[In the Service of the Senate] [OOC thread] Ye Olde Out of Character Thread...

Mechanically, Animani is done, I just need to work on her background story.
Where is the xp chart in GWM? I've gone through almost page by page (even checked the index) and I don't see one.

Nevermind. I found it in the Eratta.
So, having to deal with a court that's about a 2 hour drive from my house kinda sucked up all my free time, but I'm back! I'm sorry if my little run in with the law set stuff back. I once again grovel, I'll really don't mean to make a habit of this.
The tale is rare knowledge, something you would expect a priest to know, but not unexpected for a storyteller to know IF he hunted down rare tales.
Unless people want to post something, anything... I'm going to end the current thread by friday afternoon and start a new one.
With the upgrade to the forum, I must ask... who here is still interested in the game?
I would be, but my time is kinda in the shitter for the next week or two because I just lost my job, so I have to do a job blitz. Wish me luck.
I will put my vote in to keep going. I'd love to try my first Fae out.

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