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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Flux was about to dump Max on top of Null until some crazy kid started to yell out her. "..... It's rude to yell at people, even if you are psychotic." Flux looked to Shard and nodded and began to walk away. "Okay, show me where this infirmary is."
Daniel stares at Max before glaring. Those swamp monsters... I'll go give them a stern scolding! Daniel flies out before anyone can stop him and lands in front of a group of five beasts. "Hey!" He yells, loud for him, but relatively meek compared to most people. The monsters look at him. "Y-you hurt my friend! Say you're sorry!" The monsters look at him and growl. "That's not sorry!" One of them rushes at him and tries to cut his throat. He quickly, without thinking, bends air forcing himself into a crouch. He then bends air upwards, pushing himself into an uppercut that launches himself and he monster into the air. He then hovers while rapidly punching the monster, pulling the monster towards him with air and keeping it up, while bending air around his fists making them faster. He then flies back and propels himself so fast he hits the monster and punches its head off. He looks at the other four with an angry glare. "Anyone else!"

Felix begins to lead Flux to the infirmary. "Look, you saved Max, so thank you, but you are also quite rude. I don't like rude. The LAST person that was rude betrayed us and almost killed Sphinx. I'm not letting that happen. And believe me... you don't KNOW psychotic"

Psych opens fire on the helicopter, blasting through the windshield. He shoots spiked blasts, impaling the driver and causing him to careen. The helicopter crashes on the building as the rotors cut up Shift, sending his body flying. The body turns back to human in the hair and lands, cut at the waist, in front of Psych. Psych picks it up and holds it over his head, letting blood pour into his mouth. He catches Shadow staring and holds the body out for him. "Want some?"

"... n-no. That's... no." Shadow says. Psych shrugs and continues drinking. "Say... what do you say about us teaming up."

Psych raises his eyebrow and looks at Shadow. "Really, what's to keep me from killing you now?"

"As you know, I am building an army. When we conquer the world, I'll make you head of the police."

"I don't DO law."

"Yes, but it's MY police. Yours too. Meaning WE make the law. We will BE the law. and anyone who breaks it goes up to the chopping block, with YOU as judge, jury and executioner." Psych grins giddily.

"When do we start?"
Assailant said:
Felix grins at Sphinx. "Well, I don't really have a... problem with it. At least, knowing you're Sphinx that is." He then looks at Max and panics, running to him. "W-WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM!!! GET HIM TO THE INFIRMARY!!!"
Sphinx's eyes widened as she followed Felix and Max into the infirmary. "Can...can I help with anything?" She asked.
Felix grits his teeth. "I- I don't know." Not another one, not another one, not another one! NOT MAX!!! NOT MAX!!!!
Sphinx frowned and covered her mouth with her hand. "Want me to get some doctors or something? I can seduce them into helping us." She said frowning.
Felix frowns. Max could survive... but seducing people to do your bidding is wrong... what would Max want? "I... n-n... no... no... no..."
Flux looked to Sphinx and smiled. "Hey Sapphire. Or Sphinx. Or whatever your name is now." Flux stopped for a moment to readjust Max before she jogged to catch up with Felix and Sphinx. "Hey, are we almost there?"
Felix nods. "Just here... on your left." They walk in and place Max on a bed. Felix kneels down next to him. "We need someone with field medicinal knowledge. Get Ma...- oh, yeah." Felix sighs. "Please... not another one..."
"Kid are you okay? You seem distressed." Flux put a hand on Felix's back and smiled. She had been like this once. She had lost a very good friend who had sacrificed themselves so that she could get away from the DUP.
Felix closes his eyes and puts his head on Max's chest, trying not to cry. "Max... Max, please wake up..."
Sphinx teared up. She quickly ran out of the infirmary. She grabbed her hoody and flew as fast as she could towards the city.
Daniel flies over another blade and flies down onto the monsters face, before grabbing it and lifting it into the air and flying, before blasting it back to the ground head first and snapping it's neck upon impact. "You guys should surrender now!"
Shard was watching all this from afar with awe.... "Wow, Null is more correct in that theory then I thought. He appears to be innocent, but when out of his shell, Daniel is an almost merciless fighter."

(Should we try to get Dax on and make him use a Senzu bean?)

(Who's turn is it?)
Sphinx flew back to base with a guy wearing a doctor's jacket back to base. She landed in front and walked in. "Everyone! I have a doctor!" She called. Of course, she had to use addiction.
Felix looks at her in disbelief and walks over to her. "Did you use your powers?" He says to her. "Is this man willing to be here?"
Sphinx walked around Felix to Max. "It doesn't matter. Max is the only thing that matters at the moment." The man suddenly started to look at Max's wounds. "Yeah, I should be able to fix this up. I'll need you guys to leave the room though." He said frowning.
One of the monsters growl as Daniel growls back. The monster raises both his arms up and out and swings them inward, but Daniel blows the arms back, before blowing them back in at a different angle, causing the blade arms to stab the opposite legs. He then rotates another swamp creature that was about to stab him so the sword pierces the other monster's face, while the same thing happens to the prior monster, and both die. He looks over at the last one with a glower. "Last chance."

Felix feels torn up inside. She evaded the question... so the man is being affected. But... he's gonna save Max... but, it's not of his own will... Felix sighs and walks over to the wall and curls up against it, putting his head between his legs.
Sphinx nods slightly, fighting back the tears in her eyes. "My work is done....I'm going to my room." She muttered as she exited the infirmary. She walked to her room and laid on her bed as she began crying.
Felix watches her leave and follows her, standing in the doorway of her room but not entering. "Sphinx... did you use your powers on that man?" He says, but the certainty in his voice makes it hardly sound like a question.
Sphinx slowly nodded as she weeped into her pillow. "I'm sorry...I promised I would use my powers for good....but I didn't....I'm just like her..." She said, crying.
"Felix." Shard says as she walks in. "Want to know what Null, erm. Matthew would say in this situation? What matters are results. He used his powers for good, not the best good, but good. Just like you did now Sphinx. You aren't a terrible person, and you are not at all like Sapphire." She goes up and gives Sphinx a hug. Before standing back up and walking back to the rooms entrance.
"Hey, uh, Ellie? Sphinx doesn't really like you. I don't think she wants you comforting her." He says, before looking back at Sphinx. Is what she did wrong? She just saved a man, Max no less, but at the same time...

Her powers are chaotic. This isn't love, it's lust. Lust ruins lives. It's so evil it's one of the seven deadly sins...




I'm right there with you Sphinx.
"Sphinx... you... did anyone end up hurt?" He randomly asks her

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