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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Shadow grins. "4Kids shall burn and all who support it shall perish under the cloud of darkness. The flames of righteousness shall extinguish their evil light, and darkness shall coat their remains!!!"
"I'm not taking no for an answer on this. We will work together on this. I will take the CEOS of 4kids. I shall take the blood of their fans, and then, I shall coat them with it. Invoking them with fear, then, I shall kill them, slowly, one at a time, coating the next with the blood of the previous before continuing, while the remaining are forced to watch their co-workers die before they die themselves." Null says laughing maniacally.
Shadow grins. "I would work with Felix if it meant slaughtering all of those arrogant fools. They shall die, and we... we shall be humanity's salvation from these corporate beings of evil."
Netherdragon said:
"I'm not taking no for an answer on this. We will work together on this. I will take the CEOS of 4kids. I shall take the blood of their fans, and then, I shall coat them with it. Invoking them with fear, then, I shall kill them, slowly, one at a time, coating the next with the blood of the previous before continuing, while the remaining are forced to watch their co-workers die before they die themselves." Null says laughing maniacally.
Dusk continues running up. "Ohh, sounds fun! can I help?!" She says as she keeps going up.
"I think we need to formulate a list of the things that must be rid of this world. Even if you fail, these things must be gone by that time." Null says. "First, would be Starbucks. Second, we will destroy 4Kids. 3rd, is Country music." Null says. "We'll find more once we take care of these 3. Oh, and Dusk. You, you will be a very important part in this." Null says. "Oh, and Shadow, we need to get a Tesla... Just trust me, it'd look awesome."
Netherdragon said:
"I think we need to formulate a list of the things that must be rid of this world. Even if you fail, these things must be gone by that time." Null says. "First, would be Starbucks. Second, we will destroy 4Kids. 3rd, is Country music." Null says. "We'll find more once we take car of these 3. Oh, and Dusk. You, you will be a very important part in this."
"Yay!" Dusk says as she slices through more DUPs, nearing the data room.
"Fourth will be religion... there is no god. But we will purge this world of all evil, as deemed by me! I will become the savior of this world of light! I will become like a god!" Shadow pauses. "But not really a god... because there is no god... stupid."
"Ahh, what a nice reference to Death Note. Don't worry, I saw what you were doing there. Death Note is one of the few good Animes. Along with Code Geass, Full Metal Alchemist.... Come to think of it, My power is similar to the protagonist's in Code Geass. Ever seen it?" Null asks.
"Yes. And I'd hardly say it was 'one of the few'." Shadow says, completely ignoring the battle around him. "What about Sword Art Online? Sword Art Online 2? Attack On Titan? No Game No Life? You CLEARLY don't know quality. I could go on, but I'll spare you these precious minutes of your inevitably short life."
"Not any shorter than your's. You're just as old as Felix, and thus as old as me. I just appear older. Oh, and do you think I just did nothing these past years? I was bored out of my mind. Of course I've seen those. I just mentioned those three because they were my first, and therefore, I have a bit of bias towards them." Null retorts. "Hey, just for fun, want to have a sword duel? I have the sudden urge to do battle."
"I meant it WILL be short in total... anyways, a sword duel? You must know by now that I am a considerably adept swordsman, to say the least. But you want a duel? I don't know, LAST time you got into a duel with an ally, you killed him... at least I IMAGINE that was the last time, unless you've done it again recently. But know that if you get too rough, I WILL kill you, so be careful. I-" Suddenly, an explosion rocks nearby. "Oh yeah... the battle... heh, kinda forgot. We need to go he-"

"No need."

"Psych, friend, how are you... and where did you come from?"

"Same place you came from... ironically not the womb, as would be the normal answer."
Psych responds with a chuckle. "The battle has been won."

"Oh really now? Total shadow casualties?"

"How the hell should I know? That's for later."

"Fair enough..."


Psych grumbles and walks off, presumably to slaughter some people. Shadow then looks over at Null with a shrug. "Sure, I'll duel you... just be glad you aren't fighting him. He may be the one man on earth who genuinely frightens me..."
"Believe me, I know. First, I can sense your emotions. Second, he killed Shard, so I don't really like him right now. Thus I don't want to risk killing him. Third, how bout we do it to first cut or first surrender? I say cut because I don't know if Shadow's bleed. Would be fun to find out though. Fourth, I didn't just sit on my but those three years. I've also had sword training before the blast and continued it after the fact. I'm considered by many to be a sword master. Fifth, can we agree that there will be no powers? And Sixth, Battle ON!" Null says before unsheathing his sword and suddenly stoping... "I just realized. I made another reference, TOME. Nonexistent GOD I love that series."
"I can make references too. Duel, begin!... heh, Sword Art Online... speaking of which, let me try something..." Shadow focuses his energy and creates a second shadow blade, grinning. "Dual wielding passive sword skill... rare. Only the one destined to defeat the god of that world, Kayaba, could wield it... and just as such I shall slay all those in my way. Let's see how you do against my combo attacks!" Shadow yells as he rushes forward and begins slashing, the attack pattern seemingly spastic, but at the same time with every slash planned and deliberate.
Meanwhile, while Shadow was delivering his speech Null walked up and disarmed Shadow of his secondary blade. "Wow, of all people, I didn't think you'd be a cliche monologging villain." Null says. Before falling back when Shadow began to charge. He then clashes blades with him each time, blocking blow for blow. "Besides, how can you kill a god if there is none to kill? Oh, and I have an idea about the 5th thing we need to destroy." Null says as he pushes Shadow back.
As soon as his blade is hit away, Shadow grins and pulls it back. It's made of shadows fool... I can simply fly it back to me. Null barely manages to block the blows, but even as such Shadow is sufficiently surprised he is able to. Shadow kicks Nulls legs out from under him while delivering one of his blows, and holds the sword to his neck. "And what is that?" Shadow says, preparing for Null to have some sort of trick up his sleeve.
Null rolls back and kicks Shadow back and knocks his sword away. "Of course I knew that you can call your blade back, I've battled with Felix." Null says while standing back up in a flawless stance while pulling out a secondary, smaller blade out of a side pocket in his sheath. "I didn't think I'd get the chance to use my secondary." Null said. "Thanks for that chance."
Shadow grins. Just as I suspected... he's reading my thoughts. He can't turn them off... he IS using powers. He can preemptively judge my attacks... he's made this personal. I'll beat him fair and square. I'll show that arrogant fool... not even his powers can protect him now. Shadow summons his sword back to him. "You know, that disarming trick is fun, that' why I let you continue to do it. But if you keep doing that, it will become more of a nuisance than anything." Shadow then glances at the small blade. That's little more than a dagger... it won't be able to block my attacks. However, if he gets close in a sword lock... Shadow steps back, and gets in a defensive position, swords ready to counter in a position he knew he'd seen before. He grins. That stuff never leaves you I suppose. "Okay Null, your move."
Null sticks his sword in the ground. "Time out for a second. I apologize for that, I did not mean to read your thoughts. Do me a favor and call a shadow here. If I focus the power on him, I won't be able to read you as easy. That way we can play on equal footing." Null says. "Once again, I apologize for that, but in this situation, since it's just the 2 of us, There's nobody else I can focus on. We just need someone to observe. Nothing more. Can you do that please?" Null requests. "I would not want to win if I do it unfairly."
Shadow grins. "We could do that... or we could change the rules a bit. Let me explain. Passive powers. In other words, none offensive powers. You can read my mind, and I can use my umbrakineses to dash and control my sword, but not to attack you directly."
"I'd wish to not use powers at all, but I disagree completely on the shadow dash." Null says pointing to the sky. "It's night. You'd use almost no energy. I'm not stupid. It'd be too much of an advantage. If you want to change the rules slightly, we can do blade calling and mind reading but no more. If not, call a minion here so I can stop."
Shadow mockingly pouts. "And? I hardly use energy while dashing, day OR night. I hardly imagine it will make a difference. The only way it COULD is if we were fighting for, like... hours. And since I imagine this won't last for more than a few minutes, it shouldn't hurt."
"That's a complete bluff. The umba-dash involves going into your shadow form. That takes up a lot of energy. Felix can't do it for long without exhausting himself during the day. It'd be the same for you." Null says. "Besides, we just want this to be a fun duel. Thus we want it to be as fair as we can, right?"
"Yeah, if you can preemptively KNOW my moves, just being able to call my sword hardly makes it fair. And besides, Felix must have been lying to you. Read my mind if you need, I'm not bluffing in the slightest. Honestly, I don't know WHERE you get that idea... I mean, if I'm EXHAUSTED ten minutes might be my limit, but other than that, not really. We could do this for awhile. If I want to umbra-dash for an extended period of time or in a specific patter THEN it's more tiring, but otherwise not really."
"Fine, you can use it on one condition. Only use it to fall back, No using it to close distance." Null says. "That alright with you?"
Shadow tsks. "Now now Null, is that really fair? I mean, think about it. The primary reason I'd use that is to surprise you and gain the upper hand. But if you can preemptively anticipate that through mind reading, where's my advantage in that? No, I want free movement. Given that you could tell where I will be unless I act on impulse, which won't happen if I'm trying to gain distance, then you KNOW where I'll be, so where's the point?"

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