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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Hahaha, yes. I have no wish to be controlled. I'm the controller here. Not the one who gets controlled. There is no way in hell I would join with them. I team with you because you treat me as an equal rather than a subordinate. The FFA looks up to me, despite not trusting me completely." (I vote the right.)
The Demon finally stood up, slowly moving over towards Xavier's remains. He then sat there, cradling Xavier's cold head in his lap. Within his mind he was constantly reliving Xavier's pain again and again, and by thinking of it both Dante and Jacob felt it as well.

It's my fault, it's my fault, it's my...

Zabuza realized while thinking that both Dante and Jacob could hear him as well, where as he then stopped. They ended up spending the rest of the night there, mourning for their fallen brother. Upon the next morning, the Demon was still awake. He hadn't slept at all.

Finally he spoke.

"It's Sunday morning correct? I know where we can go..."

Zabuza picked up Xavier, carrying him with both of his hands. They headed to somewhere in the Neon district, for whatever the Demon had planned.
Brian paced around his room. That...whatever! Whatever that was was going to be the end of him. He was going to be locked up in a D.U.P. prison god knows where and tortured. What did Brian do to deserve this?! Brian sat on his bed and racked his mind with these thoughts. Maybe he could run..yeah, he could run, but where? Just then a D.U.P. tuck pulled up in front of his building. This was it, Brian was finished. Officers were running up his building stairs toting guns. Brian placed his hand behind his head and waited, quietly.
"What do you mean, reverse the effects? I've tried the only way I could think of: it didn't work out to well." Shadow says, lightly touching a burn mark on the side of his head.

Netherdragon said:
HE told me it's possible for him to reveal another "Shadow" Apparently you weren't the only one in there. He also admitted that your persona was the original.
"Hmm... I suppose I should FULLY explain how that works. Whatever you didn't already know (which will be most of this) counts as info, got it? Okay... So, here's how it works. I am not actually a separate conscious in his body, as it may seem. We are one and the same, really. You see, when Felix put up that large shadow dome, he couldn't control his powers. If it were during the night, it would've been much easier, but seeing as how it was almost noon, he was basically as weak as he could be. He lost control, and tried to inhibit his abilities. In doing so, he subconsciously tried to funnel the energy out his body. This, of course, created me. However, because of the immense fear, sadness, and anger he was feeling, THAT was funneled into me as well. And here I am! Those dark emotions as still harbored in him, of course, and were he to overload on his power, then yes, there'd probably be another me.
James stopped running once a DUP truck pulled up to an apartment complex. He looked around before walking towards an un-barricaded window. He kicked the window in and climbed through before running up the stairs, past the DUP. The men picked up their pace but James had to see what was in here. He went through all the room's before he found a man sitting on his bed. James didn't waste time. He grabbed the mans arm and dragged him over to the fire escape right when the DUP ran up the stairs. James pushed the man out the window and jumped after him. Once they hit the ground, James rolled around a bit before he stood up. He picked the man up and ran as fast as he could, practically dragging the man behind him. "Conduit?"
Brian, utterly stunned by the whole thing took a moment to collect himself. He just blinked a few times and looked at James. Brian said "Um, yeah, I uh, I think. How?....Why?...Who?" Brian just couldn't grasp that he was no longer in his apartment and no longer in immediate danger. Whoever this person was, they certainly had good timing. Brian took a deep breath and concentrated. A nearby window seemed to turn to a liquid and drift over. The liquid formed a ball and solidified into a glass ball.

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S-Dante had finished rampaging for the day and he crashed in an alley in the Cardboard District where he made a small dome of earth in which he resided. He would make a proper castle during the day, when he awoke. He had gotten up and stretched just to open a doorway of earth. He exited his dome and saw someone running by the alley. He stopped the man and smiled while he heated the mans insides until he burst into flames. S-Dante laughed and turned around to his dome. He started to make it look like an apartment made of earth. It finally matched the other buildings around it and he entered it, customizing it to his preferences. He finally laid down on his bed and realized it was made of stone. He got up and jumped out if his window. He landed on his feet and he stood up straight. He sighed and said, "That didnt hurt. Aww man." He walked over to a mattress store and grabbed a comfortable mattress just to steal it. Anyone that tried to stop him, got lava to da face. He dragged his mattress up to his room of his new apartment and put the mattress on the bed just to lay down again.
"So, one of Sphinx's powers is flying, huh? Don't you think what I told you is enough to deserve you telling me her other powers? I explained my entire existence to you. That's a lot."

"Hmm..." Max thinks. "The right one's color is great. Contrasts very well with your skin. Like it?"
"Fair enough... You're gonna love this. The other one, is mostly used by Saphire, her alter ego. It's literally the power of seduction."

Shard starts laughing... "Sorry, I can't get over how ridiculous the power is."
Shadow goes wide eyed and leans into Null. "You're joking! You- you- you're not kidding! Oh! Tell me, has Felix ever been seduced? Does he love her because he's being seduced? Oh, the possibilities! I'll have to find this girl! So Sapphire's basically her shadow? Ooooh, she could be useful. I can't wait! Oh, I'm as happy as a child on Christmas! You're right Null, I DO love this!"
Unfortunately for you, No... She hasn't. Wait till you hear what she does after she seduces people. However, time to pay it forward. More info.
Sphinx grinned happily and nodded furiously. "Yes! I think I'll buy it! Let's go!" She said, hanging the other dress on the rack. "Luckily I don't have to worry about make-up! No one makes make-up that's for blue people." She giggled. She began to walk to the front of the mall.
The Demon walked the streets of the Neon district, carrying Xavier's body with Dante and Jacob loyally following behind him. Those people they did encounter on the street eagerly got out of their way without daring to ask any questions. It wasn't long before they arrived right in front of the main Catholic church of all the districts.

As it was a Sunday morning, the parking lot was filled with cars. Zabuza slowly ascended up the stairs, walking into the building mid-service. The pews were filled with people, the priest was at the very front in the middle of giving a sermon, and candles were lit at the ends of each of the pews. The priest stopped his sermon and stared at the three of them that entered, as Zabuza walked forward slowly carrying Xavier...

"Forgive... me... father... for... I... have... sinned."

The Demon spoke as he walked forward, the candles were blown out as he walked past them. As he finished talking, he was standing right in front of the priest with Xavier still in his hands.

"And I will sin again..."

Hours Later

Mutilated and drained bodies were strewn across the entire church. Pews were flipped over and thrown around, as well as all the unlit candles could be found everywhere. Not a single person had managed to escape the massacre at the church. Zabuza, Dante, and Jacob were all extremely well hydrated now but Xavier had been given the most of the blood.

At the very front of the Catholic church, at the alter, was Xavier's body. The color of his skin had returned, his bones and flesh mended back together, and his pulse had returned...

"We've waited for an entire hour now. Our brother has not woken up, and none of us can sense any mental activity. It's safe to say that our brother is trapped in a coma from being unprepared for the trauma of death..."

Zabuza spoke to Dante and Jacob, who were both standing next to him and overlooking Xavier.

"In the meantime check all the bodies one last time. Make sure we haven't left any of them alive before we go. We'll just have to carry our brother with us until he wakes..."
James looked back to Brian then back ahead. "Cool. That's a really neat power. Sorry for not being as shocked as you'd probably want me to be, just busy trying to get you away from the DUP." A DUP truck cut off the road James was originally planning on using, so he veered to the left into an alleyway and stopped. He looked up at a wall then back to Brian. "Better hope this works." He said as he charged at the wall. He closed his eyes and hoped for the best before they suddenly changed direction. He opened his eyes to see that they were running up the wall. "I can run up walls! I AM Sonic!" He continued to run until he jumped over the buildings edge. He dragged Brian away from the edge and sat down next to him. "Now THAT was awesome!"
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Brian was pretty terrified at moving so quickly. He said "Well, that was..that was..would you mind letting me know when you plan on accelerating to the speed of sound?" Brian sighed "Nevermind, thanks for rescuing me from back there, by the way. This all just happened so fast." Brian started to regain his confidence and continued "So, if you don't mind me asking, who are you? I don't mean to be rude, just wondering. I'm Brian by the way, Brian North."
Shadow thinks about it. "What else do I have? Let's see... oh! Shadows are immune to being sired. Zabuza sees them as a 'lesser form of conduit.' He refuses to sire them. However, sires CANNOT be shadowed. Well, they can, but I can't control them, and I imagine Zabuza can't either. Rampaging and dangerous, even by MY standards. Worse than Zabuza I think. Scary things. I tried making a shadow of Dante, and... now there's a monster running around. Watch out for that, by the way."
"Sure man. Name's James. James Bond. No, I just kidding. It's Jame's Carter, and your welcome." James stood up and dusted off his pants before jogging around. "So Brian, what did you do to get the DUP on you like that? I haven't seen that many DUP in one place since I heard about that guy on the news in Seattle. Delsin Rowe was his name, right?"
you told me that earlier... with the exception of S-Dante. Thanks for that. Basically, she seduces them to get them in close then she eats them.
Brian said "Well, uh, about that. I sort of


accidentally shattered every window in a five block radius

. So,


that's when I found out that I'm, well, a conduit. Oh, and yeah, I think that was Delsin Rowe. It's just so confusing, this is the kind of stuff you see in comic books. Its just so bizarre and crazy." Brian stood up as well. Brian didn't really know what he would do now that he was a fugitive.
"Oh. Okay, that's pretty cool Brian. So your a glass conduit? Still though, the DUP seem to have overacted a bit. That man troops for one guy who accidentaly broke some windows? That seems kinda harsh. But hey. That's the definition of the DUP. Harsh.... Anyways, we better get moving." James sticks out his hands and smiles. "Are you okay with me moving at the speed of sound now?"
Brian responded "Yeah, to both actually. Lets hope I hold on to my lunch. Just wondering, where are we going?" Brian was getting pretty comfortable around James, but was still on edge about the whole fugitive thing.
James grabbed Brian's had and nodded. "Somewhere where the DUP aren't!" James sped off, towing Brian behind him they ran until they came to a church in the Neon District. "I know the people here. Were pretty good friends." James said as he opened the door. He was shocked to see that everyone he had known, all the people who had taken him in when he needed them the most, were dead. "What.... The..." James out his hands out in front of him and screamed out. "WHO DID THIS!?"


Jacob walked up to Xavier's remains and knelled down. He put to fingers on Xavier's eyes. and prayed for him. "God, if my he never wakes up, rest my brothers soul and give no mercy to the woman that ended his life. Give me the strength to avenge him so I set rest to him. Send the woman that did this to him into the farthest reaches of..." Jacob jumped up and turned around when a new arrival had screamed out. "Who are you?"
Brian entered the church and was utterly horrified. He put his hand to his mouth and looked around the room. Whoever did this, it was awful, there were no words for this, travesty barely came close. Brian had no words, he simply remained quiet and looked around. Brian realized that he wouldn't have a normal life again, at least for a long time.
The Demon turned around to look at the two new arrivals, keeping close to the still comatose Xavier.

"Most people would of ran the second they walked into here. I assume that either means both of you are not normal, or are foolish. To answer your question, you can just call me the Demon. Also, if anything I helped these people, I sent these foolish believers to their non-existent God.

More importantly though, there's probably about a hundred or so people less on this planet that believe in something so ridiculous."

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