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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Felix groans as a slap crosses his face. He opens his eyes and stares blankly at the ceiling.

"Why have you waken me?"
"I don't give a Damn what you're problem is at the moment! Wake your ass up sphinx is in labor!" Shift says quickly.
Felix stares blankly up into the ceiling. "Give her my congratulations." He says in a monotone voice.
Shift grabs Felix by the shirt and hoists him to his feet, "Give them to her yourself jackass. We'll deal with whatever you fucked up earlier but she needs you." Shift says, putting a hand on Felixs forehead and suppressing his negative emotions for now.

Even if he wanted to feel bad he'd be unable to for the time being.

(Shit, fuck that pursuit of happiness shit, just find an empath and have him give you a dose of joy xD )
Shift sighs and rubs his own face, "Fuck... listen here. After I'm done I want you to get your fucking ass into the infirmary and support the woman who poured her soul out for you." Shift growls in his face before clasping both hands onto his temples.

Shift concentrates a moment before starting to yell out as he literally sucks the emotions in Felix out and into himself, the intense emotions ravaging his mind as they enter. He finally let's go as they all transfer to him, leaving Felix with only his positive emotions. Shift staggers away, clutching his head and sobbing, moaning, groaning, and pulling at his hair at the intense emotions running rampant through him.
Felix's eyes widen as he runs to Shift. "Don't try this, it's futile." Felix says as he can already feel the depression returning. "Just give them back to me. I've done horrible things, I deserve it!"
Assailant said:
Felix's eyes widen as he runs to Shift. "Don't try this, it's futile." Felix says as he can already feel the depression returning. "Just give them back to me. I've done horrible things, I deserve it!"
Shift snarls and lurches up off the ground, punching Felix in the mouth while latching onto his head and continuing to drain the emotions, sucking every bit he can before he lets go, straining to hold himself together, "You.... might.... but.... She.... doesn't...." he struggles to say, the final word melting into a throat ripping scream of terror and pain akin to that of an animal in distress as shift lurches away and collapses, "Go....GOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He screams at Felix clutching his head as he starts to shift into multiple forms, his body no longer having a defined shape.

(Just go before I take too much and he dies dammit)
Roo said:
Scarlett hurried sphinx down to the infirmary, have her take off her pants and lay on the bed.
Sphinx screamed in agony as the infirmary bed gets soaked in liquid. She groaned loudly.
UnwantedTruth said:
Sphinx screamed in agony as the infirmary bed gets soaked in liquid. She groaned loudly.
Scarlett sat on the ought end of the bed, positioning sphinx in the best way that Scarlett could.

"The pain will get worse, you just need to push through it. If you don't it'll only last longer," Scarlett warned her, "try to breath regularly."
Felix gets up and nods. "I'm... sorry Shift." He says before running down to the infirmary. As he arrives and sees the scene, he stops in shock. "I... don't quite know how to deal with this."

Daniel watches the scene unfold and runs over to Shift. "A-Are you al-lright, Shift?"
Shift just grunts before letting out a sob and a scream again, his body still shifting uncontrollably.
Daniel pats him on the back. "Uh... there there." He says. "What's wrong?" He asks, not quite understanding what happened.
As soon as Daniel touched his back energy discharged between the two, throwing Daniel across the room and leaving him with just a taste of what both Felix and shift had and had to experience.
Scarlett glanced up at Felix, "two things here. Try and comfort Sphinx, or get some warm water and blankets."
Daniel flew across the hall and smashed into the wall, leaving a sting in his back. He then felt a crushing feeling and fell over and shook in the fetal position.

Felix looks around. Well, I don't know where blankets are, so I need to comfort. He runs up to her and thinks about what to say.

"Uh... how are you doing?" Oh crap that wasn't a good thing to say, was it?
Sphinx began to try to push, increasing the pain. Tears were flowing down her face as she screamed. She looked at Felix. "Like shit...." She muttered before screaming again.
Felix nods. God, what do I say? "You'll get through it. You always do." God dammit! Think of something good to say!
Assailant said:
Felix nods. God, what do I say? "You'll get through it. You always do." God dammit! Think of something good to say!
Dax comes into the room seeing Felix. "Hi Felix! Felling bette-EEGGHHHH!!! And the birthing is still happening! Laters!!" He says as he flees the room.
Sphinx smiled slightly before screaming and clenched her hands into fists. Her nails were digging into her palm, causing blue blood to drip out.
Felix takes off his overshirt and gives it to Sphinx. "Here, clench this." He then realized he was clearly showing off his bloodstained mouth and hands. Uh oh...
Sphinx grabbed his overshirt and held it in her hand, screaming. She took a heavy breath and continued to scream, tears running down her face.
Felix looks around the room. Scarlett doesn't seem to notice the blood... yet. And Sphinx seems like she's in too much pain to notice she's screaming into blood, some of which isn't even dried. Blood... so much blood. He can feel the depression hitting again. H-H-hold out for just a bit longer! For Sphinx.

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