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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

I have Moyo posted for you to sticky him.
Sticked! =)

One change I made to the basic character sheet was to remove Ninjas & Superspies O.O.C. with the following (using Toby as an example):

Skill Programs (4): Medical Doctor, Deep Cover, Guerilla Warfare, and Technical.
Martial Art System? (Yes/No) Yes
That list of stuff of the advantages and disadvantages of all the different options looks good to me. I’m going to have Haoyu posted in the character thread shortly.

On an unrelated note, I just saw that James Earl Jones passed way. 😭
On an unrelated note, I just saw that James Earl Jones passed way. 😭
Yeah! I mean... 93-years-old, it had to happen sometime, but there's a guy I've looked up to for most of my life. I had to learn how to speak well with my fellow human beings (my strong ADHD has always been that - strong). Learning that James Earl Jones had speech problems, and as a young man, would read in front of a (I believe) sewer grate to hear his voice echo back to him was mind-blowing to me. There's a guy who was serious about learning how to get over his severe stuttering!

What a cool guy! Rest in peace, Mr. Jones! =)
A sad day. Rest in peace.
I'm not (very) sad. I don't think Mr. Jones would want me to be sad about him. Just like with good ol' Killfire, I'm choosing to focus on how he lived. =)
Funny thing, I never knew he had speech issues until I saw him on an episode of the Big Bang Theory.
Well said.
I first learned of this way of thinking from Bruce Lee's wife when Lee died. All those years ago, Linda Lee (now Linda Lee Cadwell) asked the public to "focus on how he lived." For me, that's healthier. If I want bad news, it's right here on the internet and television in spades. =)

* * *

Concerning Other Strangeness, if everyone is onboard with deleting O.C.C. from their characters (and I've heard no opposition), I recommend that O.C.C. be removed entirely from our character sheets. If it stays, I think it will only confuse future fellow gamers who read them. If you feel otherwise, let me know?

I recommend instead of:
Operative Agent OCC
Martial Art Style: Fu-Chiao Pai Tiger Claw Kung Fu

I've put on Toby's sheet:
Skill Programs (4): Medical Doctor, Deep Cover, Guerilla Warfare, and Technical.
Martial Art System? (Yes/No) Yes (or list the name of the martial art as Psychie has done).

Also, Psychie Psychie ? Did you read my post where I altered Weapon Proficiencies of all types to read as they do in Broadsword? (+1 to Strike and Parry at 1st level and every three levels, much like how the Awareness Skill works with Perception?) Not only does this move simplify things, but it improves the worth of the Skill. Just want you to have accurate info on Haoyu's sheet.

One more thought here. Maybe check your sheets to see that your characters have 6 Secondary Skills? I looked on Toby's and he had 4 (because of his O.C.C.). You're also all welcome to change your Skill Programs if you want to.
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Funny thing, I never knew he had speech issues until I saw him on an episode of the Big Bang Theory.
Really? I don't watch TV when I can avoid it. I might have to try and look that episode up! 8D
Yup. One of the characters runs into him and it comes up.
I just watched some YouTube. Jones and this "Sheldon" character meet up. Carrie Fisher gets a short scene! Good times! =)

Speaking of Good Times... Hmm! =)
It is a funny show that my wife likes to go to sleep watching, so I’ve seen the whole series several times.
Psychie Psychie Here are my (rough draft) notes on cash, weapons, and gear. Enjoy and get back with me on what you'd like Haoyu to reasonably have! =)

Cash is easy. Start with $2,000 in 198X money (almost $8,000 in 2024 money).

As for weapons and gear, it's pretty much what you can carry or items you get my approval with (like Toby's gear here. Notice he has a lot of things he can carry on his person, but also a personal computer and printer too. As for weapons, your PC begins with one Ancient weapon for each Ancient Weapon Proficiency (or two if W.P. Paired Weapons is taken) up to what can be reasonably carried by the character. No Modern Weapons or body armor at start (personal body armor, for one, was unheard of in 198X).

EDIT: I added that last line after our following discussion.

An example. Toby's starting weapons and gear.


Two sai (2d8 damage).
Two pairs of nunchaku sticks (reinforced silk, 2d8 damage).
Small crossbow with 20 bolts (2d8 damage, 700 foot range).

Two sets of clothing (one casual/traveling, one of choice within reason).
Hardbound portable notebook.
4 pens and markers.
Large quality satchel with shoulder strap.
First Aid Kit (with 10/10 uses remaining).
Wallet or purse.
Folding utility tool with pouch (includes two knives, file, can-opener, screwdrivers, etc.).
Personal computer (PC) with a huge library of electronic reference books (pick two specialty Skill-related topics - Medical Doctor and Lore: Magic) and printer.
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I am not tech savvy enough myself to know what kind of phone hacking hardware and tools that are available that I could reasonably have in a handy satchel for when I need to tap a phone line. And since laptop computers haven’t been invented yet, a desktop model with an oversized keyboard that I can type on easily.

Other than that, I’d like some sort of lightweight armor, probably in the neighborhood of 40 MDC (ha ha! Yes, I know it’s an SDC setting; just being silly!). Seriously, something light that won’t interfere with mobility but might provide a bit of extra protection.
Hmm. I see your point. I’ll think on the armor question.
I am not tech savvy enough myself to know what kind of phone hacking hardware and tools that are available that I could reasonably have in a handy satchel for when I need to tap a phone line.
Sherwood Sherwood
A "Telephone Repair Kit 10/10 uses" would probably do the trick. Everything a repairperson would need to diagnose and repair a problem (and phone tap a line if the opportunity arose). Do you like that idea too? =)

Other than that, I’d like some sort of lightweight armor, probably in the neighborhood of 40 MDC (ha ha! Yes, I know it’s an SDC setting; just being silly!). Seriously, something light that won’t interfere with mobility but might provide a bit of extra protection.
Hmm. If I'm not allowing firearms, I'd probably be wise not to start the game with armor either. For one thing, most personal armor didn't hit the markets until the 21st century. Personal armor was unheard of 40 years ago in 198X.

And since laptop computers haven’t been invented yet, a desktop model with an oversized keyboard that I can type on easily.
Now that I can also approve including the oversized keyboard - am I the only one who can imagine Moyo with his prehensile trunk typing away and drinking something out of a huge mug at the same time? Choose two Skills that you want Programs for. If you'll notice on Toby's sheet, he's got a PC that helps him with certain Skills? You'll also want to be on the lookout for computer programs to buy/trade/come by to put on Moyo's PC.

Purr, you once shared with me the stats for a polearm. Was that in the Ninjas book?
Nope! I made the Guandao from the ground up just for you and Haoyu - this took place in our Conversation! =)
A telephone repair kit sounds good to me. I’ll add it to my sheet here in a little bit.
Hmm. If I'm not allowing firearms, I'd probably be wise not to start the game with armor either. For one thing, most personal armor didn't hit the markets until the 21st century. Personal armor was unheard of 40 years ago in 198X.
I'm not saying Moyo, or any of us, should have personal armor (being civilians), but I'd like to provide some evidence of the existence of bulletproof vests in 198x. ^D^

Richard Davis, founder of Second Chance (first company to use Kevlar in body armor, according to Wikipedia), filed a patent for his spun nylon (i.e. Kevlar) ballistic vest on May 8, 1972, according to Police Body Armor Standards and Testing, U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, published in 1992 (page 2). And then found a dramatic way to test its effectiveness.

I haven't found when Kevlar became available to civilians, but I've come across several references to 1920s gang members using several layers of silk and/or cotton to protect against law enforcement guns then in use, so that's something. Currently, civilians are not federally prohibited from using body armor in the U.S. (except convicted felons), but certain types may be restricted to law enforcement/military, and some states have additional restrictions (like New York and Connecticut). I do not know whether that's because federal law specifically allows it (in which case we'd need to know the year of the law), or whether that's because no federal law has yet banned it.
I'm not saying Moyo, or any of us, should have personal armor (being civilians), but I'd like to provide some evidence of the existence of bulletproof vests in 198x. ^D^
Oh, that they existed is not debated by me - that they were available for public purchase the way body armor is today is. That's what I meant by "personal" armor; I should have reworded it to "armor for civilian use." =)

Put another way, I don't remember anybody except for paramilitary and military forces having access to body armor.

Stuff like Second Chance Body Armor (I remember hearing about the inventor's stunt; it was big news) was niche at best in 198X in my experience. I did not know a single civilian household that owned Kevlar or the like. I only saw Kevlar on soldiers.
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Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

O.K.! Time for the next step - family!

You remember when I brought up how important the theme of family was going to be in this game, right? Well, you already know that Mama-san and Papa-san Hirawi are kind of like your grandmother and grandfather figures. The Khan family is Haoyu's own blood while Kiseko was created by Inari, the God of Foxes himself (or herself depending on when you ask). Sil's birb, Moyo, and Toby's parents are all normal animals still probably living normal animal lives and probably won't be making appearances. Plus, I told you that you'd be parting ways with the Hirawis and joining forces in a new life in San Francisco... with a new family!

This family will be dear to the Hirawis and hopefully you and your characters too. Each will have their own personalities and goals which might lead to adventures. Some might need your help while others might help you. Some might even join your party temporarily while others would be best left out of the action where they're safest. Your characters will have already met or know of most of these folks so you won't be complete strangers. Those you know you will have met at the Hirawi's home where you grew up - Shangri-La!

So here's my big question: Just how big or small of a family are you comfortable with?

I think I can go as small as 5 and any more than 15 will probably be too much. I think that's a wide-enough range for you to play with and I'll try to make each character fun, special, and memorable. Some of your family could be mutanimals or yokai or humans or maybe even something else! Right now, there are 3 major NPCs in my head that I really want in the game, but the others? Well... I'd like to leave the exact total number up to you!

So what's it going to be? 5? 15? Or something in between?
With how much depth your characters have, I'd say the fewer, the better - quality over quantity. Three reasons:
Simplicity - means that you're not swamped with all the possible interactions between us and up to fifteen characters.
Less overlap - the more characters, the more likely they share fields of expertise - what for? PCs will come up with enough second opinions.
Spotlight time - give an in-depth character enough time in the light, and we'll get to see that depth. Let him share that time with more people, and it'll take us potentially years to find out how cool they are.

So... 4,just so you really think about whether you need the fifth or not.
In my opinion, Sil summed it up very concisely and I agree with his reasoning. Four or five others sounds about right to me.

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