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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Scarlett went about into the infirmary and sat next to Jake, who was still holding the little boy. The small thing had fallen soundly asleep at that point.

"Sphinx went to her room to feed the girl," Scarlett remarked.
Sphinx's eyes shot wide open. "DANIEL!" She screamed, almost dropping Aqua. She then watched as Daniel collapsed. She blinked, looking down at the baby, who had gone back to drinking its milk then back at Daniel. "I don't know what to do...." She muttered.
Daniel gets up with his eyes covered. "I-I-I-I-I-I'm sorry! Sorry Sphinx" He feels around the room to find the door before accidentally... *ahem* grabbing onto the "wrong part" of the "room" "That's weird, I don't remember the doorknob feeling like th-" His blush intensifies. "OH GOD, S-S-SORRY SPHINX!" He yells, before running into the wall again.
Sphinx's eyes widened even more at this. Her face turned dark blue. She jumped the opposite direction of Daniel, almost falling off the bed. "Daniel!" She yelled, covering her chest, placing the now crying baby on her lap.
"Ahhh!" Daniel yells trying to find his way out of the room until he gets out and runs down the stairs, tumbling down and forgetting he could stop himself with air. Max walks by the room, looks down the stairs, and then looks into the room. He just looks silently before slowly closing the door.
Sphinx blinked, watching the door close. That was weird... She thought with a sigh. She then continued to let the baby feed.
In the dark recesses of the sewer Kane plotted... planned... around him the chatter of voices and the crying of people were heard. Reapers. Kanes own group. They'd found him and rejoiced that one of their higher ups, not the leader but more of a general, had survived. They'd had no knowledge of their leader at the time and had been hiding. But under kanes leadership they grew, spread, linked up with others hiding in the sewers, others were found like Kane. Other reaper conduits. The Reapers were not dead. Far from it... they would return. And those who wronged them... those who wronged him... they would pay...The final show was about to start...
Sphinx's eyes suddenly changed to a blue color. She grinned, holding the baby in her arms. She looked down at the baby. "GAH!" She yelped, throwing the baby on the bed mattress. She stood up and quickly wiped herself off with Sphinx's shirt. She then walked over to Sphinx's emerald dress from Shard. "She wouldn't mind..." Sapphire whispered to herself with a smirk. She quickly changed into it and brushed her hair and walked out of the room. She then exited the base.


Sapphire walked along the sidewalk, the emerald dress looking very....flattering.
Blake trudged slowly through the streets of New York alongside Xander and Flux, who was drinking a cream soda. "Can we break down someones door now?" Flux finished off her can and looked to Blake, an annoyed expression on her face. "The answer is gonna stay the same. No. We've onky been looking for 30 minutes!" Blake groaned and immediately perked up at the sight up of woman in a long green dress. "Oh la la! Hello, pricess" Blake dropped everything he was holding and slid obver to Sapphire, grabbing her leg. "Please marry me." Blake began to kiss Sapphire's legs. Flux rolls her eyes as she walks close to him. "I'm sorry, he has an irregular hormone disease, he's always trying to bone someone."
Sapphire looked at the man kissing her leg. She smirked and chuckled slightly, moving her leg away from him. She looked up at the woman. "It's alright. Who isn't trying to bone me all the time?" She said with a smirk and a wink.
UnwantedTruth said:
Sapphire looked at the man kissing her leg. She smirked and chuckled slightly, moving her leg away from him. She looked up at the woman. "It's alright. Who isn't trying to bone me all the time?" She said with a smirk and a wink.
Blake pouted as Sapphire pulled away her leg and let out a sigh. Flux pulled him up and wrapped both Xander and Blake into a hug. "These are my boys, Blake and Xander!" Flux gave both of them a peck on the cheek, earning a smile from Blake. Flux smiled at Sapphire, her gaze drifting downwards. "And you are.......?"
Sapphire smirked as she watched Flux's eyes glide downwards. "Sapphire S." She said with a grin. Great. A three course meal. She thought, grinning.
UnwantedTruth said:
Sapphire smirked as she watched Flux's eyes glide downwards. "Sapphire S." She said with a grin. Great. A three course meal. She thought, grinning.
"So, where do you stay Ms. Sapphire?" Blake said, speaking up. Blake had a wide spread smile on his face while Flux was still inspecting Sapphire. Was it a coincidence that she had unknowingly drawn an exact copy of Sapphire? Probably. Was Flux going to bang Sapphire the first chance she got? Hell ya!"
Sapphire chuckled as she didn't bother exactly what part of Flux she was staring at. "Just a few friends." She said with a smirk. She looked at the ground and grinned. "Ooh, a quarter!" She said. She leaned over to pick it up, putting her seduction up ten percent.
Blake blushed and leaned forward before Flux pulled him back. Blake pouted once more, silenced when Flux clamped a hand over his mouth. "So, Sapphire. Would you mind letting us stay with you and your friends? We'll only be there for... A week, at the most, until we find a place to stay permanently."
Sapphire smirked. She allowed her seduction to go up one percent every five seconds. "I don't mind at all. I'm gonna need to buy a pair of sunglasses of course. Don't ask." She said with a smirk. Glanced at Blake. "I hope you guys don't mind sharing a room with people." She said with a smile.
UnwantedTruth said:
Sapphire smirked. She allowed her seduction to go up one percent every five seconds. "I don't mind at all. I'm gonna need to buy a pair of sunglasses of course. Don't ask." She said with a smirk. Glanced at Blake. "I hope you guys don't mind sharing a room with people." She said with a smile.
"I'm bunking with Sapphire! Already called it!" Blake pumped his fist up in the air happily. Flux began laugh before turning back to Sapphire. Is it just me or is it getting harder and harder not to stare?

Flux looked to Blake and cleared her throat. "Cash, please? The beautiful lady would like a pair of sun glasses!" Blake subconsciously handed Flux his wallet, still staring at Sapphire muttering 'I love you'. After going into a nearby corner store and buying Sapphire a cheap pair of sunglasses, she handed them her and smiled. "So, where to?"
AvidElmV2 said:
"I'm bunking with Sapphire! Already called it!" Blake pumped his fist up in the air happily. Flux began laugh before turning back to Sapphire. Is it just me or is it getting harder and harder not to stare?

Flux looked to Blake and cleared her throat. "Cash, please? The beautiful lady would like a pair of sun glasses!" Blake subconsciously handed Flux his wallet, still staring at Sapphire muttering 'I love you'. After going into a nearby corner store and buying Sapphire a cheap pair of sunglasses, she handed them her and smiled. "So, where to?"
Sapphire smirked taking the sunglasses. She put them on and turned to Blake. "Can you see my eyes?" She asked with a smile. She then began walking down the sidewalk. "This way. We'll walk most of the way, then we'll fly." She said with a smirk.
UnwantedTruth said:
Sapphire smirked taking the sunglasses. She put them on and turned to Blake. "Can you see my eyes?" She asked with a smile. She then began walking down the sidewalk. "This way. We'll walk most of the way, then we'll fly." She said with a smirk.
"Cool. So.... Your going to fly us? I could, but I'd probably burn you to death." Flux continued to walk, Blake stumbling beside her.
Sapphire nodded her head with a smile. "I'll be flying you. Oh, and, just so you know, the group calls me sphinx, so yeah, when we get there call me that please." She said with a smile. Her seduction was at around 60%.

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