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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

Psychie Psychie Not exactly! I said (and still stand by) your characters receive any language, domestic, and any philosophy skills offered by the martial art in question. Language includes literacy! =)

And I'm still laughing at your post to Sherwood! Ha ha haaa! That is so good! Oh, how I love you guys!
I knew you said something about skills from our martial art, thank you for clarifying that.
I want to wait for Sil to roll before any actual swapping takes place. That way, Psychie might end up owing Sil instead of Sherwood, hee hee! Sil gets a say instead of showing up and Education training has already taken place. =)

I knew you said something about skills from our martial art, thank you for clarifying that.
Sure! And here's another clarification - with an important change in everyone's favor.

All Martial Art Systems now cost 4 total Skills (it's PC-friendly, but I'm doing it to keep that simple). These Skills can be taken from your Primary Skills or your Secondary Skills or from both! But you cannot swap Skills from any Apprenticeship.
Kaerri Kaerri Silanon Silanon
W.P. Archery +1
W.P. Blowgun +1 (consider this added to the game)
W.P. Chain +1
W.P. Claws +1 (consider this added to the game)
W.K. Knife +1
W.P. Rope/Grappling Hook +1 (User cannot Parry with this W.P.!)
W.K. Spear +1
W.K. Staff +1
W.K. Sword +1
W.P. Targeting +1 (Thrown Weapons)

Choy-Li-Fut Weapon Katas translate from the following...
W.P. Spear: Pa-Kua Lance, W.P. Short Sword: Willow Leaf Double Swords - Paired, W.P. "Eighteen" Staff.

...to the following for Big Trouble in TMNT:
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Spear +1
W.P. Staff +1
W.P. Sword +1
I want to wait for Sil to roll before any actual swapping takes place. That way, Psychie might end up owing Sil instead of Sherwood, hee hee! Sil gets a say instead of showing up and Education training has already taken place. =)

Sure! And here's another clarification - with an important change in everyone's favor.

All Martial Art Systems now cost 4 total Skills (it's PC-friendly, but I'm doing it to keep that simple). These Skills can be taken from your Primary Skills or your Secondary Skills or from both! But you cannot swap Skills from any Apprenticeship.
Is it four skills past the regular Martial Arts skill, or a total of four?
Didn't you originally want Moyo to be an Academic? So far, we've 3 results for that category among your family! =)
Yes, I was hoping to get that skill package. I wouldn't mind a trade from someone.
I just need to decide exactly what style I want to go with. A part of me wants Akidio, but Tai Chi is a good one too.
I just need to decide exactly what style I want to go with. A part of me wants Akidio, but Tai Chi is a good one too.
Sherwood Sherwood Want a martial artist's gaming point of view, Bud? =)

They are both excellent soft styles but with very different approaches.

Aikido? Automatic joint techniques, automatic throws, rolls, falls, no kicks, breakfall (which is super to have) and even some ground-fighting if it turns into a wrestling match. A joint lock-controlled opponent can be struck with their Signature Knife-hand Knock-out that if successful and they fail their Saving Throw vs. Pain (14), it's lights out. Also adds +4 to M.E. (so at one extra Willpower point with 1/3 of another such point).

Aikido is Japanese, offers that language and literacy, and unlike Tai Chi offers domestic skills like Haiku (poetry) and Bonsai (gardening).

Tai Chi? Good striking system. Unlike Aikido, it has Automatic Dodge. Very tough opponent to pin down. Tai Chi has kicks. Decent hand strikes, very mobile, but avoids grappling. Their Signature Push Open-hand is a potential game-changer as you do d6 + P.S. damage bonus and send them flying a number of feet equal to your current Chi (and since we're not using Chi, the next best statistic would be Hit Points. You're playing a mutant elephant. I doubt you'll be lacking in Hit Points so that's probably a 30 foot shove!). Will add a grand total of +5 to M.E. (each 5 points of Chi will translate to +1 M.E.) and that means nearly 2 more Willpower points for Moyo.

Tai Chi is Chinese and offers philosophy (Taoism) and the Chinese language/literacy. I should mention that in 198X, Tai Chi was far more popular worldwide with millions of people practicing its basics to aid them with their general health and wellbeing. Only in 1988 did Steven Seagal's movies begin to show Aikido to the public audiences of the world.

Both arts are honored by their respective ethnic backgrounds and practitioners who are seriously dedicated are often held in high regard.
Hmmm. Interesting. Another question. What are we doing with the starting out Martial Art powers that are no longer on tap? Are they getting replaced with anything in particular? And what about the Chi bonuses given out by both Tai Chi and Akidio since we are not using Chi combat?

EDIT I see that the +15 Chi from Tai Chi goes to an increase in ME, so silly me for missing that.
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Hmmm. Interesting. Another question. What are we doing with the starting out Martial Art powers that are no longer on tap? Are they getting replaced with anything in particular? And what about the Chi bonuses given out by both Tai Chi and Akidio since we are not using Chi combat?
Martial Art Powers - same as we did in Broadsword. Nothing.

Chi. Like Martial Art Powers, there are none at start, but there might be some later in the game.

Like I said in my above post, "each 5 points of Chi will translate to +1 M.E." So if your character gains 15 Chi as a starting bonus, they instead gain +3 to Mental Endurance (and the Willpower point that everyone gets for every 3 points of M.E.).

The bonus for having Double Existing Chi (at any point) will become a +1 to Strike, Dodge, Parry, or Roll (just like when one gains "Select One (1) Additional power" after 1st level).

If I may? "A-I-K-I-D-O." "Aiki" is to "combine energy." Do is "the way (of)." So Aikido could be called the Way of Combining Energy (though I've never heard it called that, that's what the letters spell out and that description fits). =)
I will endeavor to spell it correctly in the future. I believe that I will go with Tai Chi to start out.

Is there a top limit to any particular attribute you want to see? As an elephant, I get +10 to my PS. Not counting any of my future Physical Skills, that can put me in the 30+ range starting out if I put that 21 there.
Hmmm. Interesting. Another question. What are we doing with the starting out Martial Art powers that are no longer on tap? Are they getting replaced with anything in particular? And what about the Chi bonuses given out by both Tai Chi and Akidio since we are not using Chi combat?

EDIT I see that the +15 Chi from Tai Chi goes to an increase in ME, so silly me for missing that.
No worries! It's late for you now, isn't it? Haven't you been getting up in the morning for several nights straight? I'd be beat (I'm going to bed soon here).
Is there a top limit to any particular attribute you want to see?
Just In Physical Prowess. I don't want anyone in here with a 25 at 1st level. That's just nuts for a campaign like Big Trouble in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. =)

For any of the others? Have at! =)
As an elephant, I get +10 to my PS. Not counting any of my future Physical Skills, that can put me in the 30+ range starting out if I put that 21 there.
Get that 6d6 +15 or 8d6 +15 (or more!) damage tusk attack going on! Moyo will be knocking baddies into next week! And that's without a critical hit! =)
On another note, Ms. Kaerri Kaerri I am wondering what background you are interested in for your fox. Is there one that I have rolled that you would like? I am, of course, hoping for one of those Academic Underground ones.

What about you, friend Silanon Silanon ? What are you hoping for?
What about you, friend @Silanon ? What are you hoping for?
Spot rolled Guerilla Warrior (79% on the Background roll). Sil said something about not wanting his birb to be greatly educated, but I'd be surprised if Sil didn't even consider that one for his falcon. =)

As for Spot, I still think he's going for Healer or Weaponsmith (probably the latter so he might make weapons for the team and practice with them himself with Moo Gi Gong or something similar).
Spot rolled Guerilla Warrior (79% on the Background roll). Sil said something about not wanting his birb to be greatly educated, but I'd be surprised if Sil didn't even consider that one for his falcon. =)
That is a good one, giving some nice bonuses. But until we hear what's on his mind, Sil might decide to go with something completely different!
I'm off for now. Sleep well when it's your turn, Bud! =)

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