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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Felix shakes his head. "Doubtful. Besides... I don't know, but there are things that attack people in there. I don't know what they are. Maybe they're no match for two conduits. Then again, it's very possible they are."
"Well lets try at least, after all, the other day you came here on boat right? So that would probably be the easiest way back." Shard walks out before beginning to form a tiny boat out of water. "Now lets see if this floats, if it does, you can blast your shadows to propel us forward." She pushes the boat in the water. (You can post whether or not it floats but there have been boats made out of glass that float.)
Felix sits down in it. It sinks part way into the water, but doesn't fill up. "Okay... I guess it's safe."
"Ok, lets bring Null into here." Shard says as she extends a crystal bridge from the hill to the boat. "Ok, help me carry him in, I've got his head and his sword."
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Felix gets out of the boat and grabs Null in, and lowers it into the boat. "Now, after the events of tonight, I'm a bit exhausted, so..." Felix makes two shadow oars, giving one to Shard and keeping one himself. "Yeah..."
*Sigh* "Why don't we know a boat making conduit? That would make things easier." Shard complains. "Or if he were alive, Null could convince a sailor to take us there." Stroke, Stroke, Stroke. "How long do you think it will take at this rate?"
Stroke, Stroke "Uh..." Stroke, Stroke. "Maybe, uh..." Stroke, stroke "15 minutes?" Stroke, stroke.
"Hmm." Stroke, Stroke "I suppose that gives us time to talk..." Stroke, Stroke, "You know Null told me about your trip to Catalina." Shard says looking down at the corpse of her friend. Stroke, Stroke.
"Really?" Stroke, stroke. "Did he mention that he cried like a baby because the people in our cabin were mean and he left me with them?" Stroke, stroke. "Because he did."
"Yes, I laughed at that." Stroke Stroke, "If you just talk to him, you'd never expect him to do that." Stroke Stroke. "He also told me about how you two first met."
"Hm." Stroke, stroke. "You mean where the principal made me get together with him because I was being bullied?" Stroke, stroke, stroke. "And we were put on the same robotics team?"
"I didn't know about that part." Stroke, Stroke. "But he told me a real tearjerker of a story about when your team lost at regionals." Stroke, Stroke, Stroke.
Felix rolls his eyes. Stroke, stroke. "Hardly call it a tear jerker." Stroke, Stroke. "It was disappointing, yeah, but we were also the first team in our school to EVER go to regionals, so..." Stroke, stroke. "Perspective."
"Yes, but when you lost, you were crying by a cart because you were so upset." Stroke. "Meanwhile the rest of the team was waiting to get their medals before Null noticed you and got out of line to try to comfort you."
"I meant the participation metals, he said they were some bronze color" Stroke, Stroke. "He mentioned how he saw a machine earlier that made whistles, and he thought they were really cool." Stroke, Stroke. "When you lost, he frantically tried to get 1 of the 4 people who got a whistle to give him their whistle." Stroke, Stroke, Stroke. "When he did he gave it to you, he searched for one because he wanted you to feel like you won something at the competition, since the whistles were a prize for something else." Stroke, Stroke Stroke.
"Eh." Stroke, stroke. "I lost it soon after." Stroke, stroke. "Hardly even remember having it." Stroke, str- "AH!!" Felix yells as the boat almost flips over. He looks to where land is and sees an almost undescribable creature. It reared back and begins to shoot green projectiles at the boat. "Take cover!"
Shard then creates a roof over the boat only leaving room for the oars, and a small window in the front before grabbing both oars. "Felix" Stroke, "Get(stroke) in (stroke) front (stroke) and (stroke) navi-(stroke)-gate." Stroke, Stroke, Stroke.
Felix jumps out the front just in time to create a shadow wall to block some blasts. Thank goodness it's night, otherwise I couldn't do this. "I'LL TELL YOU WHEN TO TURN!! OTHERWISE KEEP GOING FORWARD!!"
"Wh-(stroke)-at (stroke) do (stroke) you (stroke) th-(stroke)-in-(stroke)-k (stroke) th-(stroke)-ey (stroke) are? (stroke)" OK! We get it, she's moving faster, I'm not gonna keep writing stroke.
"Probably-" He grunts as he block other attack. "The things that are taking people off." He blocks another attack.
"Probably not." Felix says, blasting another series of blasts, as another one of the creatures pop up. Great...
Shard begins to focus and the boat begins to speed up more and more as she begins using her powers to move the boat. "This may get a bit bumpy." Eventually they're probably moving at 20 mi per hour and start to lose the creatures. "You think we got away? How far are we from the new base?"
Assailant said:
Psych sees the cheetah coming towards him and sees Shadow blast himself high on a shadow pillar. He runs to there and they met up and ran together, propelling themselves with pillars.
"It didn't work."

"I didn't think it would, it was more of a test. In order to truly trick him, one of us has to conform to the others emotional state... I suppose I have to conform to you, at least for the time being." Shadow says, before focusing his hatred. He was made of hatred, it shouldn't be too hard. He focused his hantred all in one spot, and felt a want for murder boiling up in his head until it became a bloodlust. Shadow grins. "Good, that should fool him. Split!" He says as they try again.

Felix looks down and sits on the ground, focusing at the ground, and doesn't answer.
Felix grinned, emotional beings with no idea how to do anything on an emotional level, they could change all they wanted but they could never become completely similar. Let alone psyche getting rid of the residual energy Shift had left when he pulled him out. They thought he was stupid, thought they could trick him.

Psyche would die. Shift took to the sky as a Raven and followed psyche. To him it would appear that his ploy had worked.

But he could never truly escape the empath. His fate was decided upon his creation. Death.

Shift followed from the sky, keeping the sun at his back. At this height he didn't even have a shadow to reach the ground.

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