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"You probably could, if I were the kind of man that let himself get drunk" Dante remarked, chuckling softly behind the mask. "But, when you've made enough enemies, you realize getting drunk tends to be a liability." he shook his head before turning his gaze back to the fight.

He glanced back at her when she spoke of Raven's predictable pattern of behavior. "Waiting for someone? Old friend, or maybe just someone skilled enough to fight him?" Dante inquired, his gaze locked on Kel's for just that moment. He was curious about that masked man... Something about him.... And it seemed the spitfire he spoke to knew a few things.

Not to mention she was rather easy on the eyes...

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Ivan sighed as he heard the multitude of bets being placed around him, but what surprised him, was that only two people were fighting. From outside, it seemed as if a pack of wolves were attacking! Ivan looked at the floor, noticing the amount of blood that had been spilled, reflecting the candlelight coming from the bar. He listened what a man with a mask on had to say, but he wouldn't take this advice to heart. He was never one to drink too heavily. Ivan watched as the fight progressed, wondering what even started this fight.

Just as soon as he thought that, he realized that one of the brawlers was a necromancer! Ivan sat of straighter to get a better look as more people gathered. "This should be very interesting indeed, I may have to join-in on this brawl." He said to no one in particular.
Kelda Folkvar

"I guess I can see the reasoning behind that" Kelly thought aloud, meeting his own dark gaze, with sharp emerald orbs. "But I don't know very much about him. Since the king died a few years ago, he just...Showed up. There was quite a few rumors about where he came from, what he was doing. I've only shared a few words with him so far. Even Albert hasn't gotten anything out of him, and Albert is one of those guys you just have to tell everything to" Her slender fingers danced over the wooden counter, running over the oaken grooves.

Finally she broke the eye contact, now resuming to look at the tankard of mead with somewhat feigned interest. "Raven really is a loner. He hasn't spoken much about everything, apart from a few comments about the weather." Kelda sighed, shrugging. "I doubt even you could get it out of him" Her lips once more twitched up into a smile. "It doesn't matter though. All that matters is he pays his tab off, and doesn't burn down the place again"

@One Mean Ghost
"Probably not. The more I hear about him the more akin to me he sounds. If that's the case, you won't get a word out of him unless he just for some reason chooses to tell you" Dante remarked chuckling softly to himself. "Then again, I'm a tad bit more talkative than him from the sounds of it" he glanced back up at her, his eyes betraying the grin his mask hid.

"So... as it seems we've exhausted what we can say about our... entertainment, this evening, what brings you to this particular establishment?" he inquired, his curiosity getting the best of him now. Given the type of people that frequented taverns like this, she seemed incredibly out of place, as did her sister. Of course, he knew Kel's reputation as a woman who could drink any man under the table, but he wondered why she chose this particular tavern...

The zombie wiggled and squirmed around unable to get up. The blade from Raven had taped him he was pinned. He grunted and yelled unintelligent noises making it clear to everyone he was pissed off and annoyed. It was obvious he would no longer be a threat to anyone. Jackson lay there on the ground as Raven brought his foot down loud cracking noises could be herd throughout the tavern signaling to everyone that ribs had been broken. Jackson made a pained face and after revising the punch to the chin he spat at Raven but didn't get up. He did stop the whispers and even tuned into them and smiled from the ground. He got up and said in a loud voice so everyone could hear, "Oh dear it looks like we have a coward my friends" He got up and leaned in tauntingly to Raven smiling "it seems you have a secret, it'd be a real shame if someone where to tattle" Jackson had completely dropped his guard and he was now staring at Ravens mask more curious then ever. Raven how ever no longer messing around and feeling the need to play along with this foolish necromancer drove one of his blades deep into Jackson and looked at him straight in his eye forehead to forehead. His eyes were full of anger and full of rage. He spoke in a low tone "burn in hell". As the blade penetrated Jackson he let out a loud and dramatic yell. But then as soon as Raven had finished talking he smiled and said "just kidding". Jackson grabbed Ravens head before he could react gripping his mask with the forces of a thousand suns. Raven gathered himself a moment later and kicked Jackson away from him ripping his mask off his face and giving everyone in the tavern full view of it. Jackson went flew across the bar hitting three other patrons and and table knocking it and them down but the smile never left his lips.

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Kelda Folkvar

"I think I prefer it when a man of mystery is actually talkative" She grinned in return. "I doubt he has much to hide, a sad childhood like the rest of us." Kel smiled supping at her remaining drink. "Im here because...Well I've known Albert since a kid, him and his daughter always made you feel welcome. Soon I felt I was part of the family...And it was nice for a change. I do artefact hunting mostly, sometimes getting stolen goods back from bandits. Overall, I think its the best goddamn job in the world." The grin widened slightly, now leaning back. "I went to get some old sword, belonging to a guy who was too dead to use it. Apparently it was made to be a hard mission. Yet here I am, and Albert learned to have more faith in lil' ol' me"

Yet the fighting reached its climax, bringing her attention away from the assassin beside her. She froze in place, jaw slack.

The Raven

The shadows of the hood didn't hold his secret for long, now smacked backwards. He landed, the crowd silent and staring at his features.

A shadow of stubble scattered his jawline. The assassins face was well built, with a good prominent facial structure; A thin silvery scar running along his cheekbone before fading. Raven keeping true to his name, with ebony close cropped hair and equally dark eyebrows. Although on the left side of his face, was markings. Tattoos of a traitor to be exact. It ran from his temple, down to the corner of his eye.

Two differently coloured orbs snapped open. One green, the other blue.

Arthur Blackthorne.

The head of the royal guard.

Then it started, the slow resume as they saw the so called traitor himself.

"...He's dead..."

"He was beheaded"


With intense gaze did he give a glare to the necromancer. One that promised death. Swiftly he got to his feet, the door blocked by men willing to bludgeon him to death. He escaped now up the stairs, knocking over prostitutes and maids.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Celemyvel @One Mean Ghost @labyrinthecho @RagingNoodle @Yoyoman200
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Dante actually laughed at the reveal. "Well then! That explains why he was such a fighter!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands as he watched the disgraced former head of the royal guard bolting up the stairs. He stood up, dropping a sack of coins on the bar. "The extra's to cover the bodies" Dante called to Albert, glancing over at Kel. "I think I'll follow him, you could say he's.... got my interest now.. Care to join me?" He asked, his gaze once more meeting hers as he started towards the stairs after the fleeing fighter. "If you're too scared to come, I understand" His eyes betrayed a coy smirk under his mask.

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Kelda Folkvar

"...By the gods am I bloody coming!" She declared, swigging back the rest of her mead before starting off at a sprint, to once more shove the maids and 'Working women' out the way, with cries of complaint and outrage. Chasing the once honourable man. Her breathing quickened as he dodged and ducked out into other rooms and to a window, slipping out of it and onto the window sill. Kelda paused, then shrugged to herself. How much have I got to lose anyway? The young woman followed him out the window with a yelp of surprise, as she hit the roof with a roll, and a grunt of impact. Her hair loosening its bun to release more ringlets of fiery hair around her pale features.

The Raven

He fell from the window into a roll, his feet clattering on the roof tiles as the cloak swept out behind him. That stupid necromancer, couldn't he see what he'd done?! Arthur had begun to accept his identity, feel at ease whilst surrounded by the staunch supporters of the old king, No matter how he lived, no matter how he hid... It would never be forgotten by the people.

They told them that HE killed the High King.

They said that HE killed his wife.

...They declared that it was HE whom the kingdoms fall fell upon.

A scapegoat was all that he had become.

@One Mean Ghost
Dante's movements were a blur, people scarcely realizing he was near before he was gone. When Kel looked up after her roll, Dante was already standing over her, helping her to her feet. "Come on now, I'll never hear the end of it if he manages to escape!" That look in his eyes... he was enjoying this! In the blink of an eye, he had seemed to vanish, but he had started after the disgraced man, the gap cut by a chunk as he closed in.

"Come now, Arthur, you know damn well you can't outrun me!" Dante called after the fleeing man a hand resting on the handle of a sword, just in case Arthur decided to switch from flight to fight.... Sure, he could have already closed the gap, but he knew Arthur's abilities well enough to know rushing in like that, even at his speed, would be a fatal mistake...

Talitha was holding on to her tankerd about to take a sip as the reveal was made by Raven. Her eyes widened in shock and she dropped the tanker, soon though that expression turned cold and angry as she rushed after him. He killed the king, her king, she will not let go unpunished and she wil atone for her failure. She drew one of her dagger picking up her pace and gradually catching up.
Kelda Folkvar

She took Dantes help with a determined nod, now chasing after the both of them once more. Kel found herself falling behind, her brow creasing as she tried to catch up with both males, seemingly effortless strides. Her chest heaved with the physical exertion, rolling her eyes and muttering curses under her breath. "Why do you both have to be so damn fast. By the gods im dying here" Her breathless words passed.

The Raven

Arthur turned, standing on the roofs edge. His one blue eye, other green; hardened through war, hate and murder. The wind offering a backdrop, with a gentle nudge of his cloak curling around his form. "Why Dante? Should I stand still whilst you strike me down? Make it easy?" Blackthorne snapped, his face filled with agony. The kind that was bitter and soul consuming. Not physical, yet mental. "I seem to be on the verge though." The assassin glanced back over, down at the street below. "There's been worse ways to end a life" He muttered with a dry, mirthless chuckle.

@RagingNoodle @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @One Mean Ghost
Silas watched as the necromancer was dealt with a deadly blow from the masked man. Would he survive? He was a mage, after all. The woman craned her neck forward as the fighting only got more intense. The necromancer flew across the bar past her, and she looked from him to the vagabond. 'Ah, his mask..' unfolding her arms, they fell to her side as her eyes drifted to the face of a traitor. 'Those are some eyes you've got there. I swear, I've seen them before,' she smirked. Suddenly, though, guards stormed in the bar, and she tensed. 'What exactly do you have to do with them?!' she wondered, ducking down. Time to go. Silas ran after the Raven, past everyone. Past the dark Sigurd. A smile crossed her features as she thought of how exhilarating this chase would be. Following the others, she shoved the idly-standing people down the stairs, and jumped out the window. Like a cat, she was able to land on her feet lightly and keep up without missing a beat. Nevertheless, she looked over her shoulder to see if anyone else was following them.

((Post edited. 8D))
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"He won't do it but I will..."Talitha said with real venom in her voice as she approached Revan."oh and no I am not going to make it easy." She said through a punch at the man's stomach and ap went to drag him of the edge of the roof to the ground."You will suffer as gods as my witnesses."She said tears appearing in her eyes.
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Dante held up his arm to stop the two sisters and the others from passing him. "Don't get foolish. He'll kill any of you easily" Dante remarked, taking a step forward towards Arthur. "That defeatist attitude doesn't suit you, Arthur." Dante remarked, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched the disgraced soldier.

"I should have figured it was you before that mask came off, No one fights quite like Arthur Blackthorn after all, and I should know, we've fought enough times after all" Dante's eyes betrayed an amused smirk. "So, sate my curiosity, I thought you were beheaded, yet here you stand. Are you a ghost, some specter trying to surpass death, or did you just refuse to die until we finally settled which of us was the better fighter?" He asked with a laugh as he watched his old friend.

And of course, one hothead didn't listen...

He shook his head as Talitha attacked. "Did you hear ANYTHING I just said?" he asked irritably..
The Raven

"You're a fool to believe what others have told you. I pledged my life to the king. I was brought up alongside him as not a royal guard, but kin. My blade was drawn in his honor." The once head of the royal guard simply let her beat him, dragged to the roofs edge. "...Dante. Look at me. My reputation is tatters. Everything I loved has been destroyed. My child. My wife. My king." His head bowed, as if he sat at that chopping block once more. "I escaped. The man beheaded on that stage, never had the bag removed from his head. It was to put the public at rest, lure them into a false security. Make it seem King Belgae had the peoples interest at heart." Finally, now with one knee bent, looking at the crowd whom had gathered, he accepted it. Perhaps death would be swift. Stories would be sung of the rumors, yet no one would remember the man. The man that had been stripped of everything.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @labyrinthecho @One Mean Ghost
Talitha looked at the former royal guard, blade in her hand but didn't move as if indecisive and more tears streaming down her face. She was away on assignment on a minor matter at the time when she got the news. It was true she never knew him as a man that would do something like this but grief had hit her hard , the king was the only man she... and now when she saw the man's eyes and the honestly her anger melted into sadness. She moved off Raven and walked to the edge of the roof, sniffing and trying to control her crying.she never been this emotional below.
"I always did wonder about that... why the bag was never removed. I never could quite understand what you had to gain from killing the king. No matter what way I sliced it, you had nothing to gain, but everything to lose. You always spoke highly of him." Dante remarked, moving closer to his old friend. "If I remember right.. our first fight came about because I said something you interpreted as an insult to the King.." He chuckled softly. "No one with that kind of devotion would turn so suddenly..." he mused tapping his chin thoughtfully.

"This has just created so many more questions..." he murmured, crossing his arms, the gears clearly turning in his head. "For now... I think we need to find you a new identity to use. Then we can start sorting out the rest of this whole deal...." Dante remarked, turning to the rest of those gathered. "I'm only going to say this once, so listen closely. No one is killing Arthur tonight. Something in my bones is telling me things aren't right with all of this. So until I have it sorted out, keep your pointy objects to yourself unless you want them jammed in uncomfortable places." Once again, his eyes betrayed a smirk. It wasn't a challenge, it was a promise he was more than able to keep...



The Raven

"Get rid of your fucking smirk. Don't you see? DON'T YOU FUCKING SEE? THEY KILLED MY CHILD. THEY TOOK EVERYTHING." His breathing was harsh and quick, filled with rage. "This is not a game Dante. This is not some nostalgic 'Get Together'. Gregor died in my arms, bled out and I was found with that on my hands. His CORPSE IN MY ARMS" His shoulders shook with a dry sob. Once a great man, now broken. He had stood tall in the parades, a grin on his face, whilst the king and him shared a light comedic banter.

@One Mean Ghost
Jackson watched as chaos exploded in the tavern. Everyone had started shouting and many chased after Arthur as he tried desperately to get away having his cover blown. "oh me oh my who would have ever guessed i would find such a rare specimen here of all places" he said quietly to himself. He slowly got up and looked at the three guys he had landed on. One of them seemed to have a broken leg and the other two where knocked out. Wooh yep that's Arthur alright and the stories about him weren't exaggerated he is a magnificent fighter. He pulled Arthur blade from his chest slowly. If he had sliced my head off i wouldn't be standing here hmmm lucky he went just for a stab. He went over to the man with the broken leg and told him to relax. " I know the ways of magic friend ill help you out" He then opened his mouth and began sucking the man's life energy. Paralyzed with fear the man could only lay there as he began to wither. Most of the patrons of the tavern had run off to chase after the former commander. Jackson's wound had fully healed all that was left was a faded scar. He toss some coins Albert's way and smiled "sorry about the mess good sir, things got out of hand but i do hope this with cover damages to the table and this dead body" he gave a small bow, picked up his staff and ran in the direction the girls and second masked man had gone in purest of Arthur. He ran as fast as his body could and when he got there herd the former commander yelling.

@One Mean Ghost @labyrinthecho


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"And what should he do stew in sadness and grief?Look how well it worked out for you."Talitha spoke up finally. "You are sad for their death, I get it trust me I do. "She turned around and approached him a stern look in his eyes."But you just being pathetic. You didn't kill the king, fine i believe you, then find who did it make it right don't willow in self pity get some justice for pity sake. You were captain of the guards and you werent for nothing as I recall. We can do this!"
He let Talitha say her peace, pausing for a moment to choose his words.

Dante turned back to his old friend, the gleam in his eyes gone. "It isn't a game? With you sitting there on your knees, I thought it must be some kind of joke. The Arthur Blackthorne I knew never knelt to anyone except his King, yet now you're on your knees like a damn dog." He stood over Arthur know, his arms crossed. "If this isn't a joke, if your wife and son meant half as much as you say, then you shouldn't disgrace them like this. Get on your feet." He paused, yanking Arthur up by the front of his clothes so he stood.

"If they really meant so much to you... Never let yourself kneel like that again. Honor their memory and make sure those responsible are made accountable. You owe your wife and son that much" He hissed, actually in Arthur's face now...

He stepped away from Arthur, releasing his clothing. "If I ever.... see you disgracing the memory of your loved ones like that again... I'll personally send you to them to beg their forgiveness" Dante glared right into Arthur's eyes. That was a promise.... One not to be taken lightly.

@XxLuluxX @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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Sigurd approached the small group, almost prancing in delight. After the great reveal, he'd followed everyone, enhancing his speed to catch up. His beautiful red rose immediately lost interest for him as his biggest contract survivor was revealed. Could it be? Could it really be? He almost sang pleasantly. Gods, he loved ruining lives. Crushing them to bits and pieces, a window shattered beyond repair. Women died screaming, children died whining, men died crying. But Arthur had gotten away. Damn stubborn. Sigurd should have known with the way he fought, but he had been to the Crooked Crow to reopen old wounds of an old man. Now there were two men to shred once again.

Sword drawn, he made sure he was away from them, enchants ready for a riling battle as they talked pitifully of honor. This was completely priceless, though unfortunately no one knew that it was himself that was the source of all despair, as he had been in disguise that night and with fellow assassins to make sure the job was done. Oh boy, oh giddy. It wasn't his birthday was it? Sigurd chuckled maniacally aloud. "So this is how you've been hiding, Arthur Blackthorn? You escaped my blade for this? Pity your family couldn't achieve the same fate." His eyes glowed like flames as his fingers traced his blade mockingly. The same blade that was the source of suffering for everyone who had a conscious. Gods, he'd been waiting to get wind of this man, tie up loose ends for his new King and get his payment, a fortune.

((Is my plot twist acceptable? :P Or too much?))

@XxLuluxX @One Mean Ghost @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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The Raven

The anger started as a slow burn, now looking up to Dante with a look that could kill. "Disgrace? You think of me as a metal man. I have feelings, raw emotions which eat away with vigor. I dream my wife to be sleeping beside me. My son, a strong warrior...That fairytail is untouchable. I almost had it. I had everything." His steps were slow a he drew his blade, facing the man he had once called friend. "My wife was taken unwillingly to the bed by brutes. My son screaming for his mother. For me. He was only a babe, swaithed in white cotton. A newborn. Stabbed, and stabbed again till he finally lay limp in his cot." Tears now streaked his harsh cheeks, yet Arthur was unflinching. "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A DISGRACE IN THEIR NAMES" Clouded in a haze of hate and sorrow did he swing the blade, its top shredding the cloth of his armour.

@One Mean Ghost
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Celemyvel said:
Sigurd approached the small group, almost prancing in delight. After the great reveal, he'd followed everyone, enhancing his speed to catch up. His beautiful red rose immediately lost interest for him as his biggest contract survivor was revealed. Could it be? Could it really be? He almost sang pleasantly. Gods, he loved ruining lives. Crushing them to bits and pieces, a window shattered beyond repair. Women died screaming, children died whining, men died crying. But Arthur had gotten away. Damn stubborn. Sigurd should have known with the way he fought, but he had been to the Crooked Crow to reopen old wounds of an old man. Now there were two men to shred once again.
Sword drawn, he made sure he was away from them, enchants ready for a riling battle as they talked pitifully of honor. This was completely priceless, though unfortunately no one knew that it was himself that was the source of all despair, as he had been in disguise that night and with fellow assassins to make sure the job was done. Oh boy, oh giddy. It wasn't his birthday was it? Sigurd chuckled maniacally aloud. "So this is how you've been hiding, Arthur Blackthorn? You escaped my blade for this? Pity your family couldn't achieve the same fate." His eyes glowed like flames as his fingers traced his blade mockingly. The same blade that was the source of suffering for everyone who had a conscious. Gods, he'd been waiting to get wind of this man, tie up loose ends for his new King and get his payment, a fortune.

((Is my plot twist acceptable? :P Or too much?))

@XxLuluxX @One Mean Ghost @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
((I literally just got the notification xD Um. We could make this work. I got this. I think c: ))

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