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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Shift actually grins and laughs, "Foolish... I'm an empath... and he's an emotion construct...I'm like a blood hound on a wounded deer... time to die bitch." He growls with glee, morphing into a light cheetah and giving chase, following the emotional scent be leaves behind.

(Yes this is possible. I don't do shit like this without a backup plan nether, now shoo)
Atom said:
Shift actually grins and laughs, "Foolish... I'm an empath... and he's an emotion construct...I'm like a blood hound on a wounded deer... time to die bitch." He growls with glee, morphing into a light cheetah and giving chase, following the emotional scent be leaves behind.
(Yes this is possible. I don't do shit like this without a backup plan nether, now shoo)
(I gave an apology, and 2nd I don't think that's possible, otherwise you'd be able to track Shadow. Because all he is is another personality.)
Netherdragon said:
(I gave an apology, and 2nd I don't think that's possible, otherwise you'd be able to track Shadow. Because all he is is another personality.)
(He knows nothing of shadow and has not been in close proximity with him except once as a pigeon. It's possible. It's called psychic navigation.)
Psych relaxes in the shade until he sees a light cheetah coming towards him. Hmm... he must be following my emotions. I don't have the power quite yet... at full restore rate, it should be about an hour before I become my own person and he can no longer track me. Psych grins. Let the chase begin. He shadows into a vent and onto a rooftop and begins running.
(Please don't start an argument here, but I never saw phycic abilities in your CS. All I saw were two things. 1. Shape Shifting. 2. Empath, thus able to sense emotions.)
Netherdragon said:
(Please don't start an argument here, but I never saw phycic abilities in your CS. All I saw were two things. 1. Shape Shifting. 2. Empath, thus able to sense emotions.)
(If you're going to keep talking make a chat with me and assailant. You shouldn't have raged from the other. We can't add you back. )
Netherdragon said:
(Limitations: Users of Tracking Evasion and Psychic Shadow can evade this form of detection.)
(He had neither of those.)

Assailant said:
Psych relaxes in the shade until he sees a light cheetah coming towards him. Hmm... he must be following my emotions. I don't have the power quite yet... at full restore rate, it should be about an hour before I become my own person and he can no longer track me. Psych grins. Let the chase begin. He shadows into a vent and onto a rooftop and begins running.
Reply already posted

Quoted it before this one

Atom said:
Shift follows effortlessly, bypassing the vents as an eagle and gaining on Psych as a cheetah again, getting close fast.
(He'll still be able to track him as a person. Everyone has a specific emotional scent.


Sub power of empathy)
Roo said:
"They're a bit potato-y right after birth, but they'll get there," Scarlett said with a smile. Her hand lightly tracing the cheek of the little girl.
"I think they're cute already." Jake said with a smile.
Felix gets up off the ground as the dome dissipates. He looks around the battlefield at the part of the fight he'd not seen. He then looks at a small hole in the ground.

His foot hits the crystal ground with a thud. Even in the dark, he can still see the corpses. He closes his eyes as a dark ball of energy begins to form in his hands.

Psych sees the cheetah behind him. Even with conduit speed, it would catch up quite soon. I'll use that to my advantage. He quickly turns and jumps over the cheetah using a shadow pillar before it can slow down, and he shoots a shadow blast at it just for good measure before moving on.
Psych almost got over, before a gorilla hand clasped along his leg and slammed him into the roof with his momentum.


( Combat Perception - Predict foe's movements by reading their emotional pulses.)

(Hehehe empaths can do some of the same stuff as mind readers c: )

(SOME! Not All, or nearly all)
Psych got up and shook his head. How did he know I would do that? No WAY he would be able to predict that... his empath abilities must grant him some sort of... precognitive abilities. Psych lurched to the side and jumps off the building (where he can't get him,) and runs. He then hears footsteps next to him. He turns to the right and-

"Rough time, huh?"


"Yeah. Why the hell do you look like me."

"I'm a construct of Felix's murderous tendencies."

"Well, that makes two of us I suppose."

"You know, he CAN follow me by sensing my emotional pattern."

"Really? Well, given that we're both made from Felix, and from his hatred, we SHOULD have almost identical emotional footprints. He's never met me, whoever he is, so he might think I'm you. I'll distract him, but you owe me."

"I'll meet with you later."

"You want to kill me, don't you?"


"Oh, we'll be besets of friends! Split!" They yell as they go separate directions.

Felix focuses his energy for ten minutes in the dark tunnel. It should be almost done, and now. Felix watches as a body falls to the floor. One he hasn't seen in three years. He walks over and kneels next to it and shoves on its shoulder. "E-Ellie?"
"NNNNGH." Shard says as she begins to get back. "What happened?" She asks rhetorically, She looks at her hand and notices a slight difference. She raises her hand and causes a reflective crystal to appear in front of her. "I look like I do before the blast..." She looks up and sees Felix before jumping back and creating a suit of crystal armor. "What, did you find out you didn't kill me?"
Shift stops where the paths diverge a moment in thought. Clever... But one it's fresher, full of more raw emotion. Psychs ploy almost worked. Almost. But shift was soon on his tail again in cheetah form.
Psych sees the cheetah coming towards him and sees Shadow blast himself high on a shadow pillar. He runs to there and they met up and ran together, propelling themselves with pillars.

"It didn't work."

"I didn't think it would, it was more of a test. In order to truly trick him, one of us has to conform to the others emotional state... I suppose I have to conform to you, at least for the time being." Shadow says, before focusing his hatred. He was made of hatred, it shouldn't be too hard. He focused his hantred all in one spot, and felt a want for murder boiling up in his head until it became a bloodlust. Shadow grins. "Good, that should fool him. Split!" He says as they try again.

Felix looks down and sits on the ground, focusing at the ground, and doesn't answer.
Felix opens his mouth to try to explain, to say it wasn't him but the golem, but he couldn't. He remains silent.
"Nothing to say? Fine." Shard says. She begins to walk around Felix before the exit. "You know, I thought it would be better if you know who I was. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe that's why you killed me. You couldn't handle the fact I was alive." Shard raises her arm and stairs form in front of her and she walks out before stoping to look at the murderer standing before her.
Felix looks up at he and opens his mouth as tears begin to form. He looks at the ground and then at Null's corpse. He crawls over to it and grabs his hand and begins to cry.
Stop posting. We're negotiating. If he agrees to my terms then the last three posts will need voided.
Atom said:
Stop posting. We're negotiating. If he agrees to my terms then the last three posts will need voided.
Guess what, he told me about this... "Negotiating." More like bribing. Stop, it's wrong, and doesn't work

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