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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Ok." Shard says before lowering the walls again and falling asleep again out of exhaustion. (Believe it or not, I like the think the dress consumed more energy then those walls because of how she has to turn it into a fabric.)
Flux landed down next to Max and kicked away a corrupted that had started to make it's way towards him. "Is that green blood? Oh, that's sick! Hey, get back! No! No, he is NOT your dinner! I don't know who he is... But I'm not gonna let you eat him, you.... You freaks of conduit nature!"

Flux slid one of her brass rings off her arm and shoved it in a corrupteds mouth, making a sick sizzling sound. "Eat it! Eat it all!" Flux kicked the final corrupted onto the ground before her wings turned to ash and she fell down next to Max. She poked him a few times and groaned.

"Please tell me your not dead.... Well, if you are dead.." Flux stod and grabbed Max's foot before sliding off his shoes. "Maybe I'll take these shoes...."

(Yes. I do plan on stealing Max's shoes if he doesn't wake up soon.)
Sphinx, who's face was incredibly dark blue, looked at the others. "Sorry you guys had to see that..." She muttered with a frown.
Max gurgles a little as blood comes out of his mouth and he groans. He can see a figure in the light, but can't make out any features.

Daniel blushes and runs inside the building, still not entirely comfortable from the events earlier, and being reminded of her scarcity of clothing didn't help.

Felix grins. "No, no, it's cool." He says, chuckling
Sphinx cocked her head and looked at Felix. She then put her hand in front of her mouth and her eyes widened. "You liked it didn't you?!" She exclaimed.
Felix blushes and he smiles lightly. "Well what did you expect? That seemed excessive even by SAPPHIRE standards."
"Wow! Okay, so you are alive.... Well, so much for a new pair of shoes." Flux hesitantly picked up Max and slung him over her shoulder. He was actually a lot heavier than she expected but she could manage. She walked in a random direction once she remembered she didn't have a clue where Sapphire was. "Hello? Does anyone own a half dead man? Anyone? I mean, if no one wants him I could just feed him to the zeds."
Sphinx blushed even more. "Oh my god! You.......like scandalous clothing?" She asked, crossing her arms, putting her hands on her face.
(She should see the base from there, but I suppose Felix could call out.)

"Take it to a room you two." Shard groans as she continues to crawl before hearing someone call out about a half dead person. "Max. God Dammit, why did you do that to yourself." She realizes.
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"Will you stop spitting blood on me!? God.. I'm trying to save you and a bloody shirt is what I get." After awhile of wandering, Flux found a strange looking building in the middle of the swamp. "If no ones here, this place is mine. But I doubt I'll be that lucky." Flux cautiously approached the base, afraid of getting jumped by those things again. "Hello? Anyone here? If not can I have this place?"
Shard got up, using as much strength as she could bear. "I'll handle this." She walked outside to meet the person. "Hi... I'm assuming considering that you found Max alive, and that you're alive despite fighting those things, that you're a conduit. Name's Shard by the way" She says while supporting herself with the wall of the base, but not showing any sign of weakness to the new conduit in front of her. (poor shard. Btw, for a while I'm going to use the mood thing to show her feelings.)
Netherdragon said:
Shard got up, using as much strength as she could bear. "I'll handle this." She walked outside to meet the person. "Hi... I'm assuming considering that you found Max alive, and that you're alive despite fighting those things, that you're a conduit. Name's Shard by the way" She says while supporting herself with the wall of the base, but not showing any sign of weakness to the new conduit in front of her. (poor shard. Btw, for a while I'm going to use the mood thing to show her feelings.)
"Do you Max? He's been painting with blood for about five minutes and my back was his canvas." Flux walked into the building and was surprised to see Sphinx. "Oh, hey Sapphire. Is this that Felix kid?"
"Lemme guess, you were gonna be another one of Sapphires victims, weren't you." Shard inquired. "Listen. Sphinx and Sapphire are two people who share the same body. She, or they, have the power of seduction. Sapphire lures her prey in, has some... fun with them, before consuming them. However, Sphinx is supposed to be the dominant personality, and she tends to avoid using her powers. As she knows they can be dangerous."
Flux turned to Shard, an eyebrow raised. "Okay, sure. So..... The Swamp. You guy's really didn't think this out, did you?"
"Obviously not. I don't know why they decided to come out here... I just came to make sure they were safe, I'm a good personal friend. Anyway, mind sharing your power?"
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"I'm not telling. I'll think about it though. Anyways, I'm assuming that you control..... What, glass? Your name being Shard and all." Flux leaned against a wall and sighed. "Hey, have you seen a really pale kid around here lately?"
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(You can't just assume that, Shard could mean glass, or other things, revise the post.) "I guess we both won't share our powers for a bit. and no, I haven't. But I'll look out for him. Want to come in?" She asks.
"Ya. I really don't want to stay out here any longer. Those things were freaky." Flux took a deed breath before walking into the base. "So you built this place or something?"
"Unfortunately, no. However, I did set up the old base... Was really good. I also teamed up with a guy and he introduced me to the FFA. His name was Null." Shard says before looking down. (Man I really need Zabuza back. I need him to approve my character...)
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"You made the old base? Man, I wish I could make buildings with my power.... I mean, I could try, but I would probably hurt people REAL bad. Anyways, Sapphire told me about this kid named Felix. Anyone else I should know about?" Flux said, straining to carry Max around. "Also, where do I put this guy?"
Felix grins at Sphinx. "Well, I don't really have a... problem with it. At least, knowing you're Sphinx that is." He then looks at Max and panics, running to him. "W-WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM!!! GET HIM TO THE INFIRMARY!!!"

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