In Character

It took everything in Dru for him to not run at the fairy try to grab it gently and ask it a ton of questions.  The deserts Dru came from were harsh and as a result the myths were harsh so creatures like fairies were a foregin concept for him so to see one so close intrigued him."Uhh... yeah, yeah the city whitemoon." Dru had been staring at Proxi intently with an almost scary intensity however he turned to Mei "we are close right? I think that would be the slightly smarter path mainly because we don't know where the nearest great fairy is... unless you do?" Dru said turning to Proxi as he asked. 

"We fairies can sense each other, and only those who are connected to the Princess of Hyrule can summon Great Fairies. Alistair is one of those who have a connection, and can summon great fairies in fairy fountains." proxi said as Alistair held Angelina's hand. @Shirochankun
Dru moved closer to Suö and held his hand in a very firm grip whispering to Suö "babe I want the fairy... hold my hand so I don't go chasing after it." Dru took a few more momen's of intense staring before he said "... will they look like you?" Dru spoke with a quiet reverence. @Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers
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Asura continued to give Mei a gollowed, silent look. His hand flexing and curling into fist was his body's only movement. Going feral, the thought didn't mean much to him. 

Suo nodded at Dru and gave his hand a soft squeeze. Then dropped Dru's hand in favor of his arm. "you've never seen a fairy before?" Suo whispered back.

Angelina smiled softly at Alistair. After witnessing the earlier event, Alistair's hand hold her own was comforting.

@Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey @FireMaiden
Asura continued to give Mei a gollowed, silent look. His hand flexing and curling into fist was his body's only movement. Going feral, the thought didn't mean much to him.

@Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey @FireMaiden

Mei sighed, "Young man, I'm sure there are other people here you care for, and going feral would only hurt them. I'm sure a...Tempest Star? like yourself has soemthing similar that happened when your feeling run high. Think to a time like that, and only multiple the damage and fear by ten fold." She warned him out of personal experience.
Dru nodded "in the desert I come from the gods are harsh and so are the creatures that survive there. Only when I left the desert did I find that gods can be kind, and that nature can create beautiful things... like you." Dru said his gaze easily being drawn to Suö. @Shirochankun
Asura still didn't say anything. Though he was listening to the older female's voice. But something she had said was wrong. He didn't give a flying fuck about anyone in the group. Aside from Suo, Angelina, and Kage. Well.... that was sorta a lie. But those three were the ones he trusted most in this group. Although Malekith, possessed or not, and himself would never be friends.

Suo blushed lightly and held Dru's arm a bit tighter, words failing to come to him.

@FireMaiden @Drumonkey
Dru turned and put his head into Suo's chest breathing deeply trying to control his urges to capture the fairy and vegan to focus on Suo's heatrbeat. @Shirochankun
Suo looked completely flustered now. With Dru doing this and acting so cute with most of the group around. He wrapped his arms around his mate, hugging Dru close.  @Drumonkey
Asura still didn't say anything. Though he was listening to the older female's voice. But something she had said was wrong. He didn't give a flying fuck about anyone in the group. Aside from Suo, Angelina, and Kage. Well.... that was sorta a lie. But those three were the ones he trusted most in this group. Although Malekith, possessed or not, and himself would never be friends.

Suo blushed lightly and held Dru's arm a bit tighter, words failing to come to him.

@FireMaiden @Drumonkey

Mei gave him a smile, and gently patted his arm. She then cleared her throat. "If you want, let's go to Whitemoon. I may be able to contact someone who can help us get Kage back." 

@Drumonkey @AllTheFangirlThings @Inheritance @Baku @Emperor Of Embers @Safety Hammer
Dru hugged Suö tightly and said "I'm sorry things have been so hectic lately but things will get better especially if we rely on each other, can we do that?" @Shirochankun

He had...almost been in a daze since the incident. He couldn't believe what he had done. Red flashed at the edges of his vision, he couldn't see straight. He was always dizzy or had a headache that felt like someone was hitting his skull with a hammer. He tried to sleep, but it was tormented by nightmares, visions of his past and his mistakes that he was doomed to commit for the third time! Finally, he leapt of, and gave a scream of agony, then sprinted off. He didn't get far before his legs failed him, and he collapsed in a heap under a tree, shaking uncontrollably.  @Emperor Of Embers @Shirochankun @Drumonkey @AllTheFangirlThings @FireMaiden


He always enjoyed it when his master called upon him. Because that meant that he got to do some dirty work. He would get to have some fun. He loved it. He loved tormenting humans, as that was his calling. He could do almost anything, he was a Discorder, a being of chaos, he could do almost anything...except end a life. He couldn't kill anyone, or deliver the final blow, no matter what he did. He could make a mountain fall on someone, but as long as it was his magic effecting it, the being could not die, though it could be pushed to the very limit of their life. And thus, he was the greatest tormentor in the world. He could lose his temper, and do anything, and keep the person alive! "Come girl, will you tell us what we need to know, or do I need to have fun with you?" The cage door flew open, and he stood outside, glaring and grinning. @FireMaiden
"I already told him, I don't know anything!" Kage pleaded, "Just let me go." She didn't want anything to happen to her, and she was terrified. But she had a feeling that if she said anything, soemthing  bad would happen, and she'd be responsible. "P-Please don't hurt me." @Inheritance

"HURT you? You don't want me to hurt you?" He stepped into the cage, and lifted her up by her hair. "Well I don't know what you consider hurting you. Does this count?" With that, he jabbed his claws into her shoulder, sending a stream of venom that would feel like her shoulder was being ripped out of it's socket. "How does that feel baby?" @FireMaiden
A sand golem appeared next to Malekith and helped him up before bringing him back to the group. Dru watched slightly and was a little interested in the proceedings. @Inheritance

"COME now, you should tell me, how does this feel?" He flung his arm to the side, sending her into the bars. The venom stopped.

"It hurts? Comeon you can do better how does it really feel? Like I don't already know." He stepped towards her and knelt. "SO tell me, why were you going to Whitemoon? Tell me and I won't do what I am about to do." He formed his arm into a blade, and began cutting her dress down... @FireMaiden
"I-I don't know, th.....they don't tell me anything," She whimpered. She tried to back away, but since she was already pretty much again thr bars, she could only back up an inch or two. @Inheritance

He had...almost been in a daze since the incident. He couldn't believe what he had done. Red flashed at the edges of his vision, he couldn't see straight. He was always dizzy or had a headache that felt like someone was hitting his skull with a hammer. He tried to sleep, but it was tormented by nightmares, visions of his past and his mistakes that he was doomed to commit for the third time! Finally, he leapt of, and gave a scream of agony, then sprinted off. He didn't get far before his legs failed him, and he collapsed in a heap under a tree, shaking uncontrollably.  @Emperor Of Embers @Shirochankun @Drumonkey @AllTheFangirlThings @FireMaiden


He always enjoyed it when his master called upon him. Because that meant that he got to do some dirty work. He would get to have some fun. He loved it. He loved tormenting humans, as that was his calling. He could do almost anything, he was a Discorder, a being of chaos, he could do almost anything...except end a life. He couldn't kill anyone, or deliver the final blow, no matter what he did. He could make a mountain fall on someone, but as long as it was his magic effecting it, the being could not die, though it could be pushed to the very limit of their life. And thus, he was the greatest tormentor in the world. He could lose his temper, and do anything, and keep the person alive! "Come girl, will you tell us what we need to know, or do I need to have fun with you?" The cage door flew open, and he stood outside, glaring and grinning. @FireMaiden

Darmani watched as Malekith seemed  be in pain, before sprinting away in what he thought was panic. "I better follow him, he seems off." the man muttered as he ran after Malekith, who collapsed under a tree moments after. He kneeled beside him, and gently set his own hand on Malekith's shoulder. "Malekith, are you alright?" he asked. 
Blake sat down nearby as Havoc began his story. "I'm sure you know about what my kin did over 200 years ago, for which, I'm truly sorry. If I had been withing my right mind, I would have done soemthing to help you humans and your fellow races." The old dragon sighed, "The god Yogig, and his brother Chaos, who are very much real, took...control of the dragons. Influencing them in such a way, they attacked. I'm ashamed to say I was part of those numbers. Chaos made our anger manifest, we lashed out, and took control. By time most of us had come out of it, it was to late. Yogig had the humans and other species rise up, and slaughtered us. I only managed to escape with a pregnant woman, and a few other dragons who stayed at our cities." He said this with a grim expression, never liking to retell his war story. But, he continued. "What you experienced was Chaos' touch. And I'm afraid, this means the gods and their sisters have risen." @Dutchmann

No wonder why they fear gods... but this is, madness...

"Wait, you mean multiple gods? Why did he do this to me? What did I e-..." Alas had a dark chill again, he has another piece for this puzzle... 

"Dragons..." Alas mumbles
No wonder why they fear gods... but this is, madness...

"Wait, you mean multiple gods? Why did he do this to me? What did I e-..." Alas had a dark chill again, he has another piece for this puzzle... 

"Dragons..." Alas mumbles

"Yes, multiple gods. Three of them, and their sisters of course. Yogig, Chaos, Midnight, Tiamat, and one who's name I have long forgotten. Why Chaos did this to you, is a mystery." The old dragon paused. "What about dragons?"

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