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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Ya, No. That's BS, Twi. You haven't seen Dax since the blast if I'm not mistaken. In which case, Dax didn't have dream powers and he couldn't teleport you to his dream world." Null says.

"And now you're lying to children?" Shard says mockingly shocked.

"How could you be so mean?" Alex cries.
"Can it be considered a fanfic if it's real life?" says Three, as she reveals herself on the field, startling everyone except Null who could, of course, sense her. "I was sent to retrieve the body of Null, but it seems that task is impossible."
"I was hoping to tell Shadow in person of me living, but I suppose you found out huh? Mind doing me a favor Three? I want to tell him in person. So do me a favor and don't tell him anything till he's done with his assault, then bring him back here. Or, if you want, we can just go wait at the warehouse. Either way, I want to be there when he first learns of this." Null says.

"Um, what about Alex?" Shard asks.

"He can come along. So can all of you, but please let me do the talking and stay safe. Oh, and Twilight. Do not bombard Shadow with questions or he will not hesitate to kill you." Null warns.
Three pulls her hand down from her ear, and stops talking. "Sorry, too late. Shadow knows..." She then raises her hand back to her ears. "And he requests an audience with you, as well as the new conduits."
Null sighs. "Figured he would have bugged you. Can I speak to him? I have one or two conditions first."

Meanwhile, Alex hugs Shard for protection.
Netherdragon said:
"Ya, No. That's BS, Twi. You haven't seen Dax since the blast if I'm not mistaken. In which case, Dax didn't have dream powers and he couldn't teleport you to his dream world." Null says.
"And now you're lying to children?" Shard says mockingly shocked.

"How could you be so mean?" Alex cries.
"Objection!!!" Twilight said to them. " I met Dax after the blast! He saved my life! We trained together and I could go in his dreams then!" She said Correctingly. "Take that!!!"
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]"Objection!!!" Twilight said to them. " I met Dax after the blast! He saved my life! We trained together and I could go in his dreams then!" She said Correctingly. "Take that!!!"

"Not the time Twilight. Love the reference, but not the time. This is one of the Shadows... Just please, when we go visit them, I'll handle the negotiations. I don't want you guys to die." Null comments.
Three places her hand back onto her ear and then looks back to Null. "You may speak through me."
Three talks into her headpiece for a bit before looking up. "He says he does not know what these new conduits' abilities are, and as such does not wish to hand the communicator over to you. He says if you have negations, state them now."
"I wish immunity for the conduits while we have our conversation, and our conversations from now on. These 4 specifically. Second, I wish to meet you here... It'd be easier to explain what happened with visuals. Third, bring Psych with you."
Three listens to the earpiece a bit before responding. "Shadow says he can not promise immunity for the FFA, however he can guarantee safety for these four as long as none of them ever harm his plans, or attempt to cross him. He also says that he can not meet here, as he has work to be done and can not leave."
Netherdragon said:
"Not the time Twilight. Love the reference, but not the time. This is one of the Shadows... Just please, when we go visit them, I'll handle the negotiations. I don't want you guys to die." Null comments.
"Die? Dax...what is he talking about?" Twilight says in a worried voice. "Just listen to him for now, trust me." He said confidently. "O-Okay..." She said, clinging to him.
"Tell him that I know about the raid on the DUP, and that I will wait till afterwards here... If necessary you can keep an eye on us to make sure we don't move." Null responds.
Three shakes her head. "He strongly wishes you come now. He could wait, but the attention he'd get after the raid would put you all in danger. That, and he will also need to regroup his men."
"Fair enough, lead the way." Null responds. "All of you, come along. Please, it's for your own safety."

"Come on, Alex... It will be ok. You trust me right?" Shard asks.

Alex hesitates. "Yes, I trust you." He replies.
Three nods and leads them to their base.

Shadow watches the caravan of people approach and grins. "WELCOME!!!" He yells, throwing his arms out. "Two new conduits? Well, you've got some catching up to do mister."
Psych walks up to them. "Yes, this is Psych." Shadow says. Psych eyes them for a moment, then points at Alex.

"I want to kill him."

"Slow down there."

"I want to rip his head off, and play jump rope with his spine." Psych says grinning. "And then I'd play 'eye spy' with his eyeballs, and learn to play the piano with his arms."

"Slow down buster, you'll get your moment." Psych takes out his sword and points it at Alex.

"C'mon, can I PLEASE kill him?"

"No. Go kill some hookers or something." Psych frowns and walks off. "Isn't he adorable?"
"Ya... About that..." Null goes up and melees Psych with his sword. "I owe him something." Null says with a smug grin facing Shadow.

"Why does that man want to hurt me so bad?" Alex says holding back tears.

"It's alright, Alex. There are just people in this world who are that bad. Don't worry. Shadow promised he wouldn't let him kill you, and if I know one thing about Shadow so far, is that I haven't seen him go back on his word." Shard says with a smile while kneeling down to Alex's level.
Psych eyes him angrily. "I changed my mind, I want to kill him."

"Oh, believe me, if I know Null, you'll get the chance."

"I want to kill him REALLY bad."

"Often times, so do I. Go kill five times as many hookers."

"Grr... can I rape them?"

"Before or after?"

"Whichever comes first."

"Go ahead."

"Good, at least you left me some liberty." Psych says as he walks off. Shadow then turns to Null.

"Sorry 'bout that... except not really. Now that you've seen him, you know not to double cross me. I expect to never have a repeat of that mind wipe incident... now, tell me about these two conduits." he says, walking over to Alex.
"No. First, I want compensation if you wouldn't mind. You're new friend over there is responsible for Shard's death. If it weren't for Felix. She wouldn't be here right now." Null says with monotony.
"If it WASN'T for Felix? Wow, if that isn't a new one." Shadow kneels next to Alex and looks at him for a bit before grabbing the sides of his head and shaking him a bit. "You are so gosh darn cute!" He then stand up and looks back to Null. "I have some info for you, should that be enough?"
"Depends on how valuable." Null responds. "But it's gonna have to be pretty big to repay me for the death of someone as close to me as Shard was."

"Thank you?" Alex says curiously. "You aren't gonna kill me are you?" Alex asks holding onto Shard.
"Unless you cross me, it's unlikely." Shadow says. "You know that guy,uh what was his name... Shift? yeah, he's dead." Shadow grins.

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