[In the Service of the Senate] [OOC thread] Ye Olde Out of Character Thread...

So says the rules in 100CAotUS. As long as you pay the 1 mote when throwing the bolt, it returns, without paying extra motes. unless i misunderstood. Page 73.
So says the rules in 100CAotUS. As long as you pay the 1 mote when throwing the bolt' date=' it returns, without paying extra motes. unless i misunderstood. Page 73.[/quote']

That... change I hadn't notice. Well... damn... but I WILL require that it be something sensible like a bolt of ice or a giant snow/ice shuriken... as opposed to a bolt of lightning... unless you want to try and stunt this every time your lightning bolt flies back to you? :lol:
Haku said:
So says the rules in 100CAotUS. As long as you pay the 1 mote when throwing the bolt' date=' it returns, without paying extra motes. unless i misunderstood. Page 73.[/quote']

That... change I hadn't notice. Well... damn... but I WILL require that it be something sensible like a bolt of ice or a giant snow/ice shuriken... as opposed to a bolt of lightning... unless you want to try and stunt this every time your lightning bolt flies back to you? :lol:
Ah... but mine will be a cyclone of winds, who are both gentle, and wild. They settle gently in the palm of Ashiko, at the mercy of a Chosen of the Dragons themselves, only to run wild when hurled at an opponent dictated by her, buffeting him around, to make him lose some of his balance (the -2 penalty to actions caused by Air in the Charm description).
DB's, rockin' charms better than Spirit weapons. unlesss there is some way to make thse return as a non charm use that i don't about.
Actually, the DB version of spirit weapons... kind of suck. Elemental bolt thou is scary shit and expensive before the charm to use it on the cheap. ^_^ ;
Life is normalizing a little though admittedly now I begin job hunting. I should probably be able to manage a more stable post rate. Admittedly I'll need to figure out what to expend xp on now.
Sid some thinking about XP spending, I'm going to say that backgrounds can be purchased or improved by 1 dot per 3 xp spend. Let's say that reality bends before your narrative weight; allowing you to get new or better backgrounds within reason, like cult, more followers, allies, artifacts, style and so on.

This is for everyone, even those who've spend xp and want to make adjustchanges and changes now.
So, after some thought, here are my planned purchases: Archery 4, Archery 5, Craft 4, Ordinary Object Conjuration, Host-Summoning Glory of Command, Radiance of the Invincible Warrior. And then my last three exp are to buy a one dot ally in that miko I was talking to in the last thread. Also good to be in with the local help, specially when you are rooming at there place.
Seems fine, just update your character sheet with the spent xp and what was paid for.
Sleepy from work, will hopefully spend XP and post tomorrow.

One last thing to wrap up a loose end at the temple incident: The high priestess. Would it be alright with you if Spectre attuned to his Chancel, locked her inside and then detuned from the Chancel, thus locking all the entries? With the anathema removed and the only witness to the unsavory goings on imprisoned, that would leave Aiken in charge of the shrine, right? Seems fitting.
magnificentmomo said:
Sleepy from work, will hopefully spend XP and post tomorrow.
One last thing to wrap up a loose end at the temple incident: The high priestess. Would it be alright with you if Spectre attuned to his Chancel, locked her inside and then detuned from the Chancel, thus locking all the entries? With the anathema removed and the only witness to the unsavory goings on imprisoned, that would leave Aiken in charge of the shrine, right? Seems fitting.
Kidnapping a head priestess of a shrine? xD

It's not like she can do much... no motes to use and resist you. You can blame the manacles for that.

I'm not going to say no to that... but do remember to feed and water your pet fox priestess.

And, yes... Aiken would end up the new head priestess of the shrine by default after the scary God dealt with the corrupt former head priestess. Anathema? What anathema? Seriouesly, do note that she never saw Niko Mata.
I knew Aiken didn't, but did the High Priestess? If I have no trail to cover I will cover no trail. Otherwise I am punishing the High Priestess for her failings. I would have just sucked her down to 0 WP, but Exalts can't be brought below 1, and that isn't good enough. I have a retinue, someone is surely in my Chancel, and could feed her and take her on walks. Just as long as they don't take her leash off it should be ok.
magnificentmomo said:
I knew Aiken didn't, but did the High Priestess? If I have no trail to cover I will cover no trail. Otherwise I am punishing the High Priestess for her failings. I would have just sucked her down to 0 WP, but Exalts can't be brought below 1, and that isn't good enough. I have a retinue, someone is surely in my Chancel, and could feed her and take her on walks. Just as long as they don't take her leash off it should be ok.
Not disagreeing with you there... very well, you has a pet DB foxgirl...
Okay I'm sort of at a loss for what is going on. Graduation was a bit all-consuming and I'm not exactly sure what's expected at this moment.

Information has being gathered that the source of the problems plaguing Glalo was because there was a sun anathema in the area. One who fought the local war spiritoff.

It's speculated that he's searching for That Which Must Not Be, in the form of Hellish/Infernal Manses buried in the area.

Tosakin, the war spirit, has guided you to the area that where the anathema was near and likely what he was looking for.
Bout to post, but I wanted to know what the twin tailed vixen's innocuous assumed shape was.

Also, forgot to say this earlier, but The Fall is probably one of my favorite movies.
A house cat with two tails. It's not a true shape, so the MDV requirements to notice it is a bit higher. But if you know it's her, saw her change... you kind of can see the tails which is quite noticeable. ^_^
Edted in my pitiful roll so as to not take up space with ooc posts.

I wasn't sure if Raksha suffered the penalty or not. I'm away from my book currently.
magnificentmomo said:
Callooh callay! I have been shown a link to Holden talking about the 1e FF outline and its treatment.
Quotes From Holden Shearer » Secret History Of The Raksha


Some names have been withheld to protect those involved, not that any of them have written an Exalted book in years.

This is the tale of how the Fair Folk became the raksha, and why I go into full-body convulsions of laughter when people on RPGnet bemoan how I wrecked the perfectly-calibrated artistry of Graceful Wicked Masques and E:tFF.

I'm a bit of a packrat and social archeologist. I like knowing stuff about my predecessors, their processes, and generally what happened before I came along. So, ever since I got a single toe backstage, I've been collecting outlines, ancient messageboard posts, and minor memoranda having to do with Exalted's design. I mentioned a while back that I have all of Compass: Malfeas in raw draft form; I also have a bunch of 2e Compass and Manual outlines, including GWM, and some other stuff. The crown jewel of my collection, which I only came into possession of a few months ago (October-ish?) is the outline for Exalted: the Fair Folk. I prize Grabowski-artifacts most of all.

I read it and my mind was blown, because it describes something bold and exciting and enticing and not even slightly resembling Exalted: the Fair Folk. The "near-extinct exiles stranded in the house of the Primordials" angle that GWM 2.0 introduced is straight out of Grabowski's outline. Grabowski wanted the Fair Folk to look like a terrifying, alien invading force to the Creation-born, but wanted the experience of playing one to be that of playing exiled nobility in an alien world—cool, mighty, refugees, decimated in number, unable to return home because of the feeding frenzy going on out there in the Wyld.

The outline also called for Fair Folk to only be able to reproduce within Creation at a very slow rate. Boy did that not happen.

Most of all, though, the outline demanded that its writers be magnificent and creative and live up to the standard of Exalted, which is to say, he commanded them to exercise their brilliance and make the raksha weird and unique and not at all like standard eurofae. The eurofae trappings (Fair Folk, Faerieland, stolen Changeling: the Dreaming terms) would be laid over something weird and new and unique to Exalted.

(He also had some choice words about Pooka and Pooka fans.)

Everything past this point is secondhand, so I may have some of the details wrong, but essentially:

So, as will happen with these things, deadlines were tight, the project ran late, and the drafts came in, far too late for a total rewrite of the book, and several of the authors had pretty much ignored Geoff's outline and gave him standard eurofae tropes all over the place. The "the last remnants of a mighty alien race stranded in a foreign world" angle was completely not implemented at all, as you may remember if you ever read the book. Balor was implemented as a completely different character than he was supposed to be.

In a desperate bid to shift the tone of the book toward the exotic, Grabowski tore out the eurofae language completely, and he and Jenna filled the book with hindu mythology and sanskrit terms. Jenna went into overdrive to make the book as exotic and evocative and metaphysically resonant and strange as she could within her sections—the brilliance and failure of Exalted: the Fair Folk is largely the result of Grabowski and Rebecca Borgstrom performing triage on a compound clusterfuck with NO time remaining before final deadlines, basically. This is the point where Faerieland became Rakshastan, and the Fair Folk became raksha.

Through no fault of their own, the 2e guys then went into the resulting mess with the mandate to make it more approachable, not armed with any of this background knowledge, and gave it a straight facelift. I believe I'm the only person who's worked on Fair Folk in second edition with a complete record of their concept history across both editions.

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