• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

I'll see if I can free up a few XP somewhere. Probably means losing out on something she ought to have, but hey - can't help it, sometimes. Think I'd be fine without the things you listed, but there'll be more at some point - don't want to make things difficult. Before I get to that - thoughts on the flight question Kaerri Kaerri raised?
Oh! Whoops! I read it and I forgot to mention it (I was ready for bed when I wrote that! Hah!).

It counts! I read it the same way as I think you're interpreting - the wording seems to read that Soaring Flight is a step beyond Basic Flight (much the same way that Hand to Hand: Expert and above is over Hand to Hand: Basic). I like the added (huge!) ceiling bonus when Soaring and Raptor flight are combined! =)

This is fun! Back to the character sheet. I'll ask all of you what you think of it!

Back to creating! More later! =)
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Thanks for the clarification! Short question: What's the recommended smallest size? I'd probably drop talons and the partial human appearance (that way, I've got the optics, just not the damage - and then I'm wondering if size 6 is good enough, ie whether I have 5 pts to put elsewhere - or whether I should just pick up the size 7 without thinking.
Thanks for the clarification! Short question: What's the recommended smallest size? I'd probably drop talons and the partial human appearance (that way, I've got the optics, just not the damage - and then I'm wondering if size 6 is good enough, ie whether I have 5 pts to put elsewhere - or whether I should just pick up the size 7 without thinking.
Size Level 7. I'm asking myself, "how many adults do you know who seem to weigh 75 pounds (34 kg - Size Level 6) vs. 100 pounds (45 kg - Size Level 7)?" I find myself answering, "Less of the former and more of the latter." =)

Note: the more of the Gang that posts their character rough drafts (mainly Attributes, Skills, Combat Modfiers, and BIO-E Powers), the better data I've got to see what we're all working with. =)
Sounds about right, thanks - now I just need to figure out whether I want to play with the disadvantage of size 6 regardless, or rather not... decisions, decisions...
Sounds about right, thanks - now I just need to figure out whether I want to play with the disadvantage of size 6 regardless, or rather not... decisions, decisions...
Try not to think too hard on it - I'll let this kitty out of the bag now for everyone's benefit; depending on what I see in everyone's rough drafts, I might be inclined to add a little more BIO-E everyone's way. I'll know later. =)
Well, even then, I might want to go with size 6 if I feel like it adds to the character - there's other cool stuff that can be bought for bio-e. Think I'll come to a solution at 100 bio-e, and if there happens to be something extra, I'll put it into something that feels amazing to add on top. Not size.
Well, even then, I might want to go with size 6 if I feel like it adds to the character - there's other cool stuff that can be bought for bio-e. Think I'll come to a solution at 100 bio-e, and if there happens to be something extra, I'll put it into something that feels amazing to add on top. Not size.
As you wish. It's your character to enjoy! =) (Besides, who can argue with feeling amazing?) =)
Just rechecked the size table once more, and figured that size 7 is still small enough to feel like a giant slayer from time to time. I'll go with 7, spare myself the hassle, and enjoy equipment that might only be slightly oversized. Problem solved, ready to go! I'll take care of skulls and such once your sheet of awesomeness is available. (skills, of course, but I like the auto-correct there!) That way, things immediately end up in the right place and I don't need to reorder stuff.
Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Heya Gang! A note on character development: I would like everyone to please play what you put together. "Prove it" if you will. Just like your character's Alignment and Archetypes! If your character has a high Attribute (no one rolled below 9, the average so no one is dealing with low Attributes), I really want you to roleplay it. Sell it to me! =) But if not... I'll ask you to swap it within reason.

For example, your character has a Mental Endurance of 10 (and thus a Willpower of 3) which is the human average. If they start coming off as weak-willed or spiritually impregnable, I'll ask you to change the character's Attributes around to reflect differently.

Another example. Your character has a high I.Q.. If they go around seemingly treating that just as a Skill bonus, I'll be asking you to swap it for another Attribute that's more fitting to what you're playing. But if you're really roleplaying them as a highly intelligent character, then hey! Have at! Put another way, I'm not allowing Donatello-level I.Q. to a Leonardo, Raphael, or even Michelangelo (the Turtles of TMNT). They're just not that smart - their gifts lie in their other Attributes.

One more thing that bears repeating - if your character is Academic or really brainy type, and if Mutant Animal allows it, I'm all on-board for Extra I.Q. because you're telling me that's what your character is! But if they're just average Joes with 25 I.Q.? What's the point?

I'm all for freedom of creation, and I understand the dice play a part here, but the Attributes have to mean something besides numbers and bonuses in my game. I'll work with you.

Let me know what you think about that? Do you think it's fair?
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Sounds fair to me. I have plans for Moyo to be a brainy type anyways.
That happens to be what I usually try to do. As a request in the other direction: It'd be nice to also have the opportunity to actually use the other attributes. In all those years, it feels like I've tested versus fear once - and I liked that scene quite a bit.
That happens to be what I usually try to do. As a request in the other direction: It'd be nice to also have the opportunity to actually use the other attributes. In all those years, it feels like I've tested versus fear once - and I liked that scene quite a bit.
Yes! This is precisely one of my aims in Big Trouble in TMNT. =)

Sounds fair to me. I have plans for Moyo to be a brainy type anyways.
Is that so he'll never forget? =)
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Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Character sheet time! You save me a lot of future trouble by using this. Feel free to add additional tabs as you like. It's nice to read things about other characters like Inspiration (some things that help me get back into the character's head after a long week of work, etc.), Game Notes (so you can write down the names, locations, and other things you feel are important to your character), and whatever else comes to mind! Be creative with extra tabs! =)

Please take the time to provide image credit - it's not only proper but it's something folks at RP Nation rightly encourage! Even if it's A.I., give the source you took the picture from (or better yet, the artist's own page - that's good for our artists out there, right?)

EDIT: Three new notes!
1. In case it is not clear, under Attributes, the "==" is where the numbers go. Example: P.B. 12.
2. Under Combat Modifiers, Other/Special is a good spot for special techniques like Push Open Hand or Power Claw/Parry. =)
3. I'll give you guys your weapons, gear, and (1980s) cash once everyone is rolled up.

What do you think of this rough draft?

  • Insert a picture of your character here? (Image credit: Please.) Name:
    Ethnic Background:
    Species (Human, Mutant Animal, Yokai):

    I.Q. ==
    (+0%/+0 to Perception)
    M.E. == (+ to Saving Throws vs. Insanity)
    M.A. == (+0% to Charm/Intimidate)
    P.S. == (+0 to S.D.C. damage)
    P.P. == (+0 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. == (+% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +0 to Saving Throws vs. Magic, Pain, Poison)
    P.B. == ( % to Charm/Impress)
    Spd == (0 miles/0 kilometers per hour, +0 to Initiative)

    Hit Points: S.D.C.: Willpower:
    Size Level:
    Weight: Height:
    Human Features:
    Hands: Biped: Speech: Looks:
    Mutant Animal Powers? (Yes/No):
    Martial Arts System? (Yes/No):
    Natural Weapons (if any):
    Vestigial Disadvantages (if any):
    Level of Experience:
    Level of Education:

    Combat Modifiers
    Perception +0
    Initiative +0
    Actions per Round: 0
    Strike +0
    Parry +0
    Dodge +0
    Roll with Punch +0
    Damage: +0
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I’m making progress on my character, and should be able to incorporate all your required details into it shortly. I need to do some recalculating.
I’m making progress on my character, and should be able to incorporate all your required details into it shortly. I need to do some recalculating.
Take your time! I haven't even rolled up Spot yet. He's a good personality, but I really want to get to know him better before I make him a full-time member of your team.

I mean... what if you guys preferred someone else? Khan Bo, for example? As the youngest Khan (and least mature thus far), he might make a good 5th instead. As always, I want to think a little more deeply about these matters (and you too!).

Getting below the surface of an idea often brings wisdom that isn't found any other way!
I think I have about 90% of the needed info on my sheet already so it won’t take me long to incorporate the rest. Got my daughter and son-in-law coming over for dinner tonight, so I’ll work on this after they are gone for the night.
I think I have about 90% of the needed info on my sheet already so it won’t take me long to incorporate the rest. Got my daughter and son-in-law coming over for dinner tonight, so I’ll work on this after they are gone for the night.
Hooray! I hope all of you have a great time together at dinner! =)
Looks good to me - it'll take me a few days to actually fill in the sheet, but I'll get there.
Looks good to me - it'll take me a few days to actually fill in the sheet, but I'll get there.
That's how I feel too.

I just edited the sheet to make it a little more user-friendly.
Sounds about right, thanks - now I just need to figure out whether I want to play with the disadvantage of size 6 regardless, or rather not... decisions, decisions...
Just as an F.Y.I., my fox is size 6. But then foxes are "long" so she's on the tall side of 6. My intent is for her to be right at 5 feet tall, which is within the Long 6 range.
Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Heya Gang! A note on character development: I would like everyone to please play what you put together. "Prove it" if you will. Just like your character's Alignment and Archetypes! If your character has a high Attribute (no one rolled below 9, the average so no one is dealing with low Attributes), I really want you to roleplay it. Sell it to me! =) But if not... I'll ask you to swap it within reason.

For example, your character has a Mental Endurance of 10 (and thus a Willpower of 3) which is the human average. If they start coming off as weak-willed or spiritually impregnable, I'll ask you to change the character's Attributes around to reflect differently.

Another example. Your character has a high I.Q.. If they go around seemingly treating that just as a Skill bonus, I'll be asking you to swap it for another Attribute that's more fitting to what you're playing. But if you're really roleplaying them as a highly intelligent character, then hey! Have at! Put another way, I'm not allowing Donatello-level I.Q. to a Leonardo, Raphael, or even Michelangelo (the Turtles of TMNT). They're just not that smart - their gifts lie in their other Attributes.

One more thing that bears repeating - if your character is Academic or really brainy type, and if Mutant Animal allows it, I'm all on-board for Extra I.Q. because you're telling me that's what your character is! But if they're just average Joes with 25 I.Q.? What's the point?

I'm all for freedom of creation, and I understand the dice play a part here, but the Attributes have to mean something besides numbers and bonuses in my game. I'll work with you.

Let me know what you think about that? Do you think it's fair?
Sounds great to me! I prefer to have the numbers describe the character rather than define them, anyway, so if the numbers aren't describing, why not change them?

Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Character sheet time! You save me a lot of future trouble by using this. Feel free to add additional tabs as you like. It's nice to read things about other characters like Inspiration (some things that help me get back into the character's head after a long week of work, etc.), Game Notes (so you can write down the names, locations, and other things you feel are important to your character), and whatever else comes to mind! Be creative with extra tabs! =)

Please take the time to provide image credit - it's not only proper but it's something folks at RP Nation rightly encourage! Even if it's A.I., give the source you took the picture from (or better yet, the artist's own page - that's good for our artists out there, right?)

EDIT: Three new notes!
1. In case it is not clear, under Attributes, the "==" is where the numbers go. Example: P.B. 12.
2. Under Combat Modifiers, Other/Special is a good spot for special techniques like Push Open Hand or Power Claw/Parry. =)
3. I'll give you guys your weapons, gear, and (1980s) cash once everyone is rolled up.

What do you think of this rough draft?

  • Insert a picture of your character here? (Image credit: Please.) Name:
    Ethnic Background:
    Species (Human, Mutant Animal, Yokai):

    I.Q. ==
    (+0%/+0 to Perception)
    M.E. == (+ to Saving Throws vs. Insanity)
    M.A. == (+0% to Charm/Intimidate)
    P.S. == (+0 to S.D.C. damage)
    P.P. == (+0 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. == (+% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +0 to Saving Throws vs. Magic, Pain, Poison)
    P.B. == ( % to Charm/Impress)
    Spd == (0 miles/0 kilometers per hour, +0 to Initiative)

    Hit Points: S.D.C.: Willpower:
    Size Level:
    Weight: Height:
    Human Features:
    Hands: Biped: Speech: Looks:
    Mutant Animal Powers? (Yes/No):
    Martial Arts System? (Yes/No):
    Natural Weapons (if any):
    Vestigial Disadvantages (if any):
    Level of Experience:
    Level of Education:

    Combat Modifiers
    Perception +0
    Initiative +0
    Actions per Round: 0
    Strike +0
    Parry +0
    Dodge +0
    Roll with Punch +0
    Damage: +0
Looks good to me! Something I don't see anyone else commenting on -- look under Education, my fellow players!

Skills provided by "Savior" for their children free of charge. =)
1. Native Language: English: 98%
2. Literacy: English: 98%
3. Basic Mathematics: (+5%)
4. Detect Ambush: (+5%)
5. Prowl: (+5%)
6. First Aid: (+5%)
7. One Ancient Weapon Proficiency of Choice. This starts with an additional +1 bonus!
Purr confirmed when I asked him -- these are indeed free to us!
Take your time! I haven't even rolled up Spot yet. He's a good personality, but I really want to get to know him better before I make him a full-time member of your team.

I mean... what if you guys preferred someone else? Khan Bo, for example? As the youngest Khan (and least mature thus far), he might make a good 5th instead. As always, I want to think a little more deeply about these matters (and you too!).

Getting below the surface of an idea often brings wisdom that isn't found any other way!
Either would be fun, I think. My preference is likely to swing towards whichever you think you'll have the most fun playing, though. ^;3^
Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Character sheet time! You save me a lot of future trouble by using this. Feel free to add additional tabs as you like. It's nice to read things about other characters like Inspiration (some things that help me get back into the character's head after a long week of work, etc.), Game Notes (so you can write down the names, locations, and other things you feel are important to your character), and whatever else comes to mind! Be creative with extra tabs! =)

Please take the time to provide image credit - it's not only proper but it's something folks at RP Nation rightly encourage! Even if it's A.I., give the source you took the picture from (or better yet, the artist's own page - that's good for our artists out there, right?)

EDIT: Three new notes!
1. In case it is not clear, under Attributes, the "==" is where the numbers go. Example: P.B. 12.
2. Under Combat Modifiers, Other/Special is a good spot for special techniques like Push Open Hand or Power Claw/Parry. =)
3. I'll give you guys your weapons, gear, and (1980s) cash once everyone is rolled up.

What do you think of this rough draft?

  • Insert a picture of your character here? (Image credit: Please.) Name:
    Ethnic Background:
    Species (Human, Mutant Animal, Yokai):

    I.Q. ==
    (+0%/+0 to Perception)
    M.E. == (+ to Saving Throws vs. Insanity)
    M.A. == (+0% to Charm/Intimidate)
    P.S. == (+0 to S.D.C. damage)
    P.P. == (+0 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. == (+% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +0 to Saving Throws vs. Magic, Pain, Poison)
    P.B. == ( % to Charm/Impress)
    Spd == (0 miles/0 kilometers per hour, +0 to Initiative)

    Hit Points: S.D.C.: Willpower:
    Size Level:
    Weight: Height:
    Human Features:
    Hands: Biped: Speech: Looks:
    Mutant Animal Powers? (Yes/No):
    Martial Arts System? (Yes/No):
    Natural Weapons (if any):
    Vestigial Disadvantages (if any):
    Level of Experience:
    Level of Education:

    Combat Modifiers
    Perception +0
    Initiative +0
    Actions per Round: 0
    Strike +0
    Parry +0
    Dodge +0
    Roll with Punch +0
    Damage: +0

Under the Attributes section, you have some stats that look like they're supposed to be in a table format, but instead are just tossed together on one line. I think it would be easier to read them (albeit longer in height) if they were each on their own line. I'm specifically talking about the line with HP, SDC, and Willpower; the line with Size Level, Height, and Weight; and the line with Human Features.
Under the Attributes section, you have some stats that look like they're supposed to be in a table format, but instead are just tossed together on one line. I think it would be easier to read them (albeit longer in height) if they were each on their own line. I'm specifically talking about the line with HP, SDC, and Willpower; the line with Size Level, Height, and Weight; and the line with Human Features.
Yes! I took that format from After the Bomb's NPC section (where I'm left wondering if editing to take up more page space to reduce the size of the book might be a factor in using that format).

I thought about that. Let me try that? If we go that route, then it looks like this:

  • Insert a picture of your character here? (Image credit: Please.) Name:
    Ethnic Background:
    Species (Human, Mutant Animal, Yokai):

    I.Q. ==
    (+0%/+0 to Perception)
    M.E. == (+ to Saving Throws vs. Insanity)
    M.A. == (+0% to Charm/Intimidate)
    P.S. == (+0 to S.D.C. damage)
    P.P. == (+0 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. == (+% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +0 to Saving Throws vs. Magic, Pain, Poison)
    P.B. == ( % to Charm/Impress)
    Spd == (0 miles/0 kilometers per hour, +0 to Initiative)

    Hit Points:
    Size Level:

    Human Features:


    Mutant Animal Powers? (Yes/No):
    Martial Arts System? (Yes/No):
    Natural Weapons (if any):
    Vestigial Disadvantages (if any):
    Level of Experience:
    Level of Education:

    Combat Modifiers
    Perception +0
    Initiative +0
    Actions per Round: 0
    Strike +0
    Parry +0
    Dodge +0
    Roll with Punch +0
    Damage: +0

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