[In the Service of the Senate] [OOC thread] Ye Olde Out of Character Thread...

Once there was a maiden

She was never where you expected her.

Not here. Nor there.

Not even anywhere...

She hid elsewhere between the boundaries of everywhere.

"I guess I don't exist." She cried in pique once.
Act 01.01: Legends in the Dusk of Creation is now closed with a fade to black.

We still have

Act 01.01a: Shadowed Nightmares for magnificentmomo/The Spectre in the Closet

Act 01.01b: Laughter in the streets... for Orzhov/Rigalo, The Harlequin Prince

Act 01.02: Gambling between heaven and hell... for danakir/Juno

I'll be starting up a new thread for Happerry/Anoth, The Serpent against the Waves
Hey all, sorry about my downtime. I was in New Mexico for spring break and I was told I would have internet access but I did not. Catching up now, will post either tonight or tomorrow.
magnificentmomo said:
Hey all, sorry about my downtime. I was in New Mexico for spring break and I was told I would have internet access but I did not. Catching up now, will post either tonight or tomorrow.
Ahhh... fabled Mexico where the college students go to during this thing they call spring g break.... xD
I appologize, Happerry for the lack of new thread for ic stuffage. Been busy with RL and works... :roll:
It was New Mexico, not quite the same as the Mexico they used to go to on Spring Break. I would be afraid of being murdered by drug cartels if I went to Mexico.

Would've posted last night, but I wasn't feeling it. If I finish my homework soon I will post tonight. Sorry I'm such a little bitch.

I've started a new thread...

Magnificentmomo, still waiting for you to post in your thread.

Orzhov, if you wish to, I can scene fade you and incorporate you into the new thread...

Danakir, still looking for you... where has you disappeared to? Has RL devoured you?

Shadow Red Claws, you can assume you're in the new scene. I'll work out the hows and such.
Sorry for Ansence 2: Electric Boogaloo. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. But I am back now! (that is if you will have me :oops: )

I'll post now, and if I am too be shunned, then it can be redacted.
It's alright, it seems to be catchy, except for when I look at all the interests threads that popped up in my absence, but only one request thread. Hmmm.

Posted. Shadowed Nightmares was my thread right?
Yes, yes it is...

also, before I forget. I would like a Perception + Awareness roll from you. ^_^
Curious, Haku, as a fellow Raksha lover did you ever see the post on the WW forums where Holden shared that he had the original outline for Exalte: The Fair Folk as well as many other documents dealing with its development. Even if you have, I will see if I can find it to share with the class. It shows why he is making the adjustments with the Ink Monkeys posts and the Errata that he is making.

fake edit: crap, I can't find it. Would anyone here happen to have it?
It was in the newest version. I PMed Holden about it. It wasn't in its own thread, he just dropped the gem in some other conversation, but I can't remember which one.

Basically Hannya, and the idea about being a decimated, alienated people were in the original outline, but all the authors for the original book ignored most of their outlines and wrote about Elves. Basically Borgstrom and Grabowski changed all the Euro names to Indian names, and rewrote whatever couldn't be salvaged in less than a month.

Also anything at all that could possibly relate to pooka, more specifically the the guys from Changling were not allowed.
And it is just as effective as in the last iteration, which if you don't know, wasn't. When I used it, it seemed to only be searching through the titles of threads, but not their content, and since it was in a completely unrelated thread it makes it difficult.

edit: and sadly I can't remember the name of the completely unrelated thread. :cry:
magnificentmomo said:
And it is just as effective as in the last iteration, which if you don't know, wasn't. When I used it, it seemed to only be searching through the titles of threads, but not their content, and since it was in a completely unrelated thread it makes it difficult.
edit: and sadly I can't remember the name of the completely unrelated thread. :cry:
My feelings on the Ishvara being "not playable"
Ishvara are a whole other thing that the IM gang came up with on their own, it had nothing to do with the outline. I am about to read this thread, but I remember Holden originally saying at one point that the Ishvara would eventually be more fleshed out.

edit: that was interesting, at least he referenced the outline on page one. Now I just hope he gets back to me.

addendum: Granted it is just in passing, but he does give a rough guideline on what to do with an Ishvara. Take Essence 8+ Heart 4+ Raksha with suitable story, give them Celestial Incarnate powers. You really can't get more specific than that from what I grok of them and the power suite of the Celestial Incarnate. I see them a bit like the Incarnae or the Deathlords: playing them would be strange, not that it would be unheard of, just special.

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