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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Dante was spraying his lava around like a six year old peeing on people. He was having fun especially with his new enhanced powers and he didnt even care about getting hit because be was just a lava clone. The real Dante was on top of the crystal wall that was still standing and he was sniping shadows in the head, through their shadow ball that was covering them, with a lava sniper rifle with lava bullets. He was such a good shot man. Like he was soo good!
Xavier began typing, placing a barrier on the sires and Zabuza, and placing walls randomly between the shadows to block their gunfire, and halt their movements. Quickly selecting another code, he spawned multiple Pikachus, releasing thunder into the mist and electrocuting numerous shadows.
Sphinx blinked. "Um....no.....why? What did you say?" She asked, noticing his blush. "And why are you blushing...?" She asked, smiling a little.
"uh... uh" Felix stammers. "I, uh... said... um... Hey, I'm sure James has something to say to you!" Felix yelps, pulling James up.
HAHAH, what a pathetic attempt to coverup, Felix.

"I think we best be off, Null. We need to apologize to shadow for abandoning him earlier.

"Indeed. How should we compensate him?"

"I suggest we build him a castle."
Felix glares at Null and then looks back with an unnecessarily large smile. "Say what you have to say, James, because there's... something I need to tell Sphinx.
Null: "What, we want to stay on his good side too. Put yourself in my place. Think about how hard it is to remain neutral."

With that, the two walk out. (I will not post again till the battle is finished, so hurry up guys > :) )
James glared at Felix before turning back to Sphinx. He helped her up and pulled her into a hug. "I missed you Sphinx.... I missed you a lot..." He let go of her after awhile. "So... Do you remember me? Do you remember anything for that matter."


Jacob through Smokescreen out of the alleyway before stumbling out as well. "God your crazy strong! I'm a Zabuza clone and it took me an hour to take you down!" Jacob shakes his head and walks past the unconscious Smokescreen before seeing the Pikachu's. "No... No! Not no! Not the.... PIKACHU APOCALYPSE!"Jacob was about to scream when he saw Shadow. "I got dibs on Shadow!" He said as he started to climb up the pillar.
Sphinx hugged him back with a small smile. "Yeah...I remember....you....and everything we went through..." She said with a sigh.
Felix looks at them and sighs, sitting down on a nearby bed. Why don't I like seeing that?

I've told you idiot.

I refuse to accept that though!

You said it yourself

I didn't mean it

Oh, yes you did

Shut up!

Only once you realize the truth!

Shadow grins as his shadows fire on the demon and his minions. Shadows need SIGNIFICANTLY less oxygen than normal humans, so he estimated they had about thirty minutes, more than enough time... he hopes. He then sees Jacob climbing up the pillar, and notices the unconscious body of Smokescreen. "Squad 52, retrieval!" Jacob makes it to the top. "Well hello Jacob, how are you?"

Three throws out more water as the locusts explode. Shadow had mades some shields in case something like this happened, but there wasn't enough for everyone. Nil was gathering squads without one and bringing them to safety. "F*** this is going downhill!"
Xavier watched as water splashed upon the acidic explosions. Damn, that will just release Hydrogen Ions, and we all know what happens when Hydrogen is set on fire... Xavier flashed out his phone and conjured his rifle, before firing a laser beam at Shadow. It's not going to kill him, but I've reached him!

The laser beam sent sparks flying, setting the Hydrogen ablaze, setting off a chain reaction of explosions.
Shadow grinned at Jacob. "So, where've you been? Plotting to kill Felix? He won't be happy about that-" He suddenly hears explosions and looks down before looking back up at Jacob, and sighs. "God dammit."

Three gets up off the floor and hears a ringing in her ears. She look around to see about half of her squad get up, the other half dead. More shadows lay dead upon the ground around her. She looks to where the later rifle burst came from and quickly runs there, jumping in front of Xavier before he can do anything.


(Where exactly is Xavier?)
NO, Jacob. Remember the goal, we're only attempting to take out as many of shadows out of his army as possible. Not Shadow himself, so do NOT engage him.

Zabuza thought, commanding Jacob, before jumping down into a squad of shadow's himself with his Executioner's Blade raised above his head to have it crash down upon a poor shadow's skull, before swiping out in a circle to get all those around. From there he ran and leaped from wall to ceiling, leaping upon shadows as he went cutting through them.
Shadow looks around. "Nice view up here, 'eh? Not bad. Nice place to relax and watch the carnage." He notices Zabuza running along. He's getting soaked with bullets. How is he alive?
Xavier looked at the conduit standing before him before he smiled.

"Hello, I'm Xavier," He beamed genuinely,"Nice of you to enter my playing field!"

A polygon enveloped the conduit. It won't keep the conduit in for long, but it will do to slow him down. In the meanwhile, I just need to trail him.

Xavier conjured a swarm of acidic locusts before escaping in the haze, jumping off the side of the building before he shot a laser at the building he was in, blasting off some walls.

I'll break his playground. Xavier struck his rifle into the wall of the building, tearing through the brick before coming to a stop on the ground and firing more lasers.
(Three is a girl BTW)

Three started kicking on the polygon hard. After about five minutes a crack formed. Three hit it hard with a water blast causing the crack to break into a hole. Three turned into water and went through the hole before shaping back. "Yeah, nice try, but no." She looks around before seeing an explosion in a nearby building. She runs to where it is and quickly freezes Xavier before he can do anything. "Now... what to do with you..."
Bullets both managed to rip and tear through the Demon's body, only for the wounds to be mended back together at the cost of some blood. Eventually if he lost enough the healing would become slower and slower until...

There was still plenty of time to wreak havoc before they would be forced to pull out. Until then, Zabuza continued to cut through Shadow's ranks dismembering as he went along while staying as mobile as possible to try and ensure only the minimal amount of bullets hit him.

His mental link he had established was still up and he would know if any of his sires got into enough trouble they would have to fall back.
Three examines Xavier and Pops up. "I know!" She starts to make the ice shrink fast. He was a conduit, so he'd hold up for awhile. But give it five minutes and he'll explode. And there's no way he could reach his phone. But juse to be safe... she quickly takes away the ice around the phone, and freezes that part again before throwing the phone on the ground...

and smashing it.
James continued to hug Sphinx before he began to tear up. "I won't leave you.... I'l be right there with you Sphinx... No matter what." He kissed Sphinx's forehead before letting her go. He turned to Felix, who was sulking on a couch. "You okay? Your looking kinda.... down." JAmes walked over to Felix and sat down next to him.


Jacob growled at Shadow before looking down at the fight below. He looked to Shadow before pointing to fingers at himself then to Shadow. Afterwards, he jumped from the tower and landed on an unlucky shadow. He formed a pair of smoke claws before digging them into the man's neck. So when do we get to kill Shadow? I say soon. The longer we wait, the bigger his army is gonna get after this.
"Hey!" Shadow says, landing behind Jacob and instantly shooting him through a warehouse, before chasing him in. "Don't run from daddy Shadow! I just wanna play!" Shadow says shooting shadow spikes at Jacob

Felix begins to tear up and walks over to Sphinx. He looks at her a few seconds, sits down next to her, and hugs her and cries. "I'm sorry!" He cries. "I promised I'd protect you! I promised I would stop Sapphire. I promised and promised and I couldn't keep it! I couldn't protect you, and my shadowmancy wasn't good enough because Sapphire came out and screwed you over! I'm SORRY!"
In a perfect situation, we don't kill Shadow. We continue to weaken his army just enough that Felix and friends will realize just how vulnerable he has become. Then they take advantage of the situation and finally deal with their oldest enemy.

The Demon was partially done with ripping apart a shadow in half with only his bare hands when his head was filled with visions of Xavier being covered in ice. Zabuza immediately stopped what he was doing and concentrated, despite still taking gunfire.

Our youngest brother, Xavier, is in danger. All of you head to this location now, we're leaving Shadow to lick his wounds for today.

With that both Jacob's and Dante's eyes glowed as they were given the location Xavier was at. Zabuza himself also began to make a run for Xavier, in an attempt to get to him in time.
Dante heard Demon and ran as fast as he could to Xavier. He finally got to his location and he saw the ice he was covered in. He sneakily shot flames out from his fists and melted the ice. He noticed the girl and he snarled at her, focusing on Xavier.
Sphinx's eyes widened as Felix started to cry. She hugged him tight and started crying with him. "It's not yo our fault! Don't blame yourself! I...I don't want you to be sad. I don't want you to cry. It doesn't suit you! I'm the crying person here." She smiled a little and pressed her forehead against his. "Now, was that all you needed to tell me?" She asked.
Felix looked up at her. "I... I... I thi- I... yes. That's all. I'm sorry" @UnwantedTruth @AvidElmV2


As soon as the ice started to melt Three refroze it, not giving it time to melt. Four minutes. Three shot Ice shards at Dante, as well as turned some water she had pre-planted there behind Vlad into ice spikes, shooting them up at him. @Kiotaro
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S-Dante was still murdering and stealing. You know. Being the usual S-Dante.

((You mean Dante. And now I'm going to be a douche))

Dante saw the ice shards flying towards him and turned himself into lava. He slugged around to Xavier and started to melt the ice once more. It was a good thing Dante could raise the heat of his lava up to over four thousand degrees Celsius.

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