[In the Service of the Senate] [OOC thread] Ye Olde Out of Character Thread...

There is that, why didn't you get a netbook? They are cheaper, especially when you hook up a monitor to them to get a bigger screen...
I got a new laptop, but I needed to get a computer that would be useful for a few years, so I needed to get a good graphics computer. Not so much for gaming, as for using graphics program.
Thank you Haku and Happerry for keeping the game alive in my absence! I should post something tomorrow, after I catch up on the reading of my other games.

Sorry for going disappearing without a word. I was sick, then I was busy, then it was my birthday so I was drunk for a week, then a series of failed interviews that had nothing to do with the aforementioned drunkenness... Then the idea of catching up is daunting, y'know? Well, I'm back if'n you'll have me.
You could always save up the XP? ^_^

And tell me when you're ready to do typings and I'll start up a post/thread/something for you...
A mixture of distractions and a mental block on this game have been overcome! I pushed aside my chronic ADD and have thought of something to do! Interact with the party! *gasp*

Also, new art for my character.
Just so you know, the castle isn't really a freehold, its one of the mobile freeholds in a pocket the errata scrolls added to the game, and the gate is currently inside the shrine we are all staying in. It's also Big, because I spent way to much exp on it because I wanted a big castle, so has something like 50 waypoints or whatever the 5 dot version had.

Just so you know where you are, instead of thinking its a random freehold.
I knew it was a Chancel, I don't know why I referenced it the way I did.

Needless to say, I work retail so last week sucked. I should have given a heads up though.
After some posting back and forth, Haku was kind enough to let me join in. I'm currently working on my first Fae character, and once I have a rough draft posted, any feedback will be quite welcomed.
Animani is a work in progress, and Haku is being very patient with me as he smacks me around to fix my mistakes. If anyone spots something, let me know and I'll fix it soonest. This is my first Fae, so some problems are bound to come up.
Where can I find the material bonuses for items made from Gossamer? I know that there has to be something, but I'll be damned if I can find it. :?
Sherwood said:
Where can I find the material bonuses for items made from Gossamer? I know that there has to be something, but I'll be damned if I can find it. :?
Gossamer forging art in raksha book, ring charms?
While useful in showing how to make an item, what I'm looking for is the bonuses you get for crafting a sword or similar weapon out of gossamer. What kind of Accuracy, Damage, Rate, Defense bonuses you get for using that material?
Sherwood said:
While useful in showing how to make an item, what I'm looking for is the bonuses you get for crafting a sword or similar weapon out of gossamer. What kind of Accuracy, Damage, Rate, Defense bonuses you get for using that material?
[QUOTE="Fairfolk book page 194]

The result is a gossamer item. A gossamer weapon adds

an additional +1 to two of the following: Accuracy, Damage,

Defense or Rate. Any Strength requirement for a gossamer

weapon is reduced by one. Gossamer armor has no fatigue or

mobility penalties. Gossamer tools are supernally effective,

adding a number of bonus dice to each use equal to the tool’s

gossamer cost. The preceding benefits are in addition to the

benefits from forging a fine, exceptional or perfect item.

A gossamer possession created through this Charm is always

considered a permanent work of glamour, which can freely enter

Creation with its owner without the need for an evocation Charm.

Such possessions do not provoke Glamour Resistance.

That bolded parts are important.
That was exactly what I was looking for, thanks. So, the bonuses of a gossamer item are there in addition to the ones given to perfect equipment?

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