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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Erm... Actually... I think we should stop by Shadow later on tonight... Alex... When we go. Stay by one of us at ALL times... He'll be really upset if I don't tell him that I'm alive in person..."

Shard... We need to make sure that Alex has ABSOLUTE protection.

"Erm... Why?" Alex asks.

"Well, lets just say Shadow is about... half of how Felix just was, but all the time..." Shard responds while creating a full suit of armor for him.

Anyway. Both of you, (Twilight and Alex) can ask any questions you have on my powers. I'll answer within reason.
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Netherdragon said:
"Erm... Actually... I think we should stop by Shadow later on tonight... Alex... When we go. Stay by one of us at ALL times... He'll be really upset if I don't tell him that I'm alive in person..."
Shard... We need to make sure that Alex has ABSOLUTE protection.

"Erm... Why?" Alex asks.

"Well, lets just say Shadow is about... half of how Felix just was, but all the time..."
Twilight thought for a minute. "None at the moment, I would have some if i got my dna sample..." She said frustrated.
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"My name isn't important. Regardless of what Dax told you, you are to refer to me as Null." Null says. "Anyway, my power isn't that good on it's own, however, when combined with my mental processing, I can really put use to my mind reading. Oh, and what do you hope to get out of DNA anyway? And Dax, I ought to kill you for revealing my name to anyone."
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Netherdragon said:
"My name isn't important. Regardless of what Dax told you, you are to refer to me as Null." Null says. "Anyway, my power isn't that good on it's own, however, when combined with my mental processing, I can really put use to my mind reading. Oh, and what do you hope to get out of DNA anyway? And Dax, I ought to kill you for revealing my name to anyone."
"Alex, take my word for this, the FFA isn't always like that."

"The whoitwahtnow?" Alex responds.

"The FFA is Felix, Max, Sphinx, and a couple others we haven't seen for a very long time. It stands for the Freedom Fighters Alliance." Null responds.


"Shard? The sires?" Null asks.

"Now's a good of a time as any." Shard replies.

"Ok." Null turns Alex. "Alex, if there ever comes a time where god forbid you are sired." Null says activating his power. "You're will will remain your own. You can make your own choices, and you do not have to listen to the one who has sired you." Null says as we notices red rings appear around Alex's eyes before fading as he accepted the command.

Meanwhile, Alex was seeing the following. Millions of transmutation circles all being used at once. He was able to use all of them. Even one's he's yet to see. It was there he realized, there are more things he can do with alchemy he has yet to discover.

(Alex now has the countermeasure.)

"I assume you have questions on what just happened? Eh, Twilight?" Null asks.
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Netherdragon said:
"My name isn't important. Regardless of what Dax told you, you are to refer to me as Null." Null says. "Anyway, my power isn't that good on it's own, however, when combined with my mental processing, I can really put use to my mind reading. Oh, and what do you hope to get out of DNA anyway? And Dax, I ought to kill you for revealing my name to anyone."
"Oh, okay then! Well my power is absorbing any substance and shooting beams made of them, hence the fire." She said smiling. "Well, I hope to differentiate the conduit gene from humans! In human cells, there are double helix's, but after looking at my own mutated conduit gene, it seems it's a mutated triple helix! It's so exciting! But I need more samples to be sure that is in every conduit." She said analytically.

Netherdragon said:
"Ok." Null turns Alex. "Alex, if there ever comes a time where god forbid you are sired." Null says activating his power. "You're will will remain your own. You can make your own choices, and you do not have to listen to the one who has sired you." Null says as we notices red rings appear around Alex's eyes before fading as he accepted the command.
Meanwhile, Alex was seeing the following. Millions of transmutation circles all being used at once. He was able to use all of them. Even one's he's yet to see. It was there he realized, there are more things he can do with alchemy he has yet to discover.

(Alex now has the countermeasure.)

"I assume you have questions on what just happened? Eh, Twilight?" Null asks.
"Actually yes, what just happened? And who are the Sires?" She said curiously.
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]
"Oh, okay then! Well my power is absorbing any substance and shooting beams made of them, hence the fire." She said smiling. "Well, I hope to differentiate the conduit gene from humans! In human cells, there are double helix's, but after looking at my own mutated conduit gene, it seems it's a mutated triple helix! It's so exciting! But I need more samples to be sure that is in every conduit." She said analytically.
"Actually yes, what just happened? And who are the Sires?" She said curiously.

"Ok, first, why would it being a triple helix matter to you? What does it do? And second want to know what just happened?" Null turns to Twilight, and repeats his countermeasure on her. "That just happened." Null ends with a grin.
Netherdragon said:
"Ok, first, why would it being a triple helix matter to you? What does it do? And second want to know what just happened?" Null turns to Twilight, and repeats his countermeasure on her. "That just happened." Null ends with a grin.
"Did you just use mind powers on me...without my permission?!" Twilight tries to calm herself down. "Next time, ask permission, I'm the one who's supposed to be probing minds here." Twilight says as she straightens her clothes. "Anyway, a triple helix was considered to be a rare gene, it's something only video games talk about today, it's almost become a rumor. And triple mutated helix's contain different conduit powers, but contains the same structure as any other triple helix. It's fun!" She said happily.
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[QUOTE="Son of Crota]
"Did you just use mind powers on me...without my permission?!" Twilight tries to calm herself down. "Next time, ask permission, I'm the one who's supposed to be probing minds here." Twilight says as she straightens her clothes. "Anyway, a triple helix was considered to be a rare gene, it's something only video games talk about today, it's almost become a rumor. And triple mutated helix's contain different conduit powers, but contains the same structure as any other triple helix. It's fun!" She said happily.

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!" Null laughs maniacally. "You must be joking when you think I'm not the one who probes people's minds. I am reading your mind right now. Don't forget that. I can see you're whole past. All of it. And there's nothing you can do to stop me." Null smirks evilly. "Anyway, what I did was just saved your mind that you find so precious from being corrupted by the sires. You're welcome." Null says deadpan
Netherdragon said:
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!" Null laughs maniacally. "You must be joking when you think I'm not the one who probes people's minds. I am reading your mind right now. Don't forget that. I can see you're whole past. All of it. And there's nothing you can do to stop me." Null smirks evilly. "Anyway, what I did was just saved your mind that you find so precious from being corrupted by the sires. You're welcome." Null says deadpan
Twilight gets really angry and shoots fire at the sky in anger. Then, she takes out a golden staff with a ruby on the bottom and her head on the top. "You wanna get hit baka!?" She said angrily. "You need some obedience lessons...conduit obedience lessons." She said pointing the golden staff at him.
"You realize, I can simply control you if I merely request it. Now be a good little conduit and stop striking my nerves before you regret it." Null says before Shard pushes him back. "Null, you know that's not the best idea." "I know, It's a bluff." Null replies with a whisper. "But she doesn't know that."
Netherdragon said:
"You realize, I can simply control you if I merely request it. Now be a good little conduit and stop striking my nerves before you regret it." Null says before Shard pushes him back. "Null, you know that's not the best idea." "I know, It's a bluff." Null replies with a whisper. "But she doesn't know that."
"First of all, who are you to take away my free will?!" She says angrily. Dax holds her back as she tries to charge at Null. "Twi, Twi! Stop, it's okay, just stop, okay? Calm down." He said holding Twilight. "But Dax! He's a total douche!" She said angrily.
Null then freaks out screaming before jumping into the water. "What was that?" Alex asks. "I have no idea." Shard responds.
Netherdragon said:
Null then freaks out screaming before jumping into the water. "What was that?" Alex asks. "I have no idea." Shard responds.
"Um...Dax? What...what just happened?" Twilight says in a confused manner. "I've never seen him like this, beats me." Dax said shrugging his shouders.
Null swims back to shore. "Glad I got that out of my system. I just realized, ever since I've been revived, I've been way too... mellow... I just needed to hit something. I'm not the kind of person who is just buddy buddy with everyone. I don't take sides. I'm an agent for all sides. That's the kind of person I am."

"So.... Basically, you just wanted to hit something..." Shard inquires.

"Yep, so I hit the water." Null replies. "Not my finest moment, forgive me. Anyway, so Alex... Care to explain to everyone why it is that you're able to make fire by snapping?"
Shadow looks around at his elite squad and tells them what to do. Three gives a firm salute, Nil nods, and Smokescreen rolls his eyes before all running off to do what they say, leaving only Psych. "What do you want?"

"Well," Psych begins. "I thought you said I'd get to kill."

"I never said you wouldn't. What's the problem here?"

"You're taking prisoners." Psych says. "That means alive."

"Yes, but I'll only need them for a short time. After that, I'll need someone to dispose of them."

"That's where I come in?"

"That's where you come in."

"So, if I can't kill in the fight, what CAN I do?"

'Oh, you can kill. Just leave a bunch for me."

"Ugh! I have to control my killing?"

"Just a bit. Remember, when I win, you can kill anyone I allow."

"Anyone you allow?"

"Get ready, there's a battle to fight." Psych growls and walks off.
"Well I have made these gloves myself. Or, I made the inscription anyway. The inscription is a special transmutation circle. It allows me to create fire out of thin air. I don't know completely how it works." Alex says.
Daniel and Max sit in Felix's room, not sure what to do. "S-should we t-tell S-sphinx?"

"No, I don't think so. She'd freak about him. No, let's not tell her. She doesn't need to know."

"O-oh... Max? Can I ask you a question?"


"Null just d-died."

"Yes, and?"

"Well, that's the problem... that's no big thing to you."

"Well, it can't be in this line of work."

"Well, he was an ally..."

"What's your question Daniel?"

"This seems like something you're used to..."


"How many people have died before him?"


"If so many people have died that you can be so calm when an ally dies, how many have come before him... b-before me?" Daniel says in fear.

"You aren't dead Daniel."

"Yet." He murmurs.

"This is a tough business, kid, and-"

"How many have we lost? How many have been left behind?"

"... ten"


"If you count the deaths where people have returned, then yes."

"O-oh dear." Daniel stares at the ground, eyes wide in fear.
Netherdragon said:
Null swims back to shore. "Glad I got that out of my system. I just realized, ever since I've been revived, I've been way too... mellow... I just needed to hit something. I'm not the kind of person who is just buddy buddy with everyone. I don't take sides. I'm an agent for all sides. That's the kind of person I am."
"So.... Basically, you just wanted to hit something..." Shard inquires.

"Yep, so I hit the water." Null replies. "Not my finest moment, forgive me. Anyway, so Alex... Care to explain to everyone why it is that you're able to make fire by snapping?"
"Interesting..." Twilight says analytically. "So Null is a douche by nature...oh well, everybody has flaws." She says smiling. "Anyway, I've heard of that kind of equivalent exchange that Alex does. I believe it's called transmutation, a part of alchemy. Am I right Alex?" Twilight said analytically.
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]
"Interesting..." Twilight says analytically. "So Null is a douche by nature...oh well, everybody has flaws." She says smiling. "Anyway, I've heard of that kind of equivalent exchange that Alex does. I believe it's called transmutation, a part of alchemy. Am I right Alex?" Twilight said analytically.

"So I've been told." Null responds.

"Thing is..." Alex starts while snapping his fingers at the ground, but this time, instead of fire, a cloud of smoke came out. Alex then uses the smoke to silently sneak up behind Twilight. "A magician never reveals his secrets." Alex says from right behind her.
Netherdragon said:
"Thing is..." Alex starts while snapping his fingers at the ground, but this time, instead of fire, a cloud of smoke came out. Alex then uses the smoke to silently sneak up behind Twilight. "A magician never reveals his secrets." Alex says from right behind her.
Twilight giggles and pats Alex's head. "Silly boy..." She says leaning closer and getting a really creepy face. "Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie. Magic isn't real, art is a lie." She whispered before returning to her bright normal self.
While Twilight was citing her mantra, Alex proceeded to break down and cry. "Why can't I believe in magic? Why can't I have fun. I'm only 12."

"And you called me a Douche, Twilight. However, I must ask. Who's the one who just caused a boy to cry?" Null comments.
Netherdragon said:
While Twilight was citing her mantra, Alex proceeded to break down and cry. "Why can't I believe in magic? Why can't I have fun. I'm only 12."
"And you called me a Douche, Twilight. However, I must ask. Who's the one who just caused a boy to cry?" Null comments.
Twilight leans back down and dries his tears. "There there, I'm just messing with you. I got that mantra from one of Dax's fanfic dreams." She said with a smile. "Wait, what?! Twi! Stop going in my dreams." He said to her. "Aww, but it's fun...oh well. And Null, you're a douche by nature. There's a difference."

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