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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Felix stops. He had expected her to say no. But she hadn't. She had said "I hope not." That uncertainty: the knowledge that anyone around you could be dead in a few minutes and you'd be too afraid to look down because you know your hands would be stained red... it was all too familiar to him. His face softens as he gently lifts Sphinx's face to look him in the eyes. "I'm here for you... I promised you that no one would die to Sapphire while we're watching you, and I have yet to break that promise."
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Sphinx's cheeks were wet from tears. Sphinx looked up at him. "I have a question....how do we know that I'm not what was created from the blast? How do we know that Sapphire is the real sphinx, the one before the blast? And what's stopping Sapphire from coming out right now and killing you?" She continued to cry.
"Your ex, James. He knew you before. The way he talked about you... it was obviously Sphinx. He even called you Sphinx. That's your name. But even if you WERE what was created, you're the best freak of nature I've ever met. And what's stopping Sapphire from coming out? You. You're stronger than her, better than her. You're everything she pretends to be."
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Assailant said:
"Your ex, Jason. He knew you before. The way he talked about you... it was obviously Sphinx. He even called you Sphinx. That's your name. But even if you WERE what was created, you're the best freak of nature I've ever met. And what's stopping Sapphire from coming out? You. You're stronger than her, better than her. You're everything she pretends to be."
"Null was like that too. Imagine how hard it was on him. If he so much as joked and said, 'Go jump off a cliff.' or 'Go play in traffic' The person would be forced to. His power seems like it took so much to control, yet you never thought about that, did you, Felix..."
"Shard, you haven't gained independence yet. You're still my domain right now. I could snap you like a twig just by thinking of it." Felix says, beginning to get angry.
At this Shard ran away to sit outside of the base. "Wait... I have an idea of how to fix it. If I recall, my crystals can absorb shadows... So... Maybe if I infuse my body with crystals... I'll fix the problem! Yet again, he may have meant that I'm made of shadow... In which case, I could kill myself..."
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Felix sighs and looks back at Sphinx, sighing. "See what I mean? We're both in this together."
Shard walks back in to the base, and since she is so distracted in thought, she forgot she left the hatch to her room open and she falls in, falling on her back, with a large thud that echoed through the base, and knocking herself out. (IDK why I wanted to do this... No idea why.)
Sphinx placed a hand on Felix's arm. "It's alright...I....I'm sorry for going out of my way to seduce another man..." She said with a frown.
"I-it's okay. You did it for Max." He gives a little frown. "I still wonder if that was the right choice... but nothing we can do about it now. I-" Felix hears some thuds and turns to the doorway, seeing Daniel in it. He then notices black stuff all over his arm. "What's that."

"S-s-swamp monster b-blood." Daniel says, causing Felix to go wide eyed.

"They nearly slaughtered Max... and you don't have a cut on you?" Daniel blushes and gives a shrug before walking off. Felix looks at Sphinx in disbelief.
Sphinx's eyes widened as she looked at Felix with the same amount of disbelief. "Did....did that just happen? Did our adorable little Daniel actually....kill?" She said, her eyes filled with fear. She then shutters. "People like me too..." She sighed.
Felix shakes his head. "Well, THAT takes my whole world for a loop. Like, even when I first killed, even now when I kill, I'm absolutely INCONSOLABLE. Daniel seems so... nonchalant about it."
Little did everyone know that in the last few seconds before she slipped from consciousness, Shard set up a unstable pillar in the base above her room that would eventually fall and make a large thud. (hasn't happened yet)

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