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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

I'll try to get to it soon, but don't think it's realistic to get there all that quickly -
Silanon Silanon Absolutely! I don't want us playing this game until we are all already to go - you included, good Sil!

I'm not ready to go either. There are at least three more steps I have to do on my end (Team Tactics, 3-step Prologue/Story Intro with PC interaction, and continuing to build Japantown/Chinatown). Much fun ahead!
Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon
One of the reasons I'm asking about team purpose is because it's not clear given your team's personalities.

Haoyu and Alya sound like anger-driven brawlers to me - the kind of people who are quick to teach bad guys a physical lesson instead of talk sense into them.

Kiseko and Toby appear more laid back to me. They seem to want to think their way through problems and help people who need it, but they're not out to beat somebody up if they don't have to.

Moyo to me it seems to be on the other extreme of Ayla and Haoyu - he's not even going to raise a hand in combat unless he has to. This is not because he's afraid to fight for justice; he just knows all too well what his level of power can do to somebody and he's afraid of hurting somebody again.

I have about eight Adventures lined up for you guys, but I have no idea if all of you are going to like them or not because of how diverse your party is.

So maybe it would help if I give some examples of team purposes?

I will start with a couple that I don't think will work just put them out there.

1. Crime Fighters. This kind of team is here to uphold the law because they believe laws are there for very good reason. Beating up bad guys is not the point of their action - stopping the crime is.

So, after subduing the baddies, they'll drop them off at the nearest police station if feasible in the hopes that the laws of the county/city/state/nation can help the criminals become decent law-abiding citizens.

Early Spider-man and Daredevil did this a lot in their comics. But with Alya and Haoyu in your team, I have come to doubt that you will. =)

2. Vigilante. A team like this is out there not just to battle bad guys but to put the fear of God into them while they're doing it. They do things their own way and if law enforcement doesn't like it, too bad.

If they send the criminals to the hospital with broken limbs and permanent damage, so what? The vigilantes are really here to stop the bad guys fist-first. Their message is simple - want to stop the pain? Stop doing the bad things, because I can always bring you more pain. Some eras of Batman and Punisher come to mind when I think of vigilantes.

I don't think this will work at all, not if you want Moyo, Kiseko, and Toby along. I see them as only going this far if there's no other option. They are practical and realistic towards violence, but "curb-stomp" is not among their preferred techniques.

3. Following of a Living Legacy. This is the kind of team that wants to follow some sort of great ideal. Maybe it's the example of another hero/group of heroes or perhaps it's a family thing. Whatever the case, they are out to follow a way of life because some higher power in their life promotes the ideals of serving others or stopping evil or whatever the legacy is.
This path of ilfe is very personal to them. These are not holy paladins or crime-fighting crusaders - these are people who want their role models to be proud of them. They follow said role models' way of life because they not only believe in it, but it really is part of who and what they are.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are not crime fighters; they are ninja. Their living legacy is Splinter. Their destinies are forever linked and they do what they do largely out of love for each other and a sense of what is right.

I have no idea if Following a Living Legacy will work for your team because I don't know if that's something you find exciting.

Doing so doesn't mean you are clones of your legacy (Raphael and Splinter are in no way the same Alignment); doing so means you greatly value what the living legacy has done and is doing. You want to be like them, but also yourself. You want to make them proud of you and carry on their legacy.

These are just 3 examples. I bet you guys and gals can come up with more!

Again, I'm really eager to pin this one down because I want to make adventures all of you will enjoy together. =)

That's all for now. Back to Real Life! =)
I kinda like the idea of being crime fighters of some sort, with Moyo acting as a restraint to Haoyu and Ayla more lethal ways of dealing with criminals. I’m sure that given the right motivation even peaceful Moyo can be persuaded to apply some non lethal assistance in subduing a bad guy. Thwack the robber in the arm with the staff and it makes it much harder to shoot someone when you have broken bones to contend with
Oh. Haoyu is out to kill criminals?

Already, I am glad I brought this up.

Sherwood Sherwood Would you enjoy playing a character who has to police his own party? His own family?

Kaerri Kaerri Silanon Silanon How do Kiseko and Ayla feel about this? I specifically ask for Alya here because I don't remember her saying she was into killing anybody.

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