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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Felix begrudgingly hands Max over to Alex and then sternly looks him in the face. "I swear to f*cking god if he is dead when I come back I will kill you in ways you couldn't even BEGIN to imagine possible." Felix then runs over to Sphinx's, slipping on the ice multiple times, before coming in and seeing the babies, letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank god they're alright."
Sphinx nodded. "Yep..." She said, laying on the ice. She slowly closed the door and crawled on all fours back to the infirmary.
Assailant said:
Daniel nods. Huh, another like me? That's strange, I never SAW another one like me over there... interesting. Daniel nods. "T-t-that w-would be interes-sting to f-f-fi-ind."
Twilight smiles and nods. "Yep! Anyway, can I go meet the rest of your friends Dax?" She said to him. "Sure! You me and Daniel can ride on my hoverboard." He replied. "Hoverboard? That's a new trick." She said smiling. "Alright then, let's go! he said to Twi and Daniel as they got up and went outside the Dunkin Donuts.

Daniel smiles lightly and gets up. "Th-they're m-my friends t-too! They're all really nice! Especially Felix!" He then flashes back to the crystal tunnel. "Even if he can be a bit... scary." He yelps.
Shard walks up to Felix. "Hey, about Alexander. I have good news.... You know how Zabuza can bring people back to life?"

Meanwhile, Alex is crying, away from the fire, after Felix left. "I'm only trying to help" He sobs.
Felix turns around and looks at Shard. "Yeah?" God, seeing her back in her original form is very disorienting. "I told you, we'll find him, and get Null to him."
Assailant said:
Daniel smiles lightly and gets up. "Th-they're m-my friends t-too! They're all really nice! Especially Felix!" He then flashes back to the crystal tunnel. "Even if he can be a bit... scary." He yelps.
Dax summons the hoverboards. "Twi, why don't you ride with Daniel this time?" He said stepping on the hoverboard. At first, Twilight looked disappointed, but then she settled with it. "Mmm......okay, i guess." She said stepping on the plate.
Sphinx comes back into the room carrying her babies. "Hey guys....shard? I just realized you look different...did you get a haircut or something?" She asked.
"I have been reborn, for god's angels have told me I am the almighty savior." She jokes.

"Lets see if I can remember this right" Alex says sniffling and talking to himself. "To revive someone from the dead, I first need to repair the body." I then need to infuse that body with an alchemical symbol. Once that's done, they're properly revived. However, the alchemical symbol has to be drawn in my blood."
Daniel steps on behind her, blushing. It's okay... she may be a stranger, but she's Dax's friend. So she's a friend to me too.

Felix grins a little. "He can bring him back to life. That's great." The Felix's smile is gone. "What's the catch?"
"All I know so far is that he repairs the body, then infuses the person's soul back into it. I suppose the only catch would be that technically, he can put someone elses soul into someone's body, or that he is unable to use alchemy for a couple days after the procedure." Shard responds. "You know, I wonder if he can infuse my presence into anyone. Technically, I'm not a real person anymore. Just a soul who's been given a form."
Sphinx scratched her head. "This is all very confusing...we have soul but there's no afterlife?" She asked, frowning.
"Sorry hun, but if that's his logic then it's wrong. There IS no soul. I would know, I died. You're not a soul, you're just a bunch of memories and emotions packed into a shadow. It's the sad truth."

Felix looks at Sphinx. "No, we don't. He must be assuming that people have souls. I doubt there's been a scenario where he's had to resurrect someone."
"Pretty much. My theory is this. WE turn into the collective unconscious. A combination of all human minds in the afterlife, but we don't have any affect on the world, so we have no "afterlife".


Assailant said:
"Sorry hun, but if that's his logic then it's wrong. There IS no soul. I would know, I died. You're not a soul, you're just a bunch of memories and emotions packed into a shadow. It's the sad truth."
Felix looks at Sphinx. "No, we don't. He must be assuming that people have souls. I doubt there's been a scenario where he's had to resurrect someone."
"He has"
Felix facepalms. "I HAVE DIED!! No, there isn't. I know what it's like. I've died twice."
Sphinx frowned, placing the babies on an infirmary bed. "Well that's depressing...so...when we die, it's just blackness everywhere? Just alone with your thoughts?" She said.
"Well boo hoo for him, no way he'd be able to tell. From the guy who has actually experienced death, I can tell you there is no soul."
"Maybe, you've just committed too many sins to see it, or maybe, his mind was young enough to be open to understanding it."
"So there is a soul?" Shard smirks. Meanwhile. downstairs, Alex appears to be talking to someone. "Explain again how it is that this works? What exactly is a soul?... It's just their memories? So I'm just doing memory binding?"
UnwantedTruth said:
Sphinx frowned, placing the babies on an infirmary bed. "Well that's depressing...so...when we die, it's just blackness everywhere? Just alone with your thoughts?" She said.
"Not even your thoughts... just alone. It's terrible. And I've done it twice. Each time felt like an eternity..."
"I think what you were talking about is limbo. Maybe the universe knew you weren't gonna die permanently. Now anyway, where is Alex?"

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