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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

Here are two: Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood (Sil has answered.) =)

1. Do you guys and gals want an NPC as part of your team? Another "rescue" who has been trained alongside you and who has their own viewpoints and goals? Or are the four of you happy... with just the four of you? =)

2. Do any of you have recommendations for a martial art system for Sil's hawk Mutant Animal? Or are we all bird-brains? Or any other ideas or observations for your flying teammate? C'mon and help a birb out! Hee hee!

3. Bonus question! Who else is happy that Sherwood found a better name for his elephant character than Dumbo?! =)
1. An npc would be fine for me. It gives our storyteller a way to drop some hints and suggestions in game for us,

2. There are something like fifty different styles written up with different philosophies behind them that I don’t know what to suggest.

3. I hereby do promise and declare that I absolutely will still call him Dumbo at some point in the game, but I like his new choice a lot. 😎
1. I usually add an npc just to be able to do just the reason Psy said, so I have no problem with it at all.

2. Purr’s version of Jeet Kune Do is a well balanced style with some good bonuses. I would suggest that.

3. I brought the Dumbo name on myself. I will try to only playfully thwack you from time to time for calling me that. lol
Might go with Choy-Li-Fut, or something close to it - I do like the kind of circular, whipping strikes that you get by turning around your axis. That's probably a horrible description, ain't it? But I think those would fit well with wings to make it look even more impressive. Feels right for the character I'm envisioning.
Might go with Choy-Li-Fut, or something close to it - I do like the kind of circular, whipping strikes that you get by turning around your axis. That's probably a horrible description, ain't it? But I think those would fit well with wings to make it look even more impressive. Feels right for the character I'm envisioning.
That’s the important part: making it fit with the vision of your character and being happy about it. I personally don’t know that style off the top of my head, but if you are good with it, so am I.
Think I'm pretty much good to go concept-wise now - I mostly need to get myself the pdf to decide on the choices that come during character creation (after the bomb is the one, right? Can't seem to find the post atm, but that's what I recall). Then it's all minor decisions, numbers, and a few dice rolls, I believe. Not tonight, though, gotta get up early tomorrow. Well, as early as usual. I'll catch up on my way to work, likely. Gotta say, though, it's great to have some activity going on here again. Missed that without really noticing.
Might go with Choy-Li-Fut, or something close to it - I do like the kind of circular, whipping strikes that you get by turning around your axis. That's probably a horrible description, ain't it?
No, I don't think it is. In fact, it's pretty good from a physics perspective. You are describing rotation! =)
1. An npc would be fine for me. It gives our storyteller a way to drop some hints and suggestions in game for us,
1. I usually add an npc just to be able to do just the reason Psy said, so I have no problem with it at all.
Ah, that's not my intention, good lady and good Bud. =)

With the super-rare exception of Shirley "Mack" Mackenzie, I don't bring in party non-player characters to provide PCs direction, hints, or the like. I think that makes such characters sometimes feel a little... artificial. I feel I have to guess at who's talking; the character or the Game Master.

At least for me in games I run.

Now, I don't think poorly of any GM who does use their NPCs this way! They have their way of doing things and I have mine.

I just like to think of my characters as people. People with perspectives and goals. Their perspectives and goals.

Right or wrong, they are individuals with their own ways of thinking and feeling, not... sometimes used as animated signposts or mouthpieces that I created to tell you what to do and where to go or what to do when things get tough. That's all up to you to decide. It's your characters' destinies after all. =)

Plus, this way I find my characters are a hell of a lot of fun to play! They teach me things and surprise me often. =)

But back to the question at hand. Would you like an NPC in your team - an equal teammate with whom you trained with for years, has a similar background to yours, with their own perspective and goals, advanatges and baggage; a part of your trusted family who believes in you and Savior - or would you rather have an all-player character team with just the four of you?

It's totally up to you.

I just think we should figure this out now because I don't think it's fair to make that option available after the game begins. That would kinda feel... awkward, right? =)
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Ah, that's not my intention, good lady. =)

With the super-rare exception of Shirley "Mack" Mackenzie, I don't bring in party non-player characters to provide PCs direction, hints, or the like. I think that makes such characters sometimes feel a little... artificial. I feel I have to guess at who's talking; the character or the Game Master.

At least for me in games I run.

Now, I don't think poorly of any GM who does use their NPCs this way! They have their way of doing things and I have mine.

I just like to think of my characters as people. People with perspectives and goals. Their perspectives and goals.

Right or wrong, they are individuals with their own ways of thinking and feeling, not... sometimes used as animated signposts or mouthpieces that I created to tell you what to do and where to go or what to do when things get tough. That's all up to you to decide. It's your characters' destinies after all. =)

Plus, this way I find my characters are a hell of a lot of fun to play! They teach me things and surprise me often. =)

But back to the question at hand. Would you like an NPC in your team - an equal teammate with whom you trained with for years, has a similar background to yours, with their own perspective and goals, advanatges and baggage; a part of your trusted family who believes in you and Savior - or would you rather have an all-player character team with just the four of you?

It's totally up to you.

I just think we should figure this out now because I don't think it's fair to make that option available after the game begins. That would kinda feel... awkward, right? =)
Good to know your point of view on this. I am still open to have a NPC in the group, even with what you clarified on what your NPC will be able to do.
I would enjoy having an NPC in the group. I like the personalities you create. ^D^
Wow! What fast responses!

And with Sil seemingly able to go either way, I think your four just turned into five!

Psychie Psychie Forgive me if you mentioned this and I have forgotten - have you decided on whether you would like to go mutant animal or yokai shoki?

If the answer is "not yet," then don't rush but take your time. =)
Wow! What fast responses!

And with Sil seemingly able to go either way, I think your four just turned into five!

Psychie Psychie Forgive me if you mentioned this and I have forgotten - have you decided on whether you would like to go mutant animal or yokai shoki?

If the answer is "not yet," then don't rush but take your time. =)
I’ll put up a solid ‘yes’ to the yokai option.
Psychie Psychie If you want your character to be yokai, then he is not Indian/Pakistani, but Chinese (like the rest of your character's birth-family). =)

And I have now found a good name for my kitty-boy. Vyaghra. It is Hindi for tiger.
Um. Also... sound that word out. Say it aloud. What word does it sound like to you in English? =)
Um. Also... sound that word out. Say it aloud. What word does it sound like to you in English? =)
It's not just me, then - phew. Now I'm wondering whether that is a coincidence or not... Probably not.
Psychie Psychie If you want your character to be yokai, then he is not Indian/Pakistani, but Chinese (like the rest of your character's birth-family). =)

Um. Also... sound that word out. Say it aloud. What word does it sound like to you in English? =)
Ah, yes. I hadn't considered the sound of it. I'll go back to the dictionary to come up with a name in Chinese.
Ah, yes. I hadn't considered the sound of it. I'll go back to the dictionary to come up with a name in Chinese.
Ha ha ha ha! =) This is me trying to save our Psychie from making a dreadful mistake! We thought "Dumbo" was bad!

It's not just me, then - phew. Now I'm wondering whether that is a coincidence or not... Probably not.
Only the Hindus know for sure! Ha ha!

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