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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"It's only been five minutes, Shadow. Assailant is causing you to be impatient. I know it seems like I'm going crazy, but I'm trying to prove that the fourth wall exists. Just give me time."
Shadow facepalms. "It's annoying because I'm threatening you with death, and you're talking about cosmic theories. God dammit, choose!"
"And this affects your choice, why?" Shadow groans. "Even if you ARE telling the truth, why does it matter? Why can't you choose?"
"Because I hope the knowledge of there being a fourth wall is payment in a sense. Because if I choose the first option, the FFA will kill me."
"You know they don't have to know. Besides, I still don't believe you, and likely never will..."
"Don't make me laugh. Knowing you, you're gonna tell them almost immediately. And keep in mind. If it's Shard, Felix, Shard and the FFA kills me. If it's Alex, then Shard would, and then the FFA would too. I also can't have another me going around. Though if I did have to, I'd name him Zed..." Null thinks for a minute. "How bout this... The first conduit I encoubter, that is not associated with the FFA or myself, I'll bring to you. That sound good?"

"As for the fourth wall, Daniel can see it too, and Dax can see it while in the dreamscape."
Shadow shakes his head. "I have no way of monitoring when that could be. Or that you do. No, the FFA is the best. Why can't you just take one while they sleep, bring them here, I take the shadow, you wipe their memory, and bring them back? It's 3:00 AM, they should be asleep."

Felix yawns. "I'd love to go, but let's do it in the morning... or, later today. I'm tired."
Null shakes his head. "Honestly, I don't know when they sleep. Last time I saw them sleep was when I force them to. Besides, everyone has a reaction to the power. Sometimes people see things. Besides you can monitor me. I told you I planed to stay with you for a while."
"I can't have people following you 24/7, that's ridiculous. Besides, if you wipe their memory, they won't REMEMBER seeing... whatever it is."
"That's why you get them while they're asleep. To them it will be like going to sleep and waking up. Geez, do I have to do ALL the thinking for you?"
"Seriously, don't pretend that you haven't thought it was more than coincidence that I met you when you were attacking the Reapers. Nether WANTED that to happen."
"Please don't kill me for saying this, but I thought you said there is no god. Speaking of which. Thats why I say stuff like "I swear to the nonexistent god... blah." "But anyway. I.... I don't know....
Shadow fumes and turns around, ordering three guards into the room, and ordering a fourth to send for Nil. He leaves the room and looks back. "You have one hour to decide who it will be." He says before shutting and locking the door for good measure.
A brown haired shadow looks him up and down before nodding. "My 'name' is-" He was immediately interrupted by a shadow with bright blue eyes and black hair and a practically glowing smile on his face sprinting up and forcefully grabbing Null's hand and shaking it wildly.

"Hello! My name's Cloud! Nice to meet you!!" The brown haired one sighs.

"His identification is 1... he's a bit defunct. Mine is 25."

"Oh, yes, but 1 is so boring! Cloud is a much more fun name!" Cloud practically yells out, always speaking in a loud and bubble voice.

"I remember hearing stories of a time when you were serious..." The third shadow says.

"Don't be joking, that's legend." 25 says.

"Oh no, there was a time! I had to be serious when I shot at a guy that looked like Smokescreen to save Shadow from drowning! But it was boring being that serious! But Shadow is SOOOOOO grateful for me saving him. We're BFFs now!" Cloud says, practically cheering.

"Shadow doesn't even LIKE you." 25 retorts with a look of borderline disbelief.

"Balderdash! I give him cards and everything!"

"That explains the sudden source of tinder..." the third shadow says.
Assailant said:
A brown haired shadow looks him up and down before nodding. "My 'name' is-" He was immediately interrupted by a shadow with bright blue eyes and black hair and a practically glowing smile on his face sprinting up and forcefully grabbing Null's hand and shaking it wildly.
"Hello! My name's Cloud! Nice to meet you!!" The brown haired one sighs.

"His identification is 1... he's a bit defunct. Mine is 25."

"Oh, yes, but 1 is so boring! Cloud is a much more fun name!" Cloud practically yells out, always speaking in a loud and bubble voice.

"I remember hearing stories of a time when you were serious..." The third shadow says.

"Don't be joking, that's legend." 25 says.

"Oh no, there was a time! I had to be serious when I shot at a guy that looked like Smokescreen to save Shadow from drowning! But it was boring being that serious! But Shadow is SOOOOOO grateful for me saving him. We're BFFs now!" Cloud says, practically cheering.

"Shadow doesn't even LIKE you." 25 retorts with a look of borderline disbelief.

"Balderdash! I give him cards and everything!"

"That explains the sudden source of tinder..." the third shadow says.
"Now, now... No need to be rude to each other. Now then, do any of you remember who you were before being a shadow? Oh, and personally I like the name Cloud. It suits you." Null says with a smile. Hmm, when Shadow is gone, they seem much more mellow. The seem more like actual people... If that's not info, I don't know what is.
Cloud smiles. "You know? I feel lucky! I'm one of the few people who can say they remember a time when Zabuza and Shadow were allies."

"How did THAT come up?" 25 says. Cloud shrugs.

"I don't know, it just did!"

"Anyways, don't take this one to be a-"

"Haha! This 'ONE?' I get it!"

"It wasn't a joke dumbass." the third shadow interjects.

"Anyway..." 25 continues. "Most of us aren't like this. Heck, even the happier ones aren't like this. He's a strange one..."

"And no." The third shadow once again interrupts. "We can't remember before, not that we'd want to."

"I remember!" Cloud says with a huge smile.

"That's impossible, y-"

"My name was David Hubbes, I was 24, I worked odd jobs but always managed to get by."

"Well that's... impress-"

"My best friend was Vagrand John, a funny name, who was in the same position I was. He lived in the apartment next to me. He had a girlfriend, a real nice lady. She had a child, but it wasn't intentional."

"I... th-... ho-"

"I had a girlfriend named Emma Joan, but she left. That was sad. But Vagrand helped me! My most recent job was as a plumber. Vagrand hired me at one point just to give me more money! It wasn't the quality kind of plumbing, so not much money. I-"

"WE GET IT!!!" The third shadow yells, 25 still holding a shocked expression and Cloud with a huge grin.
"Well. Why don't you want to know? I'm not trying to call your morals into question but is it because Shadow said something like say, your past was terrible before me? Oh, and I remember that. Back then, we just referred to him as the Demon. We now refer to him by his name usually. Anyway, aren't you the least bit curious? We can ask Shadow of course, but maybe, I can use my power to bring back your memories." Null says. "So, I assume Shadow told you the basic details of why you three of watching me? Oh, and Cloud? Can you let one of those two respond please? I don't mean to be rude, but you have a bit too much energy right now, and given the circumstances it's slightly awkward."
"Aww, but whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable!" Cloud says smiling, causing 25 to facepalm and the third to look down in disappointment.

"Well, we don't remember much from our past, but we DO remember the loath we had for it." 25 says, his face visibly frowning. "The elite groups have their memories, probably as a strategic advantage."

"Also, with the work we have to do, past memories could interfere." the third says, now flipping a knife he seemingly got from nowhere. "The conduits have stronger emotions, and as evident with One over here, past memories can be dangerous."
"Do you think that hatred you feel towards your past is artificial? Oh, and thats not true for all of us conduits. Personally, my emotions. I... I don't need them nor do I use them often. I don't personally feel the need to be "human" Shadow and I are alike in that way I guess. We both realize that emotions can get in the way. So we block them out. I kill as means to an end. Not out of hatred, nor joy. Just when I find it necessary."

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