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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Flux stares blankly at Daniel before turning to Sapphire. "Um.... Sphinx, are this guy one of your friends or something?" Blake stared at Daniel and grinned. "Hi. My names Blake! Touch my goddess queen and I'll chop your arm off!" Blake said in a happy tone.
"Your goddess queen?" Daniel says, tilting his head. "Felix wouldn't be happy to hear you say that!" He says, smiling brightly.
"Well, Felix can go shove a stick up his ass. FAR up his ass." Blake pushed Daniel out of the way and continues to walk forwards. Flux was standing next to Daniel, her arm still wrapped around Xander's neck. She turned to Daniel and smiled. "Ya, sorry about him. He's been acting weird ever since Sphinx showed up. Hi, I'm Flux. This is Xander."
"He's been acting weird since Sphinx showed up?" Hmm... didn't Felix mention something about Sphinx? I can't remember what it was though. "Hi! I'm Daniel! And he might want to be careful about talking badly about Felix around Sphinx, they can be quite defensive of each other... b-but that's only my thought, of course." He says, blushing. "Anyway, I'm looking for a Sapphire, do you know where she is? Also, Sphinx, Felix and Max seem to really want you back for some reason."
Assailant said:
Max sighs. "That's why he'll run... hopefully."
Daniel flies until he sees Sphinx, and two people he doesn't know. He flies down and lands next to her.

"Hello Sphinx! I'm looking for a girl named Sapphire. Do you know who she is or where?"

Shadow shadows out of the way at the last second, dodging the missile. The shrapnel misses him, as he's in shadow form, but he reforms in time to be hit by the blast wave. as he's falling off the building, He blasts Shift hard in reflex.
Sapphire's eyes widened as she pointed in the direction of the swamp. "I saw her going that way! She was carrying a bunch of explosives and guns!" She exclaimed. She really was a good actress.
"What!" Daniel yells. "Oh no, thanks Sphinx!" He turns to fly off before stopping and turning around. "As I was saying, Max and Felix want you ba-... wait, if you saw someone heading towards the base with explosives, why didn't you stop her?"
Flux stared down at Sphinx, her hands on her hips. "What are you talking about? No one came through here with-" Blake cut her off, kicking her hard in the leg before running towards the swamp, Flux hot in pursuit. "Why you little!!" Blake looked down at Sapphire and smiled. "Okay, where to go?"
Daniel blushes. "S-sorry for asking... hey, you should bring those two back to the FFA! Or... never mind... bye!" He yells, flying off. Where do I recognize the name Sapphire from... Felix mentioned it earlier at some point, as well as Sphinx. He stops flying, looking back towards where Sapphire was. I have a bad feeling about this...
Sapphire grinned in Blake's arms. "Don't ask. Just a while more. Want me to carry you and fly there." She said with a smile.
Daniel looks at there and quickly flies back to the FFA base.

"Any luck?" Max asks as he walks in.

"I found Sphinx, she said Sapphire was coming here with weapons." Felix and Max stare at each other, dumbfounded, and Felix faceplates. "What?"

"Sphinx IS Sapphire, or rather they are basically ying and yang."

"Ooooh... uh-oh." Daniel says, before running out of the building and flying towards Sapphire.

Assailant said:
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" He screams at the girl eating the leg.
UnwantedTruth said:
Sapphire looked at the leg, then at the man, then at the leg. "Eating. Why do you ask?" She asked, taking another bite.
Daniel's eyes widen. Oh... oh no
*sigh... Why didn't you stop him?" Shard asks, "He can't go on his own... He's to scared... He's afraid he'll upset you if he does anything to Sphinx even if Sapphire's personality is dominant at the time."
Max chuckles. "It has nothing to do with Sphinx. That kid is afraid of his own shadow... I don't know for sure, but that's very possible. He can do this... right Felix... Felix?" Felix stands up, head looking at the ground.

"I won't let him die."


"I'm going after him."

"What! Felix, you're weak to those powers."

"I don't care."

"Shard, restrain him! I'll go after Daniel!" Max yells, running out of the house as Felix attempts to follow.
Before Felix could leave Shard sealed the exit. "Felix, think about this rationally. I know you don't want him to die, none of us do, but you can't fly, and there are those creatures out there. You also can't teleport without using massive amounts of energy. We just have to wait now that he left again."
"Those creatures... MAX!!!"

(Yes, I planned this. Bad ass fight sequence, go!)

Max runs through the forest before tripping on a root. He rolles, and then comes back to his feet, slowing down. Something's off. It's so... silent. Suddenly, he hears a growl. Turning around, he sees a swamp monster. "whoa, whoa, what are you." He quickly forms an auto rifle and mows it down. He turns to see two more. He lifts the gun to fire as they let out a howl. He shoots at one, mowing it down, while the other gets too close fore comfort. He jumps back, narrowly dodging a blade hand, and then ducking to avoid again, before changing the gun to a shotgun and shooting it, shooting it twice more while it's down for good measure. He then notices five surrounding him as more come. "Come get some, f**kers!"
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"That's the problem! If bullets don't work, Max is dead out there!"

Max ducks under another blade before blocking another with his shotgun and side rolling away from the blade shooting towards his stomach before blasting the head off that monster. He then ducks and blows out one's stomach, knocking it over and shooting it again. He then runs into the open and turns at the wave heading towards him. He changes it to two automatic handguns with blades and begins opening fire.
UnwantedTruth said:
Sapphire grinned in Blake's arms. "Don't ask. Just a while more. Want me to carry you and fly there." She said with a smile.
"I don't mind. As long as you fly faster than her!" Blake stopped and set Sapphire down before he got tackled by Flux. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU KICK ME FOR!" Blake simply grinned and laughed nervously. Flux stood and looked around, noticing that they were in the swamp. Gunshots rang out as she tried to find the source. "I'll be right back. You guy's get to the.... Wherever it is that Sapphire lives." Flux closed her eyes and took a deep breath as an orange aura came over her before wings shot out of her back. Her eye's turned a fiery orange color as well before she took to the skies, searching for the source of the gunshots.
Daniel keeps flying as he notices gunshots, and cringes at the noise. This is not gonna be fun...
Sapphire grinned, wrapping her arms around Blake's neck. "So...now that we're alone..." She said with a smile. Dinner time. She thought.
Daniel keeps flying. I need to go faster. He pushes as much wind as he can, while bending the air in front of him, causing him to fly out of control and crash. He just so happens to crash right in from of...

"Sapphire!" He says, standing up, but facing the wrong direction. "Come back to the base!"
Shard has the rustling and cracking of trees in the distance. "I think that may be Daniel.... lets go check!" Shard creates a tiny platform below her and uses her power to speed her away in the direction of the noise, however, since she isn't making it go too high, she isn't using too much energy.
Sapphire sighed and frowned. She took out a piece of paper, which had her number, and stuffed it into Blake's pocket. "Gotta go hot stuff. Sorry." She said before flying into the air.

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