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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

I don't mind the idea, but I'd think about the numbers: for a 5% education there's a chance of 0.95^15=0.46=46% to miss it.
Yeah. If we go 4 rolls/character, the chances leap up to an attractive 64%. Yeah, let's go with that!

Thanks, Sil! 8D
Kaerri Kaerri Yeah, we definitely got carried away! Glad you like the family system!

The Khan family is one I created a long time ago but not Kiseko's family. I'm having to make them up from scratch. Do you want Kesuke in as an honorable mention (since he too is your character)?
My first inclination is to say no, because he doesn't fit in a proper yokai family (being purely human). But then, this is a Kiseko created just for this game, not an émigré from her original setting. Why shouldn't Kesuke be also re-created? So, my final answer is, if you want to, go ahead. ^33^
What's that mean, please?

Why shouldn't Kesuke be also re-created? So, my final answer is, if you want to, go ahead. ^33^
I might!

Also, besides being cute what is your take on Toby a.k.a. Spot? Do you like the idea of having him as your 5th?

He may change his skills from trying to get Healer Apprentice to Weaponsmith Apprentice; I think he wants a Moo Gi Gong and those two ideas go really well together.

Or so he tells me; he awesome might be part Jack Russell.
What's that mean, please?
Basically an immigrant. I don't know why the fancy word popped into my head instead, but I rolled with it anyway.

Also, besides being cute what is your take on Toby a.k.a. Spot? Do you like the idea of having him as your 5th?
I do. ^33^
Basically an immigrant. I don't know why the fancy word popped into my head instead, but I rolled with it anyway.
Huh! Perhaps because you know it, it fit, and you hardly ever get to use it? =)

Thanks for your vote! I don't want to take anything for granted. =)
Alrighty, drastic change:I'll drop my hawk concept... And I'll go with a falcon instead. No other changes. I just prefer the color scheme and the flight style (less gliding, more rapid wing beats). Plus, they tend to use their beaks for attacking more often, which might be a nice option to get even more aggressive in fights.
By the way, Purr Purr - thoughts on reptile brain: predator? I like it for the character, just wanted to ask whether it's something that wouldn't show up often enough in the campaign.
And: How does speed work with flight? On p. 13, it says that it is used there. But when I look at the flight skills on p. 70, there's no mentioning of speed, just fixed numbers. So I'm uncertain whether it's a Stat that should be high (birds get a bonus on it) or low, since falcons ain't great runners.
Alrighty, drastic change:I'll drop my hawk concept... And I'll go with a falcon instead. No other changes. I just prefer the color scheme and the flight style (less gliding, more rapid wing beats). Plus, they tend to use their beaks for attacking more often, which might be a nice option to get even more aggressive in fights.
Cool! If that works for you, go for it! As I understand it, falcons are the nastier of the two and are better suited for interactions with humans (hence the ancient skill of falconry). =)

By the way, Purr Purr - thoughts on reptile brain: predator? I like it for the character, just wanted to ask whether it's something that wouldn't show up often enough in the campaign.
Ah, think again? Heh! "During tense situations..." You've probably played at my tables often enough to know that when things get tense, they get very tense? =) Well, I expect more of that in this game than what we saw in either Sharseya and what we have seen in Broadsword. San Fran can be a dangerous place and people will need your team's help with it!

Tension also comes in many forms. Also, people deal with tension in accordance with their personality and perspective (what freaks out one won't faze another). With how you've described your character concept thus far, I would not be surprised to learn that he doesn't get tense often. Unless I'm misreading what little I know of him, I don't think he cares enough to trigger Reptile Brain: Predator enough.

Plus, Reptile Brain: Predator's wording is pretty specific - "... fear of death (for self or a close friend or loved one)." While death isn't likely to happen to PCs that often (if at all), your characters don't know that. However, there will be times when the worst your character will have to fear is a butt-beating, not losing his life or someone he might (should?) care about. I also don't quite know what provides "mental anguish" for your character (not enough data yet).

If all that is true, Reptile Brain: Predator for your character is not likely to go off very often...

... but when it does, and if that Saving Throw vs. Panic isn't made? Most smaller and weaker creatures around yours is going to have their own reasons to fear for death! And heaven help 'em when it happens! Because I imagine a character like you've described won't have a predator's brain that says, "Stop attacking; you've knocked him out." Predators strike to kill and I don't see why any true predator that has failed that Saving Throw would feel otherwise. This is all open to discourse, though! =)

And: How does speed work with flight? On p. 13, it says that it is used there. But when I look at the flight skills on p. 70, there's no mentioning of speed, just fixed numbers. So I'm uncertain whether it's a Stat that should be high (birds get a bonus on it) or low, since falcons ain't great runners.
The Speed Attribute is mostly used for land-based running and to determine leaps and such. Also, it's probably good to note that I am providing that bonus to Initiative to it. In Palladium games, things like flight skills are often treated like powers - they are fixed. I suspect it's done that way for game balance and to put more time into RPing and less time doing math.

Put another way, falcons sure ain't great runners, but anthropomorphic mutant falcons who are maybe human-sized with human education and training (like the Running or Athletic Skills)? Oh yeah! I can see them running quickly. Also, remember - San Fran is a huge city with millions of people! There will probably be plenty of times that you honestly don't want your character taking to the skies lest you be put on the evening news and then you and your team will potentially have all kinds of problems.

Fly safe! =)
There will probably be plenty of times that you honestly don't want your character taking to the skies lest you be put on the evening news and then you and your team will potentially have all kinds of problems.
Definitely - actually thought about whether or not it is wise to put too many points into flying, knowing that I'll be grounded more often than not. But it's the reason to take a bird, right?

Question about predator brain: How likely is it that you folks are the smallest thing around? It won't hit the elephant in the room, but what about the others?
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Definitely - actually thought about whether or not it is wise to put too many points into flying, knowing that I'll be grounded more often than not. But it's the reason to take a bored, right?

Question about predator brain: How likely is it that you folks are the smallest thing around? It won't hit the elephant in the room, but what about the others?
(I am guessing Autocorrect swapped "bird" for "bored." Maybe that's what it thinks? We're bored and need different words than the ones we seem to mean! Heh! Just being silly!)

Well, how big is your character? What Size Level have you decided upon?

The first character that pops in my head is your friendly and affectionate pal, Spot. As a Welsh Corgi (turns out he's not Jack Russell Terrier mix after all; he just sometimes acts it), I imagine he's the smallest of your group at Size Level 6 (at the moment; I doubt that'll change). As deadly as your bird sounds, allI can think of is, "Poor Spot!" =)
Naturally, she's at 3. Since I haven't decided on all the details, I'm not sure if she'll make it to four or end up as a feathery wrecking ball of smaller size. Since I'm aiming for the partial category, having human size will do little to pose as a human.

Might discard the predator brain idea for safety of the team. I imagine the fails of that decisive roll to make for a great scene, but maybe not when it endangers your folks.

And yes, autocorrect intervened again. The bane of catching up with ya folks on the way and not at home.
And yes, autocorrect intervened again. The bane of catching up with ya folks on the way and not at home.
Silanon Silanon Oh, autocorrect got me all the time! It got me so much I had to turn it off! I use voice-to-text too and I have to be careful there. =)

If it wasn't for my attention to detail, I'd make even more mistakes (and laugh at them - I think a good trait is to be able to laugh at myself and my mistakes. It shows that I don't take myself too seriously and I'm glad I don't!).

Naturally, she's at 3. Since I haven't decided on all the details, I'm not sure if she'll make it to four or end up as a feathery wrecking ball of smaller size. Since I'm aiming for the partial category, having human size will do little to pose as a human.
Right. That's where Spot started too.
I can't recommend anyone staying too small or too large. Sherwood? I literally breathed a sigh relief when you mentioned that your character is going to come down to size 12 or size 14. Because at size 20, Moyo is not going to fit manholes, doorways, in cars, etc..

I recommend a roughly human size to everyone because humans use tools. Most of those are made for humans and if you come in here at, say, Size Level 3, and you try to lift that 4 kg Japanese sword, don't be surprised when I tell you you're a great negatives to swing or stab with that thing! =)

Or Size Level 3 wants to shoot that 12 gauge shotgun! Oh look! Here's proof you don't need wings to fly! =) Sure, you might aim and you can pull a trigger, but there's more to it than that! Without getting into Sir Isaac Newton here, it's going to kick you so hard, I'm going to be asking you to make saving throws.

Anyone who has picked up a 4 kg sword or who has operated a 12 gauge shotgun knows what I mean. Oh and if it's a pump-action shotgun and you're the size of a cat, how in God's name are you going to load another round in that thing?

Attributes only go so far. Physics matters! I'm not saying you can't do it; just expect huge negatives!

Not to mention every other tool out there that you might want to use like bicycles, elevators, household utensils, vacuum cleaners, etc.. Want to carry a wallet or purse? Just where do you plan on putting it? =)

Might discard the predator brain idea for safety of the team. I imagine the fails of that decisive roll to make for a great scene, but maybe not when it endangers your folks.
I feel this highly depends on how a character with the Reptile Brain: Predator feels towards everybody they can detect. Are they going to suddenly attack their mate? Highly unlikely. But if the mate is the only one there and causing the tension? Maybe!

What if the character has practiced martial arts and self-control for a long time? Maybe I'll let them have another save? Either way, a walking time bomb becomes dangerous sooner or later. =)
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Silanon Silanon Are you ready to roll dice? Or would you like more time? Either one is fine by me; I just want everyone on the same page.
It depends on the education package I get. If I get one with more bio-e, it might change my size. Right now, I'm looking at between 10 and 12 as a soft number until I know what I'm dealing with.
It depends on the education package I get. If I get one with more bio-e, it might change my size. Right now, I'm looking at between 10 and 12 as a soft number until I know what I'm dealing with.
Good! =) Are there any BIO-E powers you're looking forward to for Moyo?
I'll give you my rough draft of his Bio-E expeditures:

Biped - Full - 10
Hands - Full - 10
Speech - Partial - 5
Looks - None

Padded Feet - 5
Natural Armor - 5
Advanced Hearing - 5
Tusks - 3d6 level - 5
Maybe Extraordinary Speed - 10

Herbivore - +5
Vestigial Tail - +5

All of these powers have to be bought with reductions of my Size, so depending on what I get in the way of an education background determines my final level.

I'd like to add the Prehensile Trunk, but that is another 10 Bio-E. Otherwise it is just a regular trunk. The Advanced Prehensile Trunk to make it useable as a full hand is 15 Bio-E.
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I don't know what this does. Do you have your PDF handy
Looking at the description of the Flaw doesn't seem to make much sense to me, but it was on the list of available Flaws to get some Bio-E back. I might switch it with Color Blindness. I'm just trying to afford all the stuff I'd like to get on my wish list.
This is the description of the Flaw from the book:

Tail, Vestigial
The character's tail is an out of control troublemaker that is
always in the way. It is at least half as long as the character is
tall, and it has none of the useful features of a prehensile tail and
is constantly bumping and knocking things over, getting
snagged or hitting those around the mutant (no damage, just annoying).
When used as a weapon, either accidentally or deliberately,
it only does, at most, one point of damage and gets NO
bonuses to strike, parry or dodge. Moreover, the character is
-5% to prowl and hide.
Talking with Partial Speech would be a bit slurred from the shape of his jaw, and a little muffled from the trunk. The family would be able to understand him fine without any trouble, but outsiders will need to listen close to understand what he's saying.
Silanon Silanon Are you ready to roll dice? Or would you like more time? Either one is fine by me; I just want everyone on the same page.
Think I know where I'm headed. The rest are the details, and those depend on the rolls as well. So I think I'm good to go - also means that I'll have the weekend to make some of those decisions.

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