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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Shadow looks at him. "You're wrong." He says. Then thinks about it. "Weeeeelllll I suppose you're SOMEWHAT right. Yes, studying her would be interesting. But I know what you are implying, and you're grievously wrong on that account." He then looks at Dusk. "Well, we do to some extent! You're much higher on my respect levels than the others."


"Don't worry Smokescreen, love you too buddy."

"I didn't ask for your acceptance..."

(FYI, Shadow hasn't yet discovered his feelings for her yet.) Shadow then turns to Daniel and walks behind him pointing the blade to the back of his neck.
"Hold it... What do you want in exchange for Daniel's survival? Would you like me to assist in the assault? Do you want to hear how devastated Felix was when he heard about Sparkler?" Null asks before walking up to him again. "Honestly, I'd prefer the former. I've been too warm blooded recently." Null whispers while grinning.
"Hmm... all very tempting, but..." Shadow then begins to press the blade into Daniel as the blade begins to disappear into his neck. Daniel's eyes widen as he's paralyzed from the pain.
"Shadow. Is he really a threat to you? Can someone truly feel the need to kill without hate? Why would he attack you. There is no other human on earth as innocent as him. There will likely never be another. His innocence is a double edged sword. Yes, you may not be able to make a Shadow from him, but he can't be a threat either." Null says as he knocks back Shadows blade with his own.
Shadow grins. "You wish to fight me? You do not understand. Of course he HIMSELF couldn't hurt me... but he could be a beacon, an inspiration. We can't have that, now can we?" He then cuts an "S" into Daniel's back.
"No, I don't wish to fight you Shadow." Null says as he gets in front of Shadow blocking his slices at Daniel. "Listen." Null says as he pulls Shadow aside, out of earshot for Daniel, just in case. "There are MUCH better ways to destroy a beacon. Ways that will destroy all hope. Right now, he's only a beacon for the FFA. But as you gain in power, he will become a beacon for others. At that point, if you break him. It would be much more effective. Killing him now would be pointless." Null says. "You are an intelligent person Shadow, you know what I'm saying is true."
"No, then I risk martyring him. And a martyr is more dangerous than a leader." Shadow shoves Null aside and walks up before slicing at Daniel.

Suddenly a gust of wind hits shadow, sliding him back a bit. looking up, he sees Daniel looking at him, standing.
"Enough..." He says in a shaky voice. Shadow grins before running at him again, only to be flung back by a gust of air as Daniel takes flight. Shadow glares at him.

"Dusk, help me out here."
Assailant said:
"No, then I risk martyring him. And a martyr is more dangerous than a leader." Shadow shoves Null aside and walks up before slicing at Daniel.
Suddenly a gust of wind hits shadow, sliding him back a bit. looking up, he sees Daniel looking at him, standing.
"Enough..." He says in a shaky voice. Shadow grins before running at him again, only to be flung back by a gust of air as Daniel takes flight. Shadow glares at him.

"Dusk, help me out here."
"You don't understand." Null says. "You don't kill him." He says before coming back up to shadow. "You break him. Make the symbol become your own. Prove that nobody can resist." Null says making sure Daniel can't hear.
Assailant said:
"No, then I risk martyring him. And a martyr is more dangerous than a leader." Shadow shoves Null aside and walks up before slicing at Daniel.
Suddenly a gust of wind hits shadow, sliding him back a bit. looking up, he sees Daniel looking at him, standing.
"Enough..." He says in a shaky voice. Shadow grins before running at him again, only to be flung back by a gust of air as Daniel takes flight. Shadow glares at him.

"Dusk, help me out here."
Dusk looks over at Shadow. "I don't want none of that kid but whatevs, I'll save you." She said as she fired a long distance shadow beam at Null and Daniel.
Null puts up the sword in front of him. The crystal caused the beam to deflect back outward in multiple directions, much like a prism. "Thanks, Shard." He says.
Daniel yelps and ducks before noticing who is shooting. "T-Twilight?"

Shadow thinks for a moment. "A good idea... If I knew it would work. He is the one human being I know who has no shadow... He's much too dangerous."

"No Daniel." Null yells turning back. Don't think for a minute that Twilight would attack you. This is Dusk. Twilight's shadow."


Assailant said:
Daniel yelps and ducks before noticing who is shooting. "T-Twilight?"
Shadow thinks for a moment. "A good idea... If I knew it would work. He is the one human being I know who has no shadow... He's much too dangerous."
"EXACTLY!" Null whispers. "Thats why you need to mentally break him. Once the symbol falls, so will their hope. Both their confidence in him and their hope will crash to earth. However, now is not the time."
"Hmmm... breaking people... just what I do best." He grins as he walks over to Dusk. "He obviously has strong feelings towards Twilight... pretend to be her and torture him.'
"Not now Shadow." Null says as he goes back by Daniel to defend him. "I told you, you'll have your chance, but not now. I'm taking Daniel. I don't want to fight, yet I won't hesitate to slice any shadows you send after me." Null says before running off with Daniel in tow. "Daniel. Remember, that girl there is not Twilight. She's a entity made of the darkness in Twilight who was given a form by Shadow. She does whatever he asks of her. Whatever she does, remember, that isn't Twilight. Twilight is back at the FFA base."
Shadow grins. "Well well null, you just broke our agreement. Let's see how you have to make up for this..."
Assailant said:
Shadow grins. "Well well null, you just broke our agreement. Let's see how you have to make up for this..."
Dusk looks at Shadow. "They're getting away. By probability, we have a 50/50 chance of catching them, depending on how far they are." She says analytically.
He hides Daniel in an alley. "Stay here. I'll take care of things." Null says before going around the block and returning the other direction alone. Before either of them have the time to formulate a plan of catching up. "What agreement was that?" Null says panting slightly. "To not take Daniel? You never told me not to do that. Besides, you broke your agreement to me about Twilight."
Shadow tsks. "Nope. Twilight remain unharmed. Althhooouuuughh, you just crossed me, meaning Alex and Twilight are up for the killing. That was our agreement."

Shadow tsks. "Nope. Twilight remain unharmed. Althhooouuuughh, you just crossed me, meaning Alex and Twilight are up for the killing. That was our agreement."
Assailant said:
Shadow tsks. "Nope. Twilight remain unharmed. Althhooouuuughh, you just crossed me, meaning Alex and Twilight are up for the killing. That was our agreement."
Shadow tsks. "Nope. Twilight remain unharmed. Althhooouuuughh, you just crossed me, meaning Alex and Twilight are up for the killing. That was our agreement."
"Actually no. That wasn't exactly our agreement. Technically, both of us violated it." Null says. "By harm, that include emotionally. Thus, by messing with her emotions and creating a shadow. Null says gesturing to Dusk. You violated the agreement. "Either way, You also tried to make a shadow of Alex. We're not bringing him back. Ever... Shard and I aren't gonna take that risk." Null says before pausing. "Want to know something that will cheer you up slightly?" Null asks.
Netherdragon said:
"Actually no. That wasn't exactly our agreement. Technically, both of us violated it." Null says. "By harm, that include emotionally. Thus, by messing with her emotions and creating a shadow. Null says gesturing to Dusk. You violated the agreement. "Either way, You also tried to make a shadow of Alex. We're not bringing him back. Ever... Shard and I aren't gonna take that risk." Null says before pausing. "Want to know something that will cheer you up slightly?" Null asks.
"I did nothing TOO Twilight. So you're wrong. And what will cheer me up."
"Ok, thats a blatant lie. You took her emotions. You didn't do anything she could sense, but did you really think it would get by me? I sensed some change. I figured it was too good to be true, but I decided not to jump to conclusions." Null retorts. "As for what will cheer you up, Felix was pissed that we brought Alex to you, whether it was our choice, or not, which it wasn't of course. Meaning, unless Alex chose his words carefully, Felix may want to kill me yet again. Now, if you'd excuse me." Null says pulling his blade back out from his sheath before rushing inside the DUP building and slicing through multiple DUPs in cold blood. "Ahhh. I forgot how fun it is, the sensation of being the anti-hero. Not a hero, so no qualms with killing, yet not a villain, so still able to make allies." Null says to himself.
"If you haven't noticed, I'm a villain, and... Yeah...

Also, wrong sir. You CLEARLY don't understand my powers. I did absolutely nothing to her."
Null hums to himself has he cuts through more DUPs as well as taking out every computer he can along the way.

"Whatever." Null says. "I'm returning the favor by assisting with the assault." he says with a grin. "So can we quit with the semantics? I think we're both making up for the deals we think the other broke. So how bout we just call it even by just completing this attack?"
Shadow rolls his eyes. "I didn't ASK for your help." He says, making a shadow shield to block a rocket. "You know, you COULD have just NOT interfered..."

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