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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Shadow groans as he completes the shadow building. He sits back down and wipes the sweat from his forehead. That was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. Her methods of controlling energy were insane! Now to wait...

@Son of Crota
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Assailant said:
Shadow groans as he completes the shadow building. He sits back down and wipes the sweat from his forehead. That was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. Her methods of controlling energy were insane! Now to wait...

@Son of Crota
Dusk wakes up and looks around, looking at Shadow. "Who the hell are you?" She said tiredly.
Shadow rolls his eyes. "Now now Twilight, don't pretend you don't know who I am... actually, I guess you're not Twilight anymore. I'll call you Dusk. Anyways Dusk, shadows still have all their memories. You know who I am."

@Son of Crota
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Dusk sat up and rolled her eyes. "Whatever Shadow. Lemme out of here so i can study the insides of my victims." She said as she felt the shadow energy coursing though her veins.
Shadow nods. "Soon enough. Believe me. But you need to rest up. You are still newly formed, you're weak... say, Dusk, as you know we have a big fight coming up. How would you like to test your abilities on the DUP?"
"Those simpletons? Not worth the effort." Dusk said to him. "Although, maybe if there was some useful info or data there, I could do some damage..." She said smirking evilly.
Shadow grins. "Apparently there's some info on Null. If you want to look at it before destroying it, I could turn the other way."
"Wow, you are up and at it quickly. It must be due to your body's natural capability of absorbing and converting energy, it's converting the shadow energy to physical energy. Either that, or I'm just getting good. We've still got two hours before the attack, so go around. Do what you'd want. But I'd recommend that you, at some point, introduce yourself to the elite squad. Their names are Psych, Nil, Smokescreen, and Three. Ask around for them if you can't find them. If any soldiers ask you who's asking, just say you're the newest elite."

@Son of Crota
"Could be both, but okay, I'll go meet the co-workers. And newest elite? Please. Soon, you'll want me ruling right by your side." She said as she walked out with a smirk on her face.
Shadow raises his eyebrow and chuckles, shaking his head. I am the one true ruler. No one by my side.
Dusk walks and sees 4 different soldiers talking to each other. "Hello losers, I'm lookin for Nil, Three, Smokescreen and Psych. Know where I can find em?" She said to them.
Smokescreen groans. "Who the hell's asking?"

Nil rolls his eyes. "That's commander douchebag. We are they."

Three thumps him on the head. "What are you doing? You can't just give a stranger our info."

Nil shrugs. "What's the harm? If she's not supposed to be here, she'll end up dead."

Psych narrows his eyes. "I recognize you... you're that Twilight girl. The one Shadow was fawning over."

Smokescreen chuckles. "Fawning over? Blackmail!"
Dusk rolls her eyes. "You must be them. I'm guessing you're psych huh? You're wrong. My name is Dusk, I'm the newest member of the elite. Looks like I'll have to be workin with you guys on the assault today." She said grinning evilly. "And yes, Shadow was quite...interested in my counterpart. But I am basically an exact replica, so therefore, He was fawning over me." She said with a smirk.
"Well, welcome to the group!" Nil says with a smile. "We have a lot of fun in this group!" He says as Nil hugs Psych and Smokescreen hugs Three. Three quickly blasts Smokescreen off and Psych crushes Nil's hand before walking off. "D-don't w-worry about h-him. He's a.. stick in the mud." Nil says, holding his hand in pain.
"Right...well, seems like you and me are gonna be good buddies...when you're done with that hand, can i dissect it for scientific purposes?" She said curiously.
"OVER MY DEAD BODY... in other words when I'm dead, sure, you can take it." Nil nods.

"What, is my hand not good enough?"

"And that's Smokescreen."

"The girl that I keep getting wet is Three."

"I think she's getting YOU wet most of the time."

"I'm excitable, what can I say?"
Dusk looked at this group with interest. "Right...well while you guys are carrying it hot and heavy, how about you tell me your powers? Not like I got anything else to do." She said rolling her eyes. "Let's start with you Wet boy." She said to Nil.
Smokescreen chuckles. "What do you think? My name makes it PRETTY clear. Smoke." He then smoke dashes behind her. "Smokescreen does not condone smoking of any kind. Unless you're on fire. Then go ahead."

Nil chuckles. "My power is... well, nothing really. However, I CAN create weapons out of my energy. Basically that. The girl's power is water, and the guy's is shadow, like Shadow. Apparently he's like Shadow v2. Interesting thought."
Nil turns around and sees Three still walking off. "Hey Katara! Dusk wants you to shoot her!"

"I won't harm allies... unless they're perverts." She yells back, causing Smokescreen to nudge Dusk .

"It has to do with her powers!"

"I need to organize the troops. You should be helping!" She yells back, still not turning around, before going off into a group of soldiers
"Okay then, shadow boy, shoot me." She said waiting for him. "Now I'll show you why Shadow was so...taken with me and my power." She said smirking.
"Well, see, my shots are essentially bullets, so-"

"I'll shoot her!"

"Wait, Smokescreen, we do-" Smokescreen quickly jumps in front of Dusk and shoots a shadow bolt at her.
Dusk absorbs the shadow bolt and grins evilly. "Oh yeah! That's what I'm talkin about! Now it's my turn..." She said evilly, firing a powerful shadow beam back at smokescreen.
Smokescreen dashes out of the way. "Now that's a douche move. Smoke is MY deal. Now for my signature move: SMOKESCREEN!" He creates a wall of smoke and walks up behind Dusk. "Not even YOU can do that, princess Dusk."

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