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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Felix looks down in surprise. He didn't really know the process of childbirth. He just kinda knew it happened. He had no idea what to expect. That process... it must be so painful... even in happiness there's pain. Felix clenches his eyes. Stop! Stop! This is a special time for her... just hold out a bit longer. "Okay, you can do this!"
Shift twitched on the ground, nearly unconscious. A squeak was heard as a large rat approached, thinking shift soon to be food. Shift saw his only chance then and seized the beast, releasing all of the emotions into it rapidly. The connection split with a violent crack and the rat flew against the wall with a crack and dropped dead. A merciful death in shifts opinion as he slowly stood. Intense emotions always carried residual memories, pictures or scenes that were their source. Felixs emotions had been so strong that it had been like watching a movie.

"God... Felix... how are you still going..." he muttered, climbing to his feet and using the wall to hold himself up.

"For fucks sake... that took it out of me..." Shift muttered, staggering along the wall to the med bay.
Daniel watches Shift get up and start to walk away. "P-p-please d-d-don't leave me!" He stutters out with tears as he shivers on the ground.
Shift ignores him, having bigger problems to deal with.

After a bit he stumbled into the infirmary and looked around.
Daniel looks at him go away and curls up into a ball, shivering. "Help me." He lightly squeaks out.

Max walks into Felix's room. I need to figure out what happened while he was out. Blood on his hand, I can understand, but on his mouth? Why would he have blood around his lips? That's not a NORMAL thing with him, I've only seen it once... Max's eyes widen. Oh no... oh no, oh no, oh no, PLEASE don't tell me that's what happened.
"Felix!" Shift calls, "Help me real quick for sphinx!" He says, stumbling to the far counter.
"It's crowning," Scarlett said after a moment, looking back up, "keep going, you're almost there."

Scarlett moved her hands in finally, reaching so that she could catch the child as it came out.
Assailant said:
Felix looks down in surprise. He didn't really know the process of childbirth. He just kinda knew it happened. He had no idea what to expect. That process... it must be so painful... even in happiness there's pain. Felix clenches his eyes. Stop! Stop! This is a special time for her... just hold out a bit longer. "Okay, you can do this!"
Sphinx screamed more. Tears continued to come from her eyes.
Felix looks over at Shift. Felix runs over to him. Shift felt all the emotions I did... all the sadness... all the fear... all the anger... He could feel himself going numb. No! Stop! Just a little longer. "Yeah?"
Shift quickly wrapped an arm around Felix and started countering his emotions again with happiness and love for sphinx. At the moment his negative emotions were suppressed so he didn't have to siphon them.

"Clean up now!" He whispered, sliding a wet tag to Felix while rummaging through the cabinets.
Felix nodded. Little did Shift know he barely had made a dent right then. You try Shift... you REALLY do try... thank you for that. He thinks, smiling slightly. Felix starts to wipe of his hands and mouth. He knew Sphinx wouldn't notice, but Scarlett might. Please don't notice please don't notice...
Shift finally found what he was looking for, a compact thing that looked like a pen. Without hesitation he stabbed it to his neck and hit a button. The effect was almost instant as he regained his strength and stood fully, looking healthier, "Adrenaline... love it..." he muttered, pulling out another needle device and handing it to Felix, "Anesthetic, use it on sphinx to take some of the pain off." He ordered.
"O-okay." Felix says, and walks over to Sphinx, giving her the anesthetic. "Here, this should help."
Sphinx looked at Felix and managed a smile. "Thanks." She mumbled. She then groaned loudly. "It....should be...coming..." She mumbled, tears coming from her eyes.
Felix holds her hand. KEEP IT UP. "You got this. Not much longer. It'll all be over soon."
It took a good while before the baby made it's way all the way through, and the second it hit air it started bawling. Good sign. The thing could breath. Scarlett held the mess of blood mucus and soft infant flesh, trying to calm it down.

"Male," Scarlett remarked after a moment, "and we really need something to clean it up with."
Felix looks at it and his smile begins to waver as he looks at the bloody mess. Even in new life, blood flows free. Blood and crying and suffering. Please Felix... stop. Felix thinks as he can feel himself succumbing. He turns to Shift. "If I succumb to my feelings, don't try to stop me." He says, his voice already beginning to sound downcast.
Shift glares at him and slams him with a jolt of joy far stronger than the others before, reinforced by shifts own joy at the miracle of life as he places a finger on his forehead, "Shut up and congratulate her." Shift says with a nod towards Sphinx.
Felix smiles, feeling happy for a second before sadness started slowly creeping back. God dammit leave me alone! "Congratulations Sphinx!" He says, resting her hand on his shoulder.
Dax comes back into the room. "Is it over? did the baby come out?" he said as he walked back in, seeing the baby covered in blood. "Eh?!?!?! UHHHHHHHhhh..." He said as he fainted from the sight. Geez Dax, stop being a baby and man up. "Shut up narrator!" Okay, okay, geez. Sorry.
Roo said:
It took a good while before the baby made it's way all the way through, and the second it hit air it started bawling. Good sign. The thing could breath. Scarlett held the mess of blood mucus and soft infant flesh, trying to calm it down.
"Male," Scarlett remarked after a moment, "and we really need something to clean it up with."
Sphinx smiled as she looked at the baby. "He's adorable." She said, holding out her arms. She then screamed more. "Another one!" She shouted.

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