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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"I guess so. Yet again. I have no qualms with killing these people. You might as well accept the help. For me, killing them are means to an end. Nothing more." Null says.
"So you're doing this for YOUR benefit. Feel free, but this doesn't count as making up. I didn't break our deal, you did, so it'll be difficult to make it up."
"I understand but keep in mind what I said." Null says killing another soldier in cold blood. "Breaking Daniel once he becomes a larger symbol will be more beneficial for you."
"Is that not MY place to decide? If my intentions are against it, then you crossed me. You broke the deal, whether you think for better or worse."
Assailant said:
"Is that not MY place to decide? If my intentions are against it, then you crossed me. You broke the deal, whether you think for better or worse."
"Shadow, you're too focused on the now. I'm helping you think of the future. But I suppose so. Either way, I still feel you broke your end, but regardless I suppose you're gonna make me have to pay up with info?" Null inquires.
Shadow groans. "I don't know, I don't want to deal with it now. But I expect you to meet up with me for punishment/recompense later."
"Oh, what you gonna do? Make me buy you 50 hot chocolates? Go on a donut run?" Null says sarcastically cutting through 20 more DUP members like it as nothing before taking his finger and wiping the blood off the edge of his blade. "Ugh, if this blade isn't clean by time I get back, Shard is never gonna let me hear the end of this." Null says before staging another DUP.
"Sure, sure, whatever. Hey Nil, how's it going?!"

"We've almost won!"

"Good... good."
"Please, let me take out the leader.... I want to make him suffer and drip the blood of his co-workers corpses on him. Then, once he loses all sanity. Then I will let him die." Null says smiling sadistically.
"Nah. I want to assert my authority. And besides, he may be useful in some respects. So no, I'll deal with him."
"If he's useful, then I'll just turn him into a mindless slave. You can't just have him go with you. If he's absent too long, he'll draw suspicion and likely lose his rank thus becoming useless." Null says before getting to the stairs and beginning to climb the building.
"Shadowmancy... duh. I'll make him into a shadow. Besides, do you think I trust you with something as fragile as this?"
"NO! Thats what I meant. If you use Shadowmancy, he'll be forced to stay with you. That's what Shadows are inclined to do usually. Besides, if he has to "randomly" leave work, it will draw suspicion being a high ranked person. I'd be best if I use my powers. Besides, if I can make a sire countermeasure, I can easily take care of this. And I always have a reverse switch on my powers so to speak." Null says.
"A shadow follows my commands. By nature, they are inclined to stay near me. If I tell them to do otherwise, they will."
"Oh ya, and Shadow Felix sure worked out well. He just died eventually. All your shadows are doomed to die eventually. The command I plan to give is simple." Null says. "You will continue your normal life just like always, however you will begin to call 123-456-7890, which is just some phone I set up that links to mine, and you will give me any information you have. You will also be made to obey Shadow and myself." he continues. "Only reason I included myself is as a backup. Just in case you do something stupid like tell him to attack his co-workers."
"Do you not get that I literally couldn't care less what YOU think is best if it goes against my thoughts? I'm not to have you controlling my men. And anyways, all people are meant to die, and in this line of work, it happens often. Besides, Shadow Felix took someone down with him... ignore the fact he later became the first sire. That was through no fault of ours or his. This is not up for discussion."
"Actually, something interesting about the sires... I think I have a way to return them to humans/conduits, and not just mentally. Oh, and technically he's not your man until he's under your control. But fine. How bout this. You make a shadow from him, and I take the original. That way, you can put your mole into place, and just incase he dies, we can replace him with the original."
Shadow shakes his head. "You with an influential member of the DUP on your side? I don't think so. Knowing you, you'd go straight to the FFA with him. I can't have that. So no, I'll do what I wish with him. No discussion."
"Whatever... And no, I wouldn't take him to the FFA. Honestly, the only reason I stay with he FFA the majority of the time is because, no offense, but they're more stable. So please, stop associating me with them. Oh, and don't you care at all that I found a way to destroy the sires?" Null asks.
Dusk starts blasting soldiers again, leaving a trail of bodies along the way, two or three cut open with their organs taken out, seems like they were studied. "There, should be enough subjects...the data! I forgot about the data!!" She runs to shadow. "Shadow, got any way of quick transportation? That data isn't gonna last forever." She said to him.


Twilight dips her hand in the neon and absorbs it, firing 3 of 4 test beams just to make sure, it had a bright neon glow. "Perfect! Now then, let's get started!" Twilight said as she went to a wall and started blasting neon onto it.
Shadow shakes his head. "You work for both sides, so I have every reason to associate you with them. Besides, from what I've heard, they trust you even LESS than I do. So, stop complaining wuss. And if you've found a way to defeat the sires, I worry that you've found a way to defeat my shadows too... and I don't want that." He then turns to Dusk. "No, I don't. Gotta run."
Assailant said:
He then turns to Dusk. "No, I don't. Gotta run."
Dusk growls in anger. "RRRRAAGGGHHH!!!!" She yells as she blast a DUP member, dismantling his limbs and ripping out his heart, crushing it. She then starts running into the building, thinking of the quickest way up. "Gah!!!! Need the DATA!!!!! And I have a sudden urge for a hot chocolate at a Dunkin donuts.... IT CAN WAIT!!!!" She said as she started running up the stairs.
"Interesting assumption, but why would I conspire against you? Speaking of which. I personally plan to stick with you over the next couple of days. However, Shard, Dax, Alex, and Twilight are staying with the FFA for now. It will just be me for a little while." Null says


[QUOTE="Son of Crota]Dusk growls in anger. "RRRRAAGGGHHH!!!!" She yells as she blast a DUP member, dismantling his limbs and ripping out his heart, crushing it. She then starts running into the building, thinking of the quickest way up. "Gah!!!! Need the DATA!!!!! And I have a sudden urge for a hot chocolate at a Dunkin donuts.... IT CAN WAIT!!!!" She said as she started running up the stairs.

"I got you covered. I'll take you to hot chocolate after this if you want." Null says.
"Your interest in me makes me even more certain of a conspiracy... and you're working for two sides that are warring, you'll have to choose one sooner or later... and Dusk, what info could you possible gain from them? Anyways, soon this base will be ours. You can keep them here."
"I'm avoiding choosing a side as long as I can. For all I know, I may even participate in the final battle just to remain neutral. And that's not why. I need your army for something. There's something I've wanted to do for a long time. We're going to go destroy 4Kids."

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