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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Assailant said:
Felix looks up at he and opens his mouth as tears begin to form. He looks at the ground and then at Null's corpse. He crawls over to it and grabs his hand and begins to cry.
"Is this sadness true sadness? Or is it more deceit?" Shard questions Felix. "Kill me once, Shame on you. I won't let you have the second chance."
Felix glares at her and stands up. "Don't you dare imply what I'm feeling isn't real."
"How would I know? What are we up to now? 3 personalities? 4 if we include Shadow? I don't know how many personalities you have under their Felix. Besides, you killed me, your current girlfriend, and your best friend. I need a reason to trust you again." Shard says holding back her pure rage of Felix killing Null.
Felix glares at her as emotions swirl around. While murder may have been removed, anger? No, not quite. He was fighting to keep himself calm at this point. "You were my friend too."
"I have been through shit," Felix says, seething at this point. "I have lost people, and you act like none of that matter. I've killed probably about, oh, 250 people so far, probably a LOT more. That TEARS ME UP INSIDE, AND YOU THINK THAT MEANS NOTHING!!!!!"
"No, you're wrong Felix. It tears up Felix on the inside, but the rest of the personalities seem to have no problem with it. Now you're anger personality is coming out. Think he would have a problem with killing? What's his name, Rage? Hey, Rage, can I please talk to Felix 1 on 1?"
Felix growls and releases a huge shadow blast behind him, stretching to all the walls. He turns and fires off about ten more huge blasts before turning back to Shard. "You know, I DID just bring you back from the dead. I think a thanks is in order."
Felix sighs. "Before I killed you, I was able to regain control of myself just long enough to take your shadow.

Assailant said:
"Well, I can't very well kill you now, can I? Oh, wait... yes I can." Felix's eye twitches and he grabs onto her head for a second as a sharp pain passes through her head. He then shook his head and created a shadow dome around the two of the them.
I never got one of Null though
"You realize the FFA needs Null. As well as Shadow. And hear me out on this next part. Both you and Shadow want Null for the same thing." Shard starts. "He's the creator of the countermeasure. Now, only half of the FFA has the countermeasure. Shadow wants Null to use it on as many people as possible, because he wants less Sires against him. You need the countermeasure because you guys don't want to be sired."
"Yeah, well, I can't just 'create' a shadow of him... well, yes I could, but he wouldn't have his powers or memories..." Felix thinks. "The only option is to go to Zabuza, and I don't know where he is, or how to convince him."
"The best option would be to bring the same people as last time only minus Sphinx so we don't risk Zabuza getting his hands on her. That way, he's only able to take a person with the countermeasure. As for finding him, the best option would probably be sending Dax out as a search party, but making sure he doesn't take action."
"Well, of course. They wouldn't have to co-" He stops for a moment. "I guess they'd need their mother. So... it'd just be me and Max? You too I suppose?"
Felix shrugged. "Twins. A boy and a girl. Pretty co-" His eyes widen. "Oh god I just left her!"
"Isn't she in the swamp with the FFA? Why are you worried? Besides, the guy you trusted least is now dead in front of you. Oh, and I assume that means she bore a pair of twins?"
Assailant said:
Felix shot her a glare. "No, I mean she just gave birth, and I'm not there."
"I get that she's your girlfriend and all, but still. I don't completely get why you feel like you need to be there. Vlad is the father... Not you..."
Felix glared once more. "You know, I'm not even gonna bother answering that. Right now we should get Null's corpse back to base. ONE little problem though...

we'll have to cross through the swamp."
"What will the problem with that be exactly? I control crystals harder than diamond and you control darkness itself. Should be no problem. In fact.... Do you think that maybe I can change the density of my crystals to float on water?" Shard asks as an idea forms in her head.

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