[In the Service of the Senate] [OOC thread] Ye Olde Out of Character Thread...

Good news! My sheet is up! Now to give my senate jester some good background.

Dunno why but this idea just jumped out at me more than my old char.
Yeah, I couldn't resist using that pic. Also considering my character to have fluff now. I hope it makes some sense.
Query, would the jester have been crafted for a specific empress? the most recent one? Or the 'line' of empresses?
That won't be an issue will it? I figure it would just make sense being attached to the young Empress that way which helps explain Rigalo's ways a little. It also shows him to be be a young Fairfolk noble which clicks in with the reset and use of the errata, etc.
Not really, no... You're just the latest in a "long" line of entertainer raksha for the various empresses when they were young or not so youmg... the only difference is you became a noble (on your own, to boot)
Sorries. Find my post in the other place... but I'm a little still recoverying from almost a deadly dance with an older disease. Stupid flu/colds that lead to harsher illness if not cared for properly.

I hope I can remember what I was doing with Xytrisae in her re-working.
So, sorry I dropped off the face of the Net. Seems to happen around this time of year. I will have a background all written up by the weekend.

Also, Orzhov, I had the thought of having my character having been an old foil of yours. Another noble made as a monster in the closet for the Empress, but he would have grown out of it.
ahhh... companions of the princess. One to entertain, and the other to... frighten on the anathema, assorted monsters and her 'distant' ancestress. But now she's all grown up and put away the toys of her sheltered youth...
Posted a small blurb. As I was writing it, I thought of Nightmare before Christmas being a great Raksha tale. The different holiday lands are courts... it was interesting.
magnificentmomo said:
Awesome. I forgot, what level of Wyld is the Blessed Ilse these days?
Tainted lands mostly. Except for the freeholds and patches of bordermarches here and thete
magnificentmomo said:
I forget, and can't ever find it: Are shaping actions valid in tainted lands, and if so, at what difficulty?
5 dots of style background
You move effortlessly between the static tendencies of Creation’s fixed character and the possibilities inherent in your birthright as a raksha. While in Creation, you may undertake a number of Wyld stunts per story equal to your lowest non-feeding Grace (see “Wyld Stunts†on p. 119). Each Wyld stunt performed in Creation costs one gossamer. Also, if the Wyld stunt targets the mind, body or soul of a Creation-born, the Wyld stunt is considered a work of glamour. Any Creation-born whose (Integrity + Essence) exceeds whichever Attribute the raksha used in the roll being stunted is automatically immune to the harmful effects of the attack by virtue of her Glamour Resistance. (Glamour Resistance is explained more fully on page 149.)
The shaping rules assume a significant Wyld influence on the region by default. The difficulty of shaping is increased in places where the Wyld is thin. Performing shaping actions in the Bordermarches, when rolls are required, inflicts a -2 external penalty (already factored into the roll to shift waypoints). Shaping in an uncapped demesne inflicts an external penalty equal to (6 – demesne’s level). Storytellers can just treat the demesne as Bordermarches if establishing the demesne’s level would be too much bother.
This two combined together. You basically need style 5 to do wyld stunts/shaping in Creation/Tainted lands.

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