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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

As always, what do you think, Gang? 1st or 2nd rough draft?
It's longer this way, but I find it easier to read. I prefer 2nd rough draft.
How are we calculating Willpower again? I remember its based off of ME, but how much is each point worth?
Either would be fun, I think. My preference is likely to swing towards whichever you think you'll have the most fun playing, though.
Well, yeah! My fun is important too, isn't it? The more I search myself, the more I find the list is growing of characters for that 5th spot in your team. (The more characters I make, the more things like this happen!).

1. Toby a.k.a. Spot - Welsh Corgi Mutant Animal (Healer).
Happy, affectionate, skilled, fun-loving, means well, lots of positive energy! Team player!
Cons: As a new character I developed but never played, I now wonder about his long-term playability as your 5th? Might make a better side character (a doctor whom you visit when you're all beat up after an adventure?). He's fun, but he's not deep (yet?).

Paola Majid at playgroundai.com.jpeg
(Image credit: The talented Paola Majid at PlaygroundAI.com)

2. Khan Bo, shoki yokai of the Khan clan - Tiger yokai (Devout Demon Queller).
Loyal, young, wise for someone his age, good-hearted, brave but also gets scared. A future hero! I know this character well and have had him around for years. This is Psychie's character's "younger" brother (Psychie's character is younger in age, but Khan Bo is about 15 years old in terms of maturity).
Cons: Would act as the team's youngest (in terms of maturity). Might make the campaign aim too far toward demon quelling. Sure there is some of that in the Big Trouble in Little China movie and in some rare parts in TMNT. I don't want this game to too much about demons though.

(This but younger.)
Khan Bo by GreyRat84 at Deviant Art.jpg
(Image credit: The talented GreyRat84 at Deviant Art!)

3. Monsoon, Giant Pangolin Mutant Animal (Would-be Mystic Martial Warrior).
Sensitive, kind, honorable, aware, very battle-capable, reliable with an unorthodox fighting style. Has a wild side. A real protector of the weak!
Cons: But that's all I've got so far. I haven't completely figured out who he is, but I suspect he has more "staying power" as a character than Toby.
Note: I created a pangolin write-up for the Rifter magazine for the TMNT & Other Strangeness. Other gamers I know say its a solid write-up, but it's my own creation - not something from the books. If one of you wanted to play a pangolin (arborean, ground, or giant), then I realized - tonight - that I could make that happen. But... I'd want everyone's O.K. before I brought a creation of my own in like this. (Wish I would have thought to share this earlier.)

Taran Fiddler of X.jpg
(Image credit: The excellent Taran Fiddler at X!)
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Does anyone mind (or would rather play) the pangolin Mutant Animal write-up I created?
I'm quite satisfied with my Tiger, but thank you for the offer.
I'm glad to hear you like what you're seeing, Psychie! =)

Do you mind if I possibly introduce one (since it's not an animal in the books)?
I'm glad to hear you like what you're seeing, Psychie! =)

Do you mind if I possibly introduce one (since it's not an animal in the books)?
I don't mind, thanks for asking.

How are we determining Willpower again? I remember that it is based off of ME, but I don't remember the formula.
I don't mind, thanks for asking.

How are we determining Willpower again? I remember that it is based off of ME, but I don't remember the formula.
M.E. divided by 3, round down. =)
What is the Initiative bonus for having a high Spd again? I'm getting close to done, and just need to fill in a few blanks.

Another question. There is a spot for Level of Education and Occupation. What is our Occupations, considering that we are all weird looking human/critter hybrids?
What is the Initiative bonus for having a high Spd again? I'm getting close to done, and just need to fill in a few blanks.

Another question. There is a spot for Level of Education and Occupation. What is our Occupations, considering that we are all weird looking human/critter hybrids?
Oh, for your speedy cat? The maximum! +4!

The Initiative bonus from Speed is found by using the Physical Prowess chart, halving it, and rounding down.
What is our Occupations, considering that we are all weird looking human/critter hybrids?
Ah, I wanted to leave that up to you guys and gals! I don't know that we'll use Occupation. It was one of those things that "sounded good at the time." I didn't want your characters ways of life to be simply defined by their skills, but something more. "Occupation" was the first thing that came to mind. =)
Psychie Psychie Do you like the 1st or 2nd rough draft of the character sheet, please?
(Anyone interested in the race for 5th slot?) The Welsh Corgi is in the lead!
Baby Animals Puppies GIF
Does anyone mind (or would rather play) the pangolin Mutant Animal write-up I created?
I don't want to play one, but I don't mind them being in the game.

All three of them sound like good additions to our family. Toby is still the cutest, but if he's not a direct member of the group, I still like the idea of his being a contact we can go to regularly. Monsoon gets my second vote. ^3^
I don't want to play one, but I don't mind them being in the game.

All three of them sound like good additions to our family. Toby is still the cutest, but if he's not a direct member of the group, I still like the idea of his being a contact we can go to regularly. Monsoon gets my second vote. ^3^
Thank you for such a thorough answer, Darlin'! =)
I am using the details from the second draft to spruce up my sheet. Just to toss my two cents in.

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