One Mean Ghost
Your Ghost Host from the West Coast
"And whom is whom, if I may be so blunt to ask?"
Dante couldn't contain a laugh. "Tough to say..." he remarked, his smirk evident by the glint in his eyes. "I'm not exactly an assassin so that makes me curious as well..." He relaxed back against the bar, setting down his cup as he waited for a reply, watching the other sister fend off a few grabby gents... He watched one offender crash into the other two fighters.. "You probably shouldnta did that, that fellow in the mask seems to have a temper on him you may have just incited..." He remarked to the standing sister with an amused gleam in his eyes.
-Well, it isn't a quiet drink, but at least it's entertaining...-
@XxLuluxX @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Celemyvel
Dante couldn't contain a laugh. "Tough to say..." he remarked, his smirk evident by the glint in his eyes. "I'm not exactly an assassin so that makes me curious as well..." He relaxed back against the bar, setting down his cup as he waited for a reply, watching the other sister fend off a few grabby gents... He watched one offender crash into the other two fighters.. "You probably shouldnta did that, that fellow in the mask seems to have a temper on him you may have just incited..." He remarked to the standing sister with an amused gleam in his eyes.
-Well, it isn't a quiet drink, but at least it's entertaining...-
@XxLuluxX @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Celemyvel