontrollably muttered words under his breathe.
Felix looks at Sphinx smiling. "Sphinx, this is James! Your boyfriend from before the blast!


woah... where the hell did that come from.

Your heart jackass

What... shut up!

(Jinx vs Sphelix begin!)
Sphinx separated from Felix and looked at James. She hesitated. "Um, hi...?" She said, not remembering him. "My names Sphinx! Nice to meet you James!" She walked up to him and held out a hand for a handshake from James.
Vlad laughed. "Oh well you did ad I believe someone else by the name of Vlad." He started to laugh maniacally. He suddenly stopped and said, "No I'm just kidding. Or am I? It could be me! Or the Demon. Or even Felix. Ooh. That would be a plot twist! No but really I do remember you. And it was me. I was the first subject ever tested and I thought of the idea of making super soldiers so I could train them by myself to make them my slaves of war so I could make the world better. Under my command." He smirked and sighed. "The rest I will tell you on your birthday. Oh wait. That's today. Ill tell you on... When I rule the world. How about that? Deal?" He held out his hand to shake with Hayabusa's
Hayabusa stares blankly at Vlad before shaking his head. "Somethings really wrong with you... You need a psychiatrist...." He turned away from him and started to walk out the door. "I choose not to torture you.... yet. It'll be a lot funnier when your not expecting it!" Of course Hayabusa didn't mean that. Or did he?


James stared at Sphinx for awhile before sighing. "Right... Amnesia... Okay then. Nice to meet you Sphinx... Again." James held out his hand to shake Sphinx's. "So, you don't remember anything? Not even me?"
Vlad let go of everything and dropped. He sighed and said, "Wooh. Why wasn't I an actor before the Blast?" He went into the kitchen and got a bottle of blood and started to drink.
As soon as James's hand touched hers, the memories hit her like a brick wall. She went limp and fell to the ground, fainting.
Felix runs to Sphinx and catches her, picking her up. "Come one, let's get her back to the base."
"You obviously don't mean the old one right?"

"Hmmmmmmmmm.... Let me see if I can sense my own crystal.... WOW, I can... Uh.. The new base is that way." The group of now 5 head off to meet up with Max at the New Base. Meanwhile, she turns the bunker into a skyscraper, so they have more of a fortress.
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Felix carries Sphinx to the base and puts her on one of the beds. He wanted to say something, but he instead turns to James. "I... don't know if she can hear us. But do you want to say something?"
"Umm... Yes. I wanna ask you asomething. Now, don't think I'm a jealous asshole or something because I'm not but.... Sphinx seemed really like you. Like, alot! What was up with that? Now don't get me wrong, if she's found someone else I don't blame her...." James looked down and rubbed his arm. "God know's how long it's been since we've seen each other..." He looked back up to Felix and put a smile on his face. "But... If it makes her happy... it's okay by me.."
The last, and loudest crack of all finally came to pass, as the crystal dome finally fully shattered. All of the district could hear the ear-drum shattering sound and the behemoth crashed to the ground sending crystal shards shooting out in all directions.

With no further ado, the Demon charged directly towards Shadow as... not a single bullet fired at him or any of the other sires.

Instead all of the shadows unknowingly turned on each other, shadow shooting shadow. Each of the sentries unknowingly turned to face Shadow, Three, Smokescreen, and Nil as they opened fire upon them.

The unseen force that now filled what use to be the entire dome was distorting their sense of direction, sight, and oh so much more...
Xavier conjured locusts, they were not to last long or be particularly strong, but they came with quite a punch.

As swarms of locusts entered the mist, further disorientating the shadows in waves of black and green, the locusts bit on the shadows, injecting acid, until they were swat or killed, to which they reacted, explosively.

Xavier watched the fireworks of green acid splashing everywhere in the distance. Those explosions weren't too powerful, but good enough to splatter good amounts of acid to burn out eyelids and crotches.
Felix looks at him then looks down at her. "I don't quite know. You see, we're not dating or anything, just really good friends. However, she does show exceptional affection towards me in particular. I didn't think anything of it, until on a walk one day where I told her about a crush I had on some other girl. Once we got back, Max, who's almost as good a friend with her as I am, came up to me and started interrogating me about what I said to her on the walk. I mentioned talking about my crush, and he seemed... interested at the least. From then on out, I wondered... but I don't have feelings for her.

Yes I do.

Shut up, shut up.

Admit it you idiot, you looooooove her.

"Shut up!" He says aloud. He smiles and rubs his arm, blushing.

"Or... maybe I do. MAYBE! But, you being here complicates things a lot."


The shadows fire at each other for a moment before stopping. They each raise up their hands and point out a first finger, then a second, then a third. Shadow puts a shadow sphere on each of the heads of the shadows that did that. "WE WERE PREPARED ZABUZA! ANYONE THAT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A SHADOW NOW, KILL THEM!!" He yells as the shadows turn and fire on the sires. It would be a bit before Shadow notices the locusts.

(In case you are wondering why Shadow waited until now, he is stronger the darker it is. The luminescence of the crystals made it more exhausting for him to do a mass power like this)
Sphinx's eyes opened slowly. "Felix....James..." She sat up and directed her emerald colored eyes at Felix then at James, then Felix, then James. She continued this motion. "Um...."
"Oh, Sphinx! You, uh... didn't hear what I said, did you?" He asked blushing and rubbing the back of his head.
(Congratulations on not removing the Un-seen Mist...)

While these shadow sphere's formed on top of the heads of each of the shadows.. none of them saw them. The mist distorted their sight, completely removing the sphere's from their vision. Instead they saw Demonic creatures and forms running around, and as they shot at them they were truly shooting at their fellow shadows still...

More over, while Shadow opened his mouth to talk, no words came out. The mist was distorting either distorting the noise that his voice made or the ears of all of the Shadows, or possibly both, and as such no shadow or sire could even hear what he said. Or anybody for that matter, as sound would not travel.

Finally the Demon reached Shadow (Who should be getting shot at by the sentries that are still firing at all the higher ups) and seemingly jumped into the air to bring the Executioner's Blade down on him.

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