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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Sapphire grinned. "Well then, might as well give your what you want." She said with a frown. Her eyes suddenly changed to green. She fell backwards, the crystal piercing the back of her neck. The blue blood trickling from her neck.
As soon as Sapphire said that Shard turns to see the transition back into Sphinx, and as a response to this action Shard turned the crystal spikes into a wall so that Sphinx doesn't hurt herself. "I wonder if she's ok." She thought. "And why would Sapphire just relinquish control like that? It's not like her..." She then turns back to Daniel "Daniel. Please... Talk to me."
After a few minutes of searching, Flux was about just about ready to give up before she caught sight of a man running from a group..... "Wow, what the....? Why....... What....... Who..... Nevermind...." Flux swooped towards the group and shot of few of them onto their backs before flying back up to avoid getting hit.
Felix paces up and down the hallway of the FFA base, his footsteps echoing down the empty hallway. Where are they... I hope they're alright

Max flies backwards as a gash appears along his chest. He lands on his back and props himself up with a groan, quickly pulling out his shotgun and blasting a swamp monster towering over him. He lifts himself onto his feet with another groan before looking to his left only to see a green explosion and go flying again. The snarls grow around him as his arms grow weak and light begins to fill his vision.

Daniel wants to answer but is simply to embarrassed. "Y-y-y-you didn't d-do any-ny-nything S-S-Sh-Shard." He says meekly.
"Daniel... None of that is your fault. None of it. Her power is seduction. As far as I know, the only ones who are immune are straight females, homosexual males, and children. Though the children is a guess on my part."
Daniel gets up and hugs her. "Shhh, shhh..." He says, forgetting about his own embarrassment in a want to calm Sphinx. "There there, it's okay. The important thing is no one was hurt."
She then turns to Sphinx. It's not your fault either. You and Sapphire are two different people forced to share the same body. It's not your fault. The one to blame here is Sapphire. Not Daniel, and not you." Shard sighs as Daniel goes over to Sphinx... "Of course you respond to her immediately." Shard mutters under her breath. she sighs again. "Null was so much better at these kinds of things." she thinks. (either of you can respond at this point)
Daniel steps back and smiles before looking out the door. "We should probably head back to the base now, I think we're all tired."
"I'm sorry I can't bring myself back... I... Just need to rest. Promise me something. Make sure not to push yourselves on the way back. Take it slow." Shard says before falling asleep.
Daniel nods and walks out before looking back at Sphinx. "Hey Sphinx, look! I learned how to control my air better!" He then jumps up and flies around in loops faster and more stable.
Sphinx giggled slightly, still carrying Shard. "Good job. But if you wanted to learn how to fly, you should've asked me." She said with a grin. "Ready to go?" She said.
"Our flight methods are different, so it probably wouldn't have helped. But yeah, I'm ready!' Daniel says, finishing with a few loop de loops and landing gently on the ground.
Sphinx smiled and began to flap her wings. She flapped her wings and flew out of the warehouse. A while later they landed in front of the base. She walked in. "Guys?" She called, frowning.
Felix immediately sprints and hugs Sphinx. "You're okay! Is anyone hurt? Did anything bad happen?" He then notices the dress Sphinx is wearing and his mouth immediately falls open.
Sphinx slowly shook her head. "No ones hurt. Daniel almost-" she stopped realizing he was concerened about something else. "Something wro-" she looked down at herself. "GAH!" She said, dropping Shard accidentally and trying to cover as much of herself as possible.
Felix stares for a few moments before shaking his head and closing his eyes. "Uh... do you want to change?"
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Shard sprung awake as soon as she hit the ground. "What the! Oh... Here... Let me help." Shard says as she forms walls around Sphinx and makes a dress inside the room similar to the one she gave Sphinx for Christmas but with more coverage. (Don't worry, the walls are absolutely nontransparant)

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