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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Scarlett gave a slight nod, of embarrassment, but brushed it off quickly. Stupid mistake. Quick to leave the room, holding the door open for Jake of course.
Max looks down at Daniel and sighs, walking down the stairs. About half way down, he hears the door behind him open. Turning around, he sees Sapphire walk out. That dress is very... strange for Sphinx to be wearing. He thinks for a moment before shrugging. Probably just wants to look good after her pregnancy. Maybe she's enjoying wearing something like that again after the birth? Meh, women. He gets down and helps Daniel up. "You okay there? That was quite the tumble."

Daniel gets up with his eyes closed. "Am I out?"

"Of Sphinx's room? Yes, you are."

Psych slams to the ground, pinned by the gorilla. He looks up to see the sun hanging low in the sky. Damn it, that's gonna make this more difficult... not impossible by any means, but difficult. Psych looks up at Shift and grins. "Hey, buddy, you and I both know I can get out of here no problem. So look, why don't you just let me leave here, and I'll let you live... this time." Psych continues to grin. The best part was... he wasn't bluffing.

A ray of light hits Shadow's face as he walks towards the field. He blocks it with his hand and keeps moving. He arrives at the field and looks at the golem carcasses. So, Smokescreen wasn't exaggerating. Wow. So Null and Shard really ARE dead. A loss, I suppose. He then notices the helicopter. Someone's here? And this isn't a news or DUP helicopter, this is private owned. Shadow walks up and gets inside. "I think I'll just be taking this."
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Assailant said:
Max looks down at Daniel and sighs, walking down the stairs. About half way down, he hears the door behind him open. Turning around, he sees Sapphire walk out. That dress is very... strange for Sphinx to be wearing. He thinks for a moment before shrugging. Probably just wants to look good after her pregnancy. Maybe she's enjoying wearing something like that again after the birth? Meh, women. He gets down and helps Daniel up. "You okay there? That was quite the tumble."
Daniel gets up with his eyes closed. "Am I out?"

"Of Sphinx's room? Yes, you are."

Psych slams to the ground, pinned by the gorilla. He looks up to see the sun hanging low in the sky. Damn it, that's gonna make this more difficult... not impossible by any means, but difficult. Psych looks up at Shift and grins. "Hey, buddy, you and I both know I can get out of here no problem. So look, why don't you just let me leave here, and I'll let you live... this time." Psych continues to grin. The best part was... he wasn't bluffing.

A ray of light hits Shadow's face as he walks towards the field. He blocks it with his hand and keeps moving. He arrives at the field and looks at the golem carcasses. So, Smokescreen wasn't exaggerating. Wow. So Null and Shard really ARE dead. A loss, I suppose. He then notices the helicopter. Someone's here? And this isn't a news or DUP helicopter, this is private owned. Shadow walks up and gets inside. "I think I'll just be taking this." Shadow gets it off the ground, but having no idea how to fly, crashes into a building. He manages to jump out before he can be hurt, but the helicopter is totaled. Never mind...
(I am going to assume since there has been a huge passage of time that Felix and Shard are back now.)

Shard runs in carrying Null's corpse, looking around frantically for somewhere to put him.
Assailant said:
Max looks down at Daniel and sighs, walking down the stairs. About half way down, he hears the door behind him open. Turning around, he sees Sapphire walk out. That dress is very... strange for Sphinx to be wearing. He thinks for a moment before shrugging. Probably just wants to look good after her pregnancy. Maybe she's enjoying wearing something like that again after the birth? Meh, women. He gets down and helps Daniel up. "You okay there? That was quite the tumble."
Daniel gets up with his eyes closed. "Am I out?"

"Of Sphinx's room? Yes, you are."

Psych slams to the ground, pinned by the gorilla. He looks up to see the sun hanging low in the sky. Damn it, that's gonna make this more difficult... not impossible by any means, but difficult. Psych looks up at Shift and grins. "Hey, buddy, you and I both know I can get out of here no problem. So look, why don't you just let me leave here, and I'll let you live... this time." Psych continues to grin. The best part was... he wasn't bluffing.

A ray of light hits Shadow's face as he walks towards the field. He blocks it with his hand and keeps moving. He arrives at the field and looks at the golem carcasses. So, Smokescreen wasn't exaggerating. Wow. So Null and Shard really ARE dead. A loss, I suppose. He then notices the helicopter. Someone's here? And this isn't a news or DUP helicopter, this is private owned. Shadow walks up and gets inside. "I think I'll just be taking this." Shadow gets it off the ground, but having no idea how to fly, crashes into a building. He manages to jump out before he can be hurt, but the helicopter is totaled. Never mind...
(No keys no starter. That things going no where ^-^)
Shadow jumps into the helicopter and tries to move it, but to no avail. He looks around for the keys but is unable to find them. He makes a shadow ball and places it in the seat and gets out. Well, that's a shame... time to total it! Shadow turns the ball into giant spikes and blows up the helicopter. He laughs and looks up, noticing the sun. I should be more careful about my energy consumption during the day.

Felix runs in with Shard as they place Null down. Max and Daniel run up to meet them. "Hey Felix! Are you okay? I- who's that?" Daniel asks, pointing at Shard.

"Oh, that's Shard." Felix says, and then noticing the confused looks he sighs. "This is what she looked like before the blast." Looks of realization cross there face before being replaced by confusion.

"But, Felix, isn't she dead?" Max asks. Felix is stunned that Max knows, before he feels sadness pierce him, but he holds it back.

"Well, she's our new resident 'good guy shadow'" Max and Daniel look confused. "She's like Mirror." Max registers understanding while Daniel continues being confused. Felix then realizes something. "Where's Sphinx? I need to congratulate her fully."

"She left. She was wearing a dress. I was wondering if you two were meeting somewhere."

"Well, we weren't... wait, what kind of dress was she wearing?"

"Well, it was pretty revealing. That's why I thought she was meeting y-" Both their eyes widen.


"I know! Crap, there's no way we can track her!"
Blake was practically drooling as Flux pulled him along. "Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you?! Your acting like she's some sort of goddes of beauty!" Blake finally broke free from Flux's grasp and scooped Sapphire up bridal style, grinning widely. "She is! And such a goddess is entitled to a servant." Flux chuckled and jogged to catch up with Blake.

"Says who?"

"Says me!"
Sapphire grinned, enjoying being carried. "Oh my, this goddess of beauty enjoys being carried. Now put me down." She said, smirking slightly.

"Aren't servants supposed to do whatever there master says?"

"Yes, but Sapphire is a goddess after all. Why walk when I can walk for her?"

"Okay..... Sapphire, we almost there?"
Sapphire shook her head, giving in to Blake's insisting on carrying her. "Not even close. It's past the swamp." She said with a smirk.
Shift lifted one gorilla fist and slammed it directly on the knee of Psyches trapped leg with tremendous force.
"Oh. I've always wanted to burn down that swamo but it's just so.... Wet. So very, very wet...." Flux stared at Sapphire and licked her lips before she looked back ahead. "So Sapphire, tell me bout your friends."

(Can we just skip this and get to the sexies!)
Sapphire smirked and shrugged. "They're a bunch of weirdos. Let's see...Felix is kind of the leader. He's also my twin sister's boyfriend. It's best to just meet them when you meet them."
"Cool. So Sapphire, why exactly do you guys live in the forest? It just strikes as kind of.... Odd." Blake looked to Flux and stuck out his tounge. "Don't question Queen Sapphire's choices!"
Assailant said:
Shadow jumps into the helicopter and tries to move it, but to no avail. He looks around for the keys but is unable to find them. He makes a shadow ball and places it in the seat and gets out. Well, that's a shame... time to total it! Shadow turns the ball into giant spikes and blows up the helicopter. He laughs and looks up, noticing the sun. I should be more careful about my energy consumption during the day.

Felix runs in with Shard as they place Null down. Max and Daniel run up to meet them. "Hey Felix! Are you okay? I- who's that?" Daniel asks, pointing at Shard.

"Oh, that's Shard." Felix says, and then noticing the confused looks he sighs. "This is what she looked like before the blast." Looks of realization cross there face before being replaced by confusion.

"But, Felix, isn't she dead?" Max asks. Felix is stunned that Max knows, before he feels sadness pierce him, but he holds it back.

"Well, she's our new resident 'good guy shadow'" Max and Daniel look confused. "She's like Mirror." Max registers understanding while Daniel continues being confused. Felix then realizes something. "Where's Sphinx? I need to congratulate her fully."

"She left. She was wearing a dress. I was wondering if you two were meeting somewhere."

"Well, we weren't... wait, what kind of dress was she wearing?"

"Well, it was pretty revealing. That's why I thought she was meeting y-" Both their eyes widen.


"I know! Crap, there's no way we can track her!"
"So... Sapphire is out doing who knows what... In the mean time, Felix, what are we going to do about Null." Shard asks holding back her rage as best she can from the boy who had killed her less than a day ago.
Sapphire smirked. "Some guy offered housing for free." She said smiling. She then glared at Blake. "I thought I was a goddess. Now I'm just a queen?" She said with a frown.
Felix slams his fist against the wall. Not now Sapphire, not now!!! "I don't know, we'll have to get Zabuza. I gathered your essence, but not his. I can't remake him." Max paces.

"We have to find a way to stop Sapphire... Daniel! Take to the air! Find her!" Daniel nods. He doesn't really know what they're asking him to do, or who this Sapphire chick is, but he can't say no. More he's too embarrassed to.

"R-right." He says, flying outside and taking off.

(While I do expect Daniel to meet Sapphire, he won't ruin or stop her. You guys can keep on going with your... creepyness)

Psych shadows out of the grip as the gorrila's fist slams the roof. "Tsk tsk, I told you. Last chance." He says. The sun is out. I can't get TOO cocky.
Before psych even spoke shift lunged forward, claws tearing into his chest as he became a cougar.

Shift wasn't letting up or giving him any time to escape. He'd die soon. And he could only shadow out so many times.

(Which I hope is true otherwise it'd be extremely OP by dodging any move.)
Psych shadows as cougar Shift goes straight through him. "Is that all ya got?!" Psych puts himself in a shadow box. "You know, you should at least let me finish. Jeez, interrupting me? And I thought I was the bad one. That's just rude. Plain and straight rude." Psych says, shaking his head. "I like that. One last chance. Wanna test your luck?" I need to stop pushing this... thank god Felix was in the mood he was in, or I wouldn't have enough power to make it through... but it's still daytime. I must be careful.

Shadow walks down the street, still grinning over his troll move. Buh bye helicopter.
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(It didn't fall off the roof. Don't do that it's considered character control.)

(And stop trying to bring shadow into this to back yourself up before I get someone else on shifts side. And you just blew up his helicopter with safety protocols so I can easily claim that another chopper, a gunship this time, flies in to investigate the destruction of its employers helicopter.)

Shift twisted and caught himself, shifting into a gorilla and beginning to pound on the box, cracking it with each blow.

(He also shouldn't be at full power since his body wouldn't be fully charged being just made. And he's shadowed twice now. And daylight. Actually he shadowed three times. Right when he ran from the chopper and melded with the shadows in the vents.)
Assailant said:
Felix slams his fist against the wall. Not now Sapphire, not now!!! "I don't know, we'll have to get Zabuza. I gathered your essence, but not his. I can't remake him." Max paces.
"We have to find a way to stop Sapphire... Daniel! Take to the air! Find her!" Daniel nods. He doesn't really know what they're asking him to do, or who this Sapphire chick is, but he can't say no. More he's too embarrassed to.

"R-right." He says, flying outside and taking off.

(While I do expect Daniel to meet Sapphire, he won't ruin or stop her. You guys can keep on going with your... creepyness)

Psych shadows out of the grip as the gorrila's fist slams the roof. "Tsk tsk, I told you. Last chance." He says. The sun is out. I can't get TOO cocky.
"Ya, Zabuza? and who are we gonna sacrifice this time? Besides, we haven't seen him for ages, we have no clue where he is." Shard criticizes.
Felix shrugs. "Excuse me, why should I have all the answers!" He then remembers that his death is his fault, even if it was indirect. "Oh... right." He says as his head and voice lower.
Psych reinforces the box, still straining under the weight, but not showing it. "Now now, let's not MONKEY around here."

Shadow hears a crack sound from the rooftop of the building next to him. Upon climbing up, he sees a... Gorilla hitting a shadow box? What? He then notices who's inside the box. Oh ho! Another me I see. This I have to see.
"You know what? Never mind." Shard looks at Null and sighs. She pulls her hand up causing a case to appear around Null. She then causes a top to go over it. She then pushes her hand downward, creating a room made of crystal. "Just like the old base." Although nobody gets a good look at it before she takes Null down there and she seals off the entrance with more crystal. (NOTE! Shard's crystal powers are NOT dependent on limbs movement. I just thought it would be fun to show her exaggerating the powers a little bit. However in fights, it is unlikely she will do this.)

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