[In the Service of the Senate] [OOC thread] Ye Olde Out of Character Thread...


someone has taken me up on question and answer while we wait for posts...

(1:32:04 AM) Happerry: Why is heaven closed up, anyway?
(1:32:19 AM) Happerry: And what happened to the loom and the maidens?

(1:32:49 AM) Biigoh: fair enough... is the answer you desire the truth? or what people know and believe to be the truth?

(1:33:01 AM) Happerry: What I know in character
I shall have a little post up... eventually. But for now, sleep.
I am the text of my post.

Plot is my body, and words are my blood.

I have typed over a thousand scenes.

Unaware of loss.

Nor aware of XP gain.

Have withstood pain to storytell.

And yet these hands will never roll a dice for my PCs,

And so as I pray,

"Unlimited rpg works".

Have responded to Happerry via PM...
Mugyuuu~ Hark!, a response is to be had by the ST after silence.

But will the witch of desserts have some heads?
If you wish to, you can copy magnificentmomo and prepare for battle... or not. After all, battles might not occur.
So, would I be able to use Frog's Tongue (Affliction) to represent the elongated and terrible arms of the Mortwright? And if so, could I further augment that attack with Talons (Affliction)?

If so, then my mutation package is Frog's Tongue, Talons, and Thick Skin to represent the ghostly wrappings. Sound good?

Also, I am gonna try and get the Oath for Niko done tomorrow night, since I am about to go to sleep, because I have to open tomorrow. I open every day through Saturday, so my posting might be a little slow. Also, I can't resist the lure of the new Auto chunk...
So it's magnificentmomo's turn to post for defense and then it's his tick... so, erm... I guess we're waiting on the Spectre.
I work late-ish tonight, but I have tomorrow off, so no bedtime for me! (which means I'll post, and also start my recruitment for my Alchemicals game in earnest)

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