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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Felix smiles a bit. "That's better." He says, though he could feel the depression kicking back in. He had to choose, and QUICK. His depressed self probably wouldn't let this happen again. "Okay, so what's the deal? Some sort of emotional... thing? How does that even work?"
"A complete removal implies drawing the emotion out into the open to form a spectral replication of it. Then depending on the intensity and type it will either dissipate or fight to get back in. It can only get back in if you let it which is why I need your help to fight it." Shift informed him.

(Fuck dax and his dream clone battle! We fight tangible malicious emotions!)
"Okay." He says, attempting to talk fast. He doesn't know how long until he is taken over again by depression. From what he understands, the depression is his own, which scares him even more. "It'll probably fight back then. If I have to let it in, how'd it get in in the first place?"
"I'm not sure. Must have caught you in a state similar to it, depression or any other emotion would do it." Shift said as the helicopter started lowering.

"If Felix looked outside he's see the same him it'd happened on.
Scarlett spend several minutes fawning over the twins before she noticed Jake, and she looked at him with a soft smile and gave him a slight motion to come into the room.

"Come see them," Scarlett suggested.
"We're landing? Where? I-" Felix then looks down and sees the hill. Oh.



"Oh." He says in a monotone voice. He slumps back into his chair. "Why do you keep me here?" He continues, ever monotone.
"This location will make it easier to draw the emotion out. Come on let's hurry before it sets back in!" Shift says, opening the door as soon as the helicopter touched down.
"It'll make the emotion easier to draw out. Now come on!" Shift says, opening the door quickly as soon as the helicopter touches down.
Felix looks at the field, noticing the dried blood and golem parts.

I thought we could go back to the way things were

"I... think I'll stay in the helicopter."
(I hate my data sometimes)

"Sure..." Jake says with a smile, lifting his arms.


Shift groans, rushing to the other side and laying a hand on Felix as he opens the door. He closes his eyes and starts concentrating on pulling the emotion out of Felix.
Felix shoves him off. "Leave me alone. You brought me back here, and all it does is hurt."s

Felix shoves him off. "Leave me alone. You brought me back here, and all it does is hurt."
Shift growls again and grabs him, this time his hands latching onto him like glue and refusing to be detached as he forcefully rips the emotion from Felix and launches it away as it takes shape.
Scarlett handed Jake the little boy, and motioned for him to sit on the bed next to her.

"Sphinx seemed pretty happy, she just left to clean herself up. Being conduits I guess the end of the process isn't as bad, healing up quickly and all."
Max decides to leave the two alone. He walks next to Daniel. "So... h-how is everything, if you don't mind." Daniel says.

"All better. Sphinx is getting cleaned up."

"Everyone's better?"


"Even... Felix?" He asks hopefully. How does he know something's up?

"About Felix... be careful. I have reason to believe he-"

"Killed Shard." Daniel finishes, looking to the ground, and then yelping at the memory.

"H-how do you know that?"

"I-I was there." Max goes wide eyed. Oh dear...
A man stretches his arms out as a crack sounds. "Ooh, that was nice." He then looks at the two people in front of him.

"Hello Shifty!" He then looks at Felix, who was still staring at the ground.

"Hello Feely! Get it? Like Felix? Except feelings?" He says with a chuckle.

"Now, what do you chucklefucks want?"
"They're a bit potato-y right after birth, but they'll get there," Scarlett said with a smile. Her hand lightly tracing the cheek of the little girl.
Shift turned to face the emotional personification, "Your head..." He growled as his arms elongated into thick metal scythes, "Get up Felix..." He growls behind him.
"No, no, Felix, sit down, relax."

"B-but doesn't he-"

"The other times you've helped someone, they've hurt. Why would this be different?" Felix nods and lays down. "I know him too well. Oh, and call me Psych." Psych says. He then forms a shadow dome over Felix. "Now... you wanna fight, you'll die in a hilarious way."
Shift growls, "Let's do this then..." He growls before his body starts to glow brighter abd brighter until he's a solid humanoid light, "Let's fight." He growls.
(Atom, I apologize for the rude comment, I was just trying to joke around, but Assailant told me you took it as an insult. I apologize for that.)
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Psych smiles. "Eh, no thanks. You know, I owe you for creating me. K thanks bye." Psych immediately sprints to the nearest building and shadows into a vent, and weaves through allyways and blending into the darkness with his camouflage.

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