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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Then you've got it wrong. Shadow enjoys killing." 25 says. "He just knows when not to do it."

"And your emotions are stronger, you're just good at blocking them out." The third says, somewhat glaring at Null. "That's all there is to it."

"And no, it isn't artificial. And if it is, why should I care?" 25 says.
"Such obedient little dogs. Shadow has trained you well. What flavor treats did he use? Where did he buy them?" Null starts laughing. "I won't deny that both I and shadow love the thrill of the hunt. It's in my blood and his. However, keep in mind. He doesn't care about any single one of you. All of you are just means to an end. If you ask him, he'll just tell you that I was right. Oh, and you there. In the corner. I don't need emotions. I hardly use them. I'll admit, over the past couple of months, I've become a bit lax and showed slight signs of emotion. However, when I killed those 50 DUPs, I reminded myself of who I am. A void. Nothing. Null."

The one in the corner chuckled. "All humans have emotions. The only time they can't is if they is if they have a mental disorder, which it is clear you do not. No matter how hard you bury them, they exist. It's basic psychology..." A look of confusion registers. "How do I know that...?"

"And we know Shadow doesn't care about us."

"He cares about me!"

"Shut up One!... anyway, he's giving us a chance at vengeance, at power. Why wouldn't we take it. Who cares if he likes us?"
"Like I said, it's amazing how obedient you little dogs are. Oh, and by the way. I can literally turn my emotions on and off at will. Does anyone have a mirror? Oh, and Cloud. Be aware, there's a huge difference of being grateful of when you helped him when I trapped him in that crystal sphere and Mirror almost caused him to drown, and caring about somebody."
"Pfft. Three said he wasn't even grateful. Shadow doesn't care, nor do we. He freed us, gave us power, gave us numbers. Why wouldn't we listen to him?" 25 says, with the third still thinking in the corner.

"Oh, whatever! Shadow's MY BFF anyway!" Cloud says, bouncing around excitedly. "Wait, we're dogs? GASP! I didn't know we were playing! I don't like that game th-"

"Oh my god One SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!" 25 yells.
"Cloud, its a metaphor. I'm comparing you to dogs because much like them, they always cling to their owner and do whatever the hell he/she tells them to. Oh, and Quarter (Null says gesturing to 25) First of all, that's my nickname for you now. Quarter. Second, who said he freed you? Who told them? Or, if it was Shadow, why did you just trust him immediately? Is it because you were insecure with your new self? Oh, and I'm still waiting on that mirror. Can someone please get me one? Just something that reflects at least." Null says.
"No siree!" Cloud says brightly. "Shadow locked the door, on the off chance you wanted to escape!"

"And we were hate trapped inside our old selves." 25 says. "He let us out. Our old selves were weak, filled with morals. We were imprisoned. He let us free of those bonds to do what we will, and in return we help him. Seems fair." 25 says. "And don't call me quarter." Meanwhile, the third seems to be mouthing something to himself.
"What do you want then? 5 squared? And aren't we outside? What door did he lock?" Null says gesturing to the sky. "All I'm asking is for you to break the glass from that window, and bring me a piece of it." (We're outside, dummy)
Netherdragon said:
"What do you want then? 5 squared? And aren't we outside? What door did he lock?" Null says gesturing to the sky. "All I'm asking is for you to break the glass from that window, and bring me a piece of it." (We're outside, dummy)
(No, he brought Null into a room. It said that.)

"What kind of world are you living in?" 25 says. "And you can either say 10 squared divided by two plus 40 divided by two minus 20, or 25. Choose."
"I like the first one, By the way, did the math. I'd be -25. Believe me when I say from what I can tell, you're gonna get sick of it WAY before I do. And don't you have communication devices? Or is that only the Elites? Speaking of which, wasn't Shadow gonna send Nil here? Shouldn't he be here by now? BOY would he be pissed if he's standing outside with the door locked."
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"We just got this place, no one knows where anyone is. Nil might be difficult to find, but he should be here soon... okay, 918, what's you're deal?"

"I was a psychologist..."


"I was a psychologist." 918 repeats. 25 shrugs.

"And that' two out of commission."


"I don't think that's how it works." 25 glares.

'OH, fun! Wait, we have to decide who will be who! I'll b-"


"You mean Cloud."



"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! DEAR GOD I CAN'T STAND YOU!!!" Cloud just smiles.
"Look who's the odd man out now? Now they're both trying to remember. Once Again, 10 squared divided by two plus 40 divided by two minus 20, I'll ask you. Did Shadow tell you why I'm here?"
"Not really, but that isn't important. I told you, I-"

"I'm not trying to remember, I DO remember." 25 begins seething.

"ANYWAYS!!! It doesn't matter. Hey, 918, snap out of it!" 918 looks up and the glossed over look is gone.

"Right, this douchebag."
"Hey little dogs? I don't care what Shadow said. Cloud? You want to make him happy? Then get me something that reflects. Believe me, I'd be stupid to try and escape. At that point, Shadow would consider me a deserter, and go after me with all of you. Now how bout you give me that mirror, glass, or whatever. I don't have all the time in the world. If you don't, I won't be able to make my decision. I will then tell Shadow that the reason I could not was because I did not have the supplies I needed to make the decision. I will then have deep pleasure in watching to see how he punishes you for going against his goals."
"Sorry Nully, but no-can-doey!" Cloud smiles. "The door is locked from the outside, and we have no keys!"
Null takes his sword, and slices the door open, and returns the sword to his sheath in a matter of seconds. "There, now go get me some reflecting item." Null says before sitting down inside the room, by the exit.
Immediately guns are trained on Null and Nil and Shadow approach. "Ooh, you almost made it Null." Shadow says. "I was worried you would do that. I was just escorting Nil back and... really, I'm ashamed." More guns are aimed at Null. "Now is your choice. I gave you a chance, and you broke out. 30 minutes gone..."
"I wasn't planning on leaving. All I wanted was a reflective item. Something like glass, or a mirror. Nothing more. I merely broke the door so 1, 10 squared divided by two plus 40 divided by two minus 20, or 918 could go break a window and bring me glass or something. I need to take care of something before I can make a decision." Meanwhile, Null is still just sitting right inside the room, next to the door (not in the doorway) just staring at the opposite wall.
Shadow tries to put together the second name before sighing. "There's some sort of bet between the two of you, isn't there? No matter, you could have just waited until Nil got here. I won't kill you, but this is another strike."
"False. It was for your advantage. I didn't break out. I just wanted to help your little dogs here help me to help you. I wanted a reflective item so I can turn off my emotions for 24 hours. If I don't do that, then they are going to get in the way. Without any emotions, I can think completely clearly without any fear and choose my best option. Oh, by the way, I was meaning to ask. What flavor is the treats that you feed your dogs, and where do you buy them." Null asks without turning his head but now having a grin on his face.
Shadow thinks about it. "Still a strike." Shadow then nods to a shadow who runs off and returns with a mirror. "Here you go, don't try that again."

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