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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Vlad laughed again. "Messing with people's minds is just another thing I do. And Max. I was a lot "higher up" than you. Only one other person knew my name. And that was Abraham. I've also heard of you Max. You were good. It's shame you aren't on my side." His laugh was deep and mysterious. He finally walked into a corner and stiffened his blood.
Hayabusa stared at Felix for awhile before turning to Vlad. "What do you know. Tell me. Don't even think about trying to make a 'deal' with me. I want you to tell me anything you know about me. The project's name, why they wanted me, what they want with my DNA. Anything you know, I want to hear it. Now."


James looks into the bucket and groans. "Dang it! Outta popcorn... Whatever, I'll get some more." James drops the bucket and runs away, leaving a blur that quickly disappears.
Vlad shook his head. "Tsk tsk tsk. I totally would Haya-whatever but I want you to figure it out yourself. Oh and just so you know. You weren't the only child who survived." He laughed again and waited for the echo to end. "Now. I shall take my leave unless there are any more questions that you ladies would like to ask."
Hey, Sapphire. Do me a favor, we need to get out of here NOW *Null uses his power*

Null, Saphire, and Shard head outside.
Hayabusa stared down Vlad before walking over to him in the corner. "Your not leaving until you tell me what I want to know Vlad! Why do the DUP want me now? Who else survived? Tell me now Vlad! Now!" Hayabusa grabbed the hilt of his blade and whipped it out, letting it drape by his side.
The three of them were walking down the street with Saphire trailing like a mindless zombie. Completely under Null's influence. (Thanks for having me do this guys :D Not naming who gave the request for this)

The sound echos throughout the entire district as cracks finally start forming in the final pieces of the crystal dome. Dante's lava was soon to completely break through and accomplish it's goal where all Hell would then break out and be heard all around the district.

I'm not going to lie, mending wounds on a massive scale hurts like an absolute bitch. Still, the sentry guns need to go down. Other than that, I'll be dealing with Shadow while all of you try and cut through his ranks. The goal for today is just to kill as many shadows as possible.

Zabuza thought, as he prepared for the dome to finally collapse.
Felix watches the two arguing. "I'll just... leave you two to that." Felix quickly rushes out the door, thankful for the distraction. He catches up to Null. "We did it! I'm amazed!"
Did what? Now you have a mindless slave, congratulations. Is that what you wanted? THIS is why I avoid using my powers. I don't like having slaves as friends. The one time I did, it got lonely. Very, Very Lonely. As far as I know, I can't undo this.
Vlad smiled. "Hayabusa. How long do you think the DUP has been trying the testing for super soldiers? And I think I will take my leave when I please. But unfortunately this is my house and you have to leave so if you could please exit my house." He kept his blood stiffened and didnt move.
Shadow walks on the wall, looking down at his army prepared. "This will be the hardest battle of our lives. For many of use, it will be the last. However, I have faith in you. You have been well trained." Behind him stand Three, Smokescreen, and Nil. "These men, and woman, are our finest, and best- Smokescreen, stop flirting with Three god dammit!" Shadow sighs. "Anyway, you know the plans, all the plans. Split up into your assigned squads, and prepare for the fight of your lives... I know I am. (The war begins... also, I expect strategy. If you just plan to charge in, I don't care HOW strong you are, you can't withstand the bullets of 400+ men being unloaded into you at once.)


Felix looks at him. "That's ridiculous. Just say 'Do not follow any of my command prior to and following this command.' Boom, we have Shard back."
Yes, possibly, but she still may behave as Saphire. One more thing. I never did this before. There's no guarantee that it will undo. I think it has to do with the mental state of the one getting the command issued to them, so depending on who she accepts it... It may or may not work.
James continued to run until he came upon a group of conduits escorting another. He slowed down before turning to walk backwards in front of them. "Hey, whose the angel? No, I'm not flirting with her. She seriously looks like an angel. You know, the wings and all. But the skin color is pretty awesome. Hey, what's your name?" He said, his comment directed to Sphinx.
Shard:"She can't exactly speak at the moment. She's kinda... well under his mind control... We're working out stuff about it."

"So, your name is James? What's your power again?"
"Her name is Sphinx, an accident has occurred, and we're rescuing her... maybe. Who are you?" Felix warily asks.
James smiles and starts to run circles around them. All they could see was a blue figure speeding around them. "I'll... Run... Circles around you! Tie you up and bound you, in the lake I'll drown you!" He stopped after awhile and started to walk backwards again. "Well would you mind telling me her name?" James continues to walk backwards, oblivious to what Felix just said for awhile before actually hearing what he said. "Sphinx..... Sphinx!" James wrapped his arm's around Sphinx's neck, smiling. "Finally! Do you know how long I've been looking for you? Where have you been!"
Small cracks and holes being to form within the dome, not large enough yet to fit through, but finally allow air and whatever else to pass between them. An unseen, unknown force begins to spread out through these cracks slowly passing over the shadows. It was undetectable, and unknown exactly what it was or what it would do.

Alright, so I do sort of have a plan. Just sort of. Anyways, it won't last long before we all know who realizes what's going on. Do as much damage as possible initially and make sure those sentries are down before he realizes.

Zabuza relayed the plan to all his sires. He wasn't necessarily clear about what it was, but he seemed confident in it.
Shard:"You know her?"

"Even if he does, as of now, she doesn't know him. Not until I remove the restraints. If it works at all that is, now lets go to a closed location so I can work my magic."

"Shard makes a new bunker, the 4 go inside, and she closes the door inside. From the surface, its as though there's nothing there.
Felix steps in between Sphinx and James. "Woah, forgive me if I'm untrusting, but who are you? How do you know Sphinx? We've had enough things try to kill us today, forgive me if I'm afraid you might be another..."
James stared at Felix before sighing. "Ya. I probably should have explained how I know Sphinx." James put his hands on his head before smiling. "Any ways, me and Sphinx used to date in high school. We stayed together when we graduate. I used to visit her at the preschool. Man..... Those were the days..." James looked up to Felix before looking around his shoulder. "So, whats wrong with Sphinx?"
"Sa-who? I remember giving her a necklace and calling her Sapphire but a Sapphire as a person? No. Now, can you please answer my question!" James impatiently tapped is foot on the ground, waiting for an explanation as to why Sphinx was acting so weird.


Hayabusa growled at Vlad before pointing his blade at him. "I'm not leaving without an answer. Tell me now, Vlad! I'm not leaving, and your definitely not gonna make me leave. Who else survived the test Vlad?"
Felix's eyes widened, "You're the one who gave her the sapphire? Okay, I trust you. After the blast, she got amnesia, so she may or may not remember you. She remembers someone, but she can't remember his... your name. We've been slowly helping her recover her memories. I should warn you, she developed a separate identity. This side became known as Sapphire Succubus, or just Sapphire for short. If you know what a succubus is, you should see where I'm going. She... seduces people with her powers then eats them. Sphinx hates this side, but can't control it. She's been with us. We vowed to protect her, so we have a gay guy keep watch over her when she's Sapphire."

"Gee, thanks Felix."

"No prob. Max. So recently, she became Sapphire and kinda... banged our enemy. He then held her at knife point, a battle ensued where I fought to protect her," Felix said talking himself up without realizing it, "And Null over here hypnotized Sapphire to escape with us. However... there's a possibility she might never come out of the hypnosis."
Vlad lost his smirk and started to act like a child again just to mess with them. "I dunno! I could be making it all up! I could be lying about the whole thing." He smiled like a boy on Christmas. "And you can't hurt me with that thingy. Trust me. I've tried." He suddenly turned serious and said, "I dare you to try and kill me. Then we shall find out who knows more about you. Ill let you in in a little secret. I was the head of the entire operation! DUN DUN DUUH!" He burst out into maniacal laughter.
Don't be so hasty, Felix, like I said. It's based on the mental stability of the receiver of the command. Lets try this and see what happens. Regardless, one way or another, she should be able to speak after this. Now, Sphinx, I command you, disregard my previous command, yet you will be ready for new ones when necessary." (time for you to accept which parts of the command you want. the 2nd, or both. 2nd is a requirement so she reacts to stimuli)

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