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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

Ah, yes. I hadn't considered the sound of it. I'll go back to the dictionary to come up with a name in Chinese.
Good choice, Psy - I'll go back to taking him seriously, then. Regardless, note that there will be certain expectations in case of romance down the line. No pressure!
When we were just a handful of mutant animals, I hadn't thought of the possibility of finding a fellow mutant tiger of the opposite gender. But with the change to the Chinese spirit-critter, there is now the possibility to find love out there with other tiger spirits.
Speaking of different species, we now have an elephant (me), a predatory bird of some sort (Silanon), a fox-spirit (Kaerri) and a bouncy trouncy tigger (psy). What wonderful ideas for our extra are running around in Purr's head right now?
In a horrible game, we'd get a chimera to offer all the romance options.

With Purr, we probably get something different, but awesome.
By the way, we totally missed that bonus for 'several members of the same species'. Let's hope our foes are as diverse as we are!
Speaking of birds, I found a few pics of humanoid birds that might be of interest to you.
By the way, we totally missed that bonus for 'several members of the same species'. Let's hope our foes are as diverse as we are!
That's same species, background, education, and martial arts system - and yes, that appears so! =)
I like the diversity we have so far. I think it is worth losing the bonus.
I like the diversity we have so far. I think it is worth losing the bonus.
True - plus, it was hard enough to find one elephant name, and even harder to find one for the tiger.
Remember.... you asked!

A little backstory here. Eternal Alchemist started up a Rifts campaign here late last year, but the game never got off the ground. This wonderful little fellow was my hyperactively-created addition to that game (never let anyone tell you that hyperactivity/ADHD doesn't have its benefits!!).

Tonight, not even 15 minutes after I learned that you guys and gals wanted a 5th party member, in he comes, tail wagging, bright eyes flashing, cute face eager to play... Toby! Also known as... Spot!

Kookaburra confirmed?
Even better, good Sil!

"Who's a good boy?"

More in a moment!

  • Paola Majid at playgroundai.com.jpeg (Image credit: The talented Paola Majid at PlaygroundAI.com) fey_corgi_by_bagelcollie at Deviant art.com.jpg (Image credit: The terrific BagelCollie from DeviantArt.com)
    Dog Loop GIF
    Happy Chill GIF
    Dat happy face!
    Happy Birthday GIF
    Former name and title: Lead Doctor Karl Hans-Gunther Weiss
    Adventuring name: "Toby"
    Homeland: Texas, former United States.
    O.C.C.: Rogue Scientist. W00T!
    "R.C.C.:" Corgi Dog Boy. Arf!
    Level: 1st
    Species: Formerly human. Now? Canis Lupus Familiaris (Superior?)
    Alignment: Scrupulous
    Appearance: Furry, bright, happy-looking, disarmingly cute.
    Disposition: Curious, deep-thinking, kind, practical, stubborn, a dreamer and doer.
    Quote: "In the past, humanity longed to know if we were alone in the universe. Today, we know. Both our dreams and nightmares are here to stay. What now for Earth?"
    Age: Prior to transformation, 58. Today, apparently a young adult mutant canine.
    Concept: A former CS Lone Star lead scientist transformed into a Corgi Dog Boy and now living free.
    Gender: Male.
    Height: 5 feet, 2 inches.
    Weight: Perhaps 75 pounds.
    Fur: Medium-length, brown and white, clean and well-groomed.
    Eyes: A friendly shade of deep brown.
    Other features: At times he seems to forget he has a tail, but other times, he gleefully chases it.
    Hobbies: Stargazing, doing science, exploring, practicing his new-found powers.

    I.Q. 17 (+3% to Skills/+0 to Perception)
    M.E. 8 (+0 to Psionic Attack, +0 vs. insanity)
    M.A. 19 (55% to Charm/Intimidate)
    P.S. 15 (+0 S.D.C. damage. Add lift/carry here if desired.)
    P.P. 25 (+5 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. 16 (+4% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +1 to Saving Throws vs. Magic, poison)
    P.B. 12 (0% to Charm/Impress)
    Spd 30 (approximately 20 mph/33 kph)

    Hit Points: 20
    S.D.C.: 54
    P.P.E.: 13
    I.S.P.: 58

    Hit Points: 20 (+16 P.E.) (+4 experience level)
    S.D.C.: 54 (+2 Athletics) (+11 Boxing) (+9 Corgi bonus) (+20 Dog Boy base O.C.C.) (+12 Rogue Scientist)
    P.P.E.: 13 (+0 per level - does not increase)
    I.S.P.: 58 (+10 per level) 50 + M.E. (8)

    Note: Swapped the 2 rolled for I.Q. with the 8 on M.E. resulting in a more scientist-minded brain but still having the reflexes of someone who is S.D.C. in a Mega-damage campaign! That's smart, right? 8D
    I.Q. 17 (+8 Dice) (+7 Corgi) (+2 Rogue Scientist)
    M.E. 8 (+2 Dice) (+6 Corgi) (Sounds about right for a scientist thrown out alone into Rifts New West!)
    M.A. 19 (+6 Dice) (+9 Corgi) (+4 O.C.C. Corgi)
    P.S. 15 (+6 Dice) (+6 Corgi) (+1 Athletics) (+2 Boxing)
    P.P. 25 (+17 Dice) (+8 Corgi)
    P.E. 16 (+7 Dice) (+6 Corgi) (+2 O.C.C. Corgi) (+1 Running)
    P.B. 12 (+6 Dice) (+6 Corgi)
    Spd 30 (9 Dice) (+5 Athletics) (+7 Corgi) (+9 Running)

    Combat Modifiers
    Perception +7 (see Corgi Dog Boy O.C.C.)
    Initiative +2
    Attacks per Round: 5
    Strike +6
    Parry +9
    Dodge +9
    Roll with Punch +4
    Damage: +0 S.D.C.

    Disarm +7
    Pull Punch +4
    Body Flip/Throw +5
    Horror Factor +0
    Special Combat Bonuses: Bite (1d6 S.D.C. for restrained bite, 2d6 for full strength). Considered a Master Psionicist but gains no powers after 1st level.

    Combat Attributes
    Perception +7 (+3 Corgi - see O.C.C.) (+4 Rogue Scientist)
    Initiative +2 (+2 Corgi)
    Attacks per Round: 5 (+1 Boxing) (+4 Hand to Hand: Expert)
    Strike +6 (+5 P.P.) (+1 Corgi)
    Parry +9 (+5 P.P.) (+1 Athletics) (+2 Boxing) (+1 Corgi)
    Dodge +9 (+5 P.P.) (+1 Athletics) (+2 Boxing) (+1 Corgi)
    Roll +4 (+1 Athletics) (+1 Boxing) (+2 Hand to Hand: Expert)
    Damage: +0
    Disarm +7 (+5 P.P.) (+2 Corgi)
    Pull Punch +4 (+2 Corgi) (+2 Hand to Hand: Expert)
    Body Flip/Throw: +5 (+5 P.P.)
    Entangle: +5 (+5 P.P.)
    Special: (Corgi) Perception bonuses (see O.C.C.), +2 to save vs. Disease, +1 to save vs. Psionic Attack and Mind Control, +3 vs. possession and curses, +3 to save vs. Faerie magic, +1 to save vs. magic, and when the Corgi fails to save, the damage, penalties and duration of magic used against a Corgi are half. Otherwise, same as the traditional Dog Boy.
All we need to do now is put Purr into a headlock to get him to roll some stats and education for us so we can work on our characters!
Ha haaaa!

If this is your 5th, I am completely rerolling him, same way as you guys and gals, as a Mutant Animal. He wants to go Healer/Doctor if the dice are kind. I imagine him to be as cheerful as Silanon's hawk is dark (or whatever birb Sil chooses upon getting a good look at After The Bomb). I imagine he does everything he can to cheer you guys up, especially when things get down. He could be the yang to Silanon's hawk's yin.

Spot is dedicated, loyal, with a terrific positive spirit and, while I haven't yet found a martial art system for him, I think he'd be a heck of a lot of fun to play!

All we need to do now is put Purr into a headlock to get him to roll some stats and education for us so we can work on our characters!
Good luck with that! I know how to get out of headlocks and reverse them into something far worse for the receiver. Bring it on! =)

Seriously, the two of you seem to be forgetting Silanon here. He's behind you guys right now. He's never even seen After the Bomb while you guys have not only seen it, but chosen all manner of goodies by now.
Besides that... waiting seems to be the way to go. I may have a new way to do Education that involves... well... all five of you!

So yeah! We will get to it... but only after I feel Silanon is in a good position like the rest of you are! Maybe that new way to do Education will be a reward? Either way, Sil deserves the same opportunities you guys have already enjoyed, don't you think? =)

Also... I am putting together a character sheet for this game that I would like everyone to use. You are free to add to it, but I seriously want everyone to fill in the blanks. Don't worry; it's nothing nearly as detailed as my own character sheets. It's stuff I really want to have in places I can easily find it.

But for the moment, what do you guys think of Toby/Spot's concept?
OOooooh! Look at the cute little Corgi puppers! So adorable!
Yeah, I'm a guy, but I admit it - I fell in love with those pupper-faces right off the bat! Sooo cuuute! =)
Ha haaaa!

If this is your 5th, I am completely rerolling him, same way as you guys and gals, as a Mutant Animal. He wants to go Healer/Doctor if the dice are kind. I imagine him to be as cheerful as Silanon's hawk is dark (or whatever birb Sil chooses upon getting a good look at After The Bomb). I imagine he does everything he can to cheer you guys up, especially when things get down. He could be the yang to Silanon's hawk's yin.

Spot is dedicated, loyal, with a terrific positive spirit and, while I haven't yet found a martial art system for him, I think he'd be a heck of a lot of fun to play!

Good luck with that! I know how to get out of headlocks and reverse them into something far worse for the receiver. Bring it on! =)

Seriously, the two of you seem to be forgetting Silanon here. He's behind you guys right now. He's never even seen After the Bomb while you guys have not only seen it, but chosen all manner of goodies by now.
Besides that... waiting seems to be the way to go. I may have a new way to do Education that involves... well... all five of you!

So yeah! We will get to it... but only after I feel Silanon is in a good position like the rest of you are! Maybe that new way to do Education will be a reward? Either way, Sil deserves the same opportunities you guys have already enjoyed, don't you think? =)

Also... I am putting together a character sheet for this game that I would like everyone to use. You are free to add to it, but I seriously want everyone to fill in the blanks. Don't worry; it's nothing nearly as detailed as my own character sheets. It's stuff I really want to have in places I can easily find it.

But for the moment, what do you guys think of Toby/Spot's concept?
I just keep on looking at the PDF and wanting to start to pick some skills and finish up my bio-e expenditure without knowing what education background wee are getting. Everything is in a holding pattern until we get those numbers set.
After a first glance at the pdf: Think I'll feel right at home with a hawk. No chicken, no turkey - sorry!

Might need to rethink the gunnery skills with the negative modifier without extra limbs since I don't want those. Points will likely go into flight and talons, mostly. And speech. Communication might be helpful at some point.
Honestly - I might stick with a pistol just so she can complain about her disadvantageous anatomy.

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