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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Sphinx struggled a little before sighing and nodding. Her eyes turned a blue color. She smirked. "Morning handsome. How'd you like last night?" She asked grinning.
Vlad let Felix kick him because h knew it was too late anyways. After sighing from the kick, he said, "Why yes I did beautiful. Of and Felix. I can do that now. Being Saph here out whenever to want." He smirked and let the sword in Felix's hand to turn to liquid. He said, "Come on boy." He put up his hands to fist fight him.
Felix looks at him. He felt rage seeping through him. No... don't let Shadow out. Fight as Felix. Felix growls. "Fine. Tell you what, Vlad. We have a good honorable fist fight. First one unable to fight loses. No weapons, and only powers that are used in transportation, meaning my Shadow dash is legal, but no shadow weapons. Same goes for you and blood. No using blood to cause damage. If I win, you bring Sphinx back. If I lose, you do what you will with her. Breaking the rules is forfeit. Deal?"
Vlad laughed. "Okay. Now you're talking boy." He stopped. "Make your move boy." He smirked and wait for Felix to make a move. He hardened his blood so it was harder than crystal.
Felix rids himself of Shadow, before suddenly perking up. "One thing before we start. Can we use our powers as an environmental advantage, such as for defense or as distractions and such?"
Sapphire backed away from the two and stood next to Shard. "So, what's your relationship with Felix like?" She asked, smirking.
Vlad let his arms drop. "Duh!" He muttered under his breath while bringing his hands back up, "Children. What are ya gonna do." His blood was still harder than crystal.
Felix grins. "Ok then... goodnight." Felix quickly pulls back all the shadow and explodes it outward, sending a lot of the warehouse into darkness.
Vlad covered his face when Felix exploded. When it was over, he found himself against the wall and covered on darkness. He quickly started to stomp on the floors. "Can you feel that kiddo? Just wondering." He giggled and started to kick the ground more and harder. His blood had liquified until he remembered to solidify it again. He stopped moving.
Hayabusa nodded and smiled. "Hey, let's go back to the warehouse. If Vlad is there and calm, I wanna talk to him. If not, I'll knock some sense into him. Hayabusa continued to walk until they came upon the ware house. He was about to slide the doors open when he heard someone inside. "Ok then... goodnight." Hayabusa grabbed the hilt to his blade and turned to Max. "How about you open the door?"
Felix smiled. Thanks Vlad, you just told me where you are. Felix snuck up to Vlad's left and Jumped at him, punching him as hard as he physically could in the face.


Max looked at him nervously. "Alright." He opens the door and shadows pour out. "What is going on here?" He runs inside, closing the door behind him and Hayabusa to stop whatever's in there from seeing them.
"I'm unsure. I guess I'm like your alter ego in that you like to talk to him. However, I'm not sure I have a quote unquote relationship with him yet, she whispers. What about you?"
Vlad was expecting the punch. In fact he was grateful for it. His head barely moved to the right and he didt even feel the hit. "Oh dear. Did you break your hand? Because that must have hurt like a bitch." He laughed and smelled where Felix was. He punched in that direction with the blood just in his hand being hardened.
Sapphire smirked. "I hate the guy. He's annoying. Sphinx, on the other hand, is madly in love with him. She would sacrifice her life for the guy." She said smirking.
Agreed, he's somewhat nosy, but he tries to be sweet. He has gone through a lot. He's fighting against her own darkness.
Felix cringed as his hand made contact. What the hell, he's like a stone. How- He figures it out. God dammit! What Have I gotten myself into. His body's resisting it. If I can hit him REALLY hard, I could straight up snap his neck. That wouldn't be cheating because it would be a punch, it wouldn't be "intentional" I- Suddenly a hand flew out of the darkness. Felix tried to dodge but didn't have enough time. The fist made contact with his cheek and sent him sprawling a few feet away. Jesus... that did sting like a bitch.

Felix runs around and does a flying kick into Vlad's chest, followed by and upwards kick into his chin. He promptly pushed of Vlad and shadowed away. God, stubbed my toe.
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Vlad takes the hits like a man and shook off the hit to his chin. "Ooh. Little boy has a little bit of spunk in him. I like it. Now. For my final move. Death!" Vlad stiffened his fist and throws one more punch to Felix's temple, hoping it would make contact just to knock him out.
Null: "Hey, just don't kill him, I still need him for some things." Null smirks.

"Null, stop being so cruel. Be nice to him."
Hayabusa looks into the darkness before laughing. "Really Vlad? Fighting a 17? Pathetic." Hayabusa walked through the darkness without trouble due to his Natural Sight. He walked up beside Vlad as he threw the punched and sighed. "Felix, you really decided to fight this nut job? You really should have planned out this fight a bit more."
Luckily, Felix had shadowed out of the way before the hit made contact. His eyes widened with that statement. "God dammit, we didn't agree on a fight to the death!" Felix quickly shadows away from that area and stops where he is. Damn this all! This isn't what I wanted! Sphinx wasn't in peril anymore, why do I... care so much? Doesn't matter, I'm here and I need to fight for her. Felix runs up behind Vlad and jumps, preparing to kick him in the head before he notices Hayabusa. He quickly shadows and grabs Hayabusa, pulling him away. "Hayabusa!" He whispers. "You shouldn't get in the middle of this, he's willing to kill me now! This is my shadow, I can navigate through it. You have no way to navigate, he could kill you!" Felix says, unaware of Hayabusa's natural sight ability.
Vlad heard Hayabusa approaching and smells his blood for his exact location. He stiffened his entire body so Hayabusa's punch was completely inaffective. "Oh Haya-whatever. You're so cute when you act all tough. But I can read you like a book. You look all tough on the outside but in the inside you are a lost child with no where to go. And you think you have found shelter with these people but you can't trust them completely can you? Oh and I know about you. All about you. I used to work for the DUP after all." He laughed an stood still.
Max looked at where he imagined Vlad is but all he actually saw was darkness. "Bullshit! I was a high officer and I've never heard of a Vlad."

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