In Character

Alas wanted to say something that'll change the topic, he wants to say some magic words and he'll go away back in time to where he didn't become a part of this. He thinks like that's possible... Giving a sigh, Alas looks at the floor, hope fading\

"What now? What am I suppose to do against a god?" 


This is when the old dragon gave him a small smile, "Well, I fought. You  an not give in to anything he wants you in to do. The visions will be horrible, and you will want to do things you've never even dreamed about, but once you manage to fight him long enough, you will win."
That explains the thoughts, 

"How long will this battle be?" Alas started to ponder, he doesn't want to fight this mental sickness for ages. It's maddening, he almost gave in at that temple...

"I-I..." Alas wants to say help, but to a dragon? He doesn't know what to do...

"I'd say until he calms down again...which at time, wasn't for decades. But who knows, if his sisters are awake, then there is hope of him being locked away sooner." Havoc explained, when a sound came from the kitchen. He rose from his seat, and walked into the kitchen, returning with a a tray of cookies. "The bottoms may be a bit burnt, the taste should be fine though." @Dutchmann
"Decades? That's...I-I...." Alas feels an urge to attack, he can't tell if the dragon's right and he's being effected, or this might be the urge to kill a dragon because of th-

"I can't take anymore of this insanity!" Alas voice was harsh, yet quiet, his people can't be wrong? His life isn't a lie! 

"I have no need for food now, I need this thing away, and as soon as possible." Alas' face was stressed, he has too many mixxed feelings about this moment.. 

Dru backed away a little sad that he had scared Proxi "I'm sorry little fairy it's just I haven't seen many things as delicate as you. Where I come from you would die from being so delicate, even your friend would find it hard to survive. I come from an inhospitable place and being kind or frail isn't a luxury we have." 

"Really? I guess it got hotter for my siblings in the desert." Proxi said as she gets out of the pouch. "Afterall, humans and dragons alike hunt down healing fairies.... And take their life to heal their wounds that are not deadly..... Alistair's people see us as friends, and helpers. We rely on elves for protection, they rely on us as a connection to Great Fairies, and heal any wounds that don't heal naturally, like an amputation." Proxi said as she sighed. "A great fairy is here in whitemoon.... I do not know exactly where.." she added.
"Really? I guess it got hotter for my siblings in the desert." Proxi said as she gets out of the pouch. "Afterall, humans and dragons alike hunt down healing fairies.... And take their life to heal their wounds that are not deadly..... Alistair's people see us as friends, and helpers. We rely on elves for protection, they rely on us as a connection to Great Fairies, and heal any wounds that don't heal naturally, like an amputation." Proxi said as she sighed. "A great fairy is here in whitemoon.... I do not know exactly where.." she added.

"It's not just the heat..." Dru said sadly as he shook his head "it's the monsters, the gods and the land itself. The deserts are unforgiving even to beings as powerful as dragons."

He did this... The scene, despite the others telling him he didn't do anything intentional, kept replaying in his mind over...and over...and over.... He...WHY was he doomed to repeat all his mistakes?! He had done this to his family and now he was doing it here....everybody hated him now. "I can'" He turned into a dragon quickly, and started to fly away. Of course, he was not a fast flyer, so he was just beginning to fly off, panting all the way. @FireMaiden @AllTheFangirlThings @Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers @Flareshield



Well now he was doing better...the three villages he had managed to consume were now under his control, while the smartest and any who could use magic were serving as his Necromancers...and his territory was growing now...and he didn't sleep anymore. Now he was just building an army, and more territories-forts, castles...his territory was expanding, he was no longer just a city, he was multiple cities, a few counties perhaps, and he was preparing to invade now... @FireMaiden


What had drawn him here? He stood around looking...what was he looking for anyway? This was a wild...wait... His eyes fell upon some statue...what was this? @Emperor Of Embers


"Oh that was great" He growled as he returned to where he was keeping the girl. "Ready to talk now?" He slammed his fists on the cage door, making it rattle and spin. @FireMaiden
Kage Kori: 

Startled a little, she jumped, but made no effort to move. Her body was stiff, and sore, and she just wanted to hide. But, finally, she just weakly nodded. To tired to speak, and in to much pain. She'd be dead if it weren't  for her magic ad Zaydar's curse. Kage managed to pull herself up, whimpering as she did, and leaned against the cages back wall. She was covered in her own blood, large cuts and gashes, bruises. Her clothes were barley clothes anymore, just one enough to cover her upper torso and most of her lower body. Her hair was matted, and tangled, it's pure white stained red. She hardly looked like herself.@Inheritance
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He did this... The scene, despite the others telling him he didn't do anything intentional, kept replaying in his mind over...and over...and over.... He...WHY was he doomed to repeat all his mistakes?! He had done this to his family and now he was doing it here....everybody hated him now. "I can'" He turned into a dragon quickly, and started to fly away. Of course, he was not a fast flyer, so he was just beginning to fly off, panting all the way. @FireMaiden @AllTheFangirlThings @Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers @Flareshield



Well now he was doing better...the three villages he had managed to consume were now under his control, while the smartest and any who could use magic were serving as his Necromancers...and his territory was growing now...and he didn't sleep anymore. Now he was just building an army, and more territories-forts, castles...his territory was expanding, he was no longer just a city, he was multiple cities, a few counties perhaps, and he was preparing to invade now... @FireMaiden


What had drawn him here? He stood around looking...what was he looking for anyway? This was a wild...wait... His eyes fell upon some statue...what was this? @Emperor Of Embers


"Oh that was great" He growled as he returned to where he was keeping the girl. "Ready to talk now?" He slammed his fists on the cage door, making it rattle and spin. @FireMaiden

A black, almost liquid smoke oozed out of the statue's maw, and its eye glowed red as a roar erupted from it. The shagaru magala imprisoned in stone was awake once more.
Alas wanted to break down and give up, is this the fear the people at his village faced? Is this why it's like that? Alas didn't want to be a peasant like the others, his families name is on the line. What family name? If everything is a li- No it can't be... Gods and dragons.... maybe they're all a trick! Yes! A trick yes.. 

Alas' thoughts raced as well as the flooring of his sanity, it started to slip. Heart beat is racing, maybe if giving in to the gods isn't that bad? Maybe he'll kill this dragon and claim glory, a gods help could do some magic.... His eyes drift around the room, this is all an illusion, it has to be. A dragon can't be this.... good. He can make it quick, Alas can smash that.... damned beast and get it over with. Yet, what if he's telling the truth? Or worst, it's a trap and they have the upper hand. Damn anything could happen now. Blake could be a dragon for all he knows! Alas can't tell what's the source of this madness, the works of gods

or himself.

Blake looked at Alas with a cocked eyebrow, "Alas...are you ok?" She asked, her voice showing genuine concern. "Blake are you actually worried about someon" The old dragon chuckled, which was deep and kinda sounded like a rumble. "Shut it you iver grown lizard." @Dutchmann
"I-I.." Alas can't tell if he should cry, should be feel despair that he can't win this battle? Or angry, he could fight. Glory is in front of him. Alas looks at Blake, his stare is widen with his eyes, but he doesn't speak. He feels... comfort, someone else is actually... h- She could be a dragon... Why didn't he notice from before?He hesitates, reaching to his side. Shaking, trembling hands grasp onto the handle of the mace... He wants to pull it out and fight, but he doesn't. Why he is hesitating?! Fear that he'll die? No... something else he hasn't felt in a while. Is he believing that a dragon is kind. Is gentle? Wise? Does he know that he's wrong. His look shifts from her to the dragon... Dragons are monsters... Monsters should be slaughtered like they would to us... Right? He wants to scream... Speak, Blake couldn't be a dragon. Unless this is a game.... Another manipulation, gods or not. Something effected Alas.

Blake sighed, "It's not a good idea to attack a dragon and a viking," She stood, "I think Alas needs some fresh air, come on. Let's go for a walk." She told Alas. The old dragon then stood, and nodded, "And I'll set up the guest room. You may be staying here over night." @Dutchmann
Alas looked at Blake, his grip loosens... She's right, he's acting... like something, 

"Y-yeah." Alas looked at the dragon.... That dragon, maybe Alas has to change. 

"Outside seems great." Alas then goes behind Blake, following her where ever she goes.

Blake streched, popping her back. "I'm not a dragon ya know. I may act like one, but I'm not. Can't do the magical stuff without ruins or enchantments, like everyone else." She said this as she walked, to somewhere, she didn't know where. @Dutchmann
"One saying I learned in my village, don't trust anyone by just their words.." Alas said, he wanted to give a smug look, but then he realized what he said. What does he learn from his village anymore? If this is true then most of everything his village does is false. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to act like that in the home.... th-." he pauses for a moment, he wants to thank her for more than just this, but his mind is someplace else. 

"Thank you..."

"No problem. And to prove I'm no dragon, here. Watch this." From her boot she pulled out a small blade, made form a greenish material. "It's the material people use to imprison dragons. Only thing that can get trough their scales that us humans have access to. It burns them when they touch it." She said this, pressing the blade to her hand, then removing it. There was no burn mark. @Dutchmann
"That's just like my mace, except for the imprisonment." Alas says as he then takes out his mace, my family is famous for their craftsmanship and combat. This mace has been perfected by a duo of the Sonne-feld's and this powerful wizard's work.  

"It was for killing dragons, so I took it." Alas places the end of mace on Blake's hand. Just to be safe... Nothing, wow. 

"Alright, so Blake. I guess you're truthful." Alas says.

"Again, sorry, just had to make sure I'm not a pawn or something of a game. Well Blake, where are we going?"


Keres sighed as Malekith shifted and flew off. Well, attempted to fly off. Shifting into her visible blue and white form, she pushed herself off of the ground into the air and followed him. "Malekith!" She said, trying to breathe, think, and speak simultaneously. "What's going on with you?" She flew in front of him and blocked his path, waiting for him to tire out and land. She was patient. She could wait. 

He began to stabalize once he was in midair, and began a rather decent flight pattern, when a dragon blocked his view. He had never actually seen Keres in her dragon form, or a visible one, but he recognized her voice. "Get away from me. I can't be here any longer." He growled, then shot past her...well tried to. He was big, strong, but a fairly weak flyer. He was hoping she would just let him pass, he wasn't sure how but he was fairly certain she would be able to stop him if it came to ariel battles, so he just assumed she would let him by.  @AllTheFangirlThings


"WhAt Is ThIs?" He growled as he came closer to the statue. Well, whatever it was it probably wasn't a threat to him. Besides, it was interesting... "ViAkUn GlAkUs" His accent...or rather thousand voices made the spell hideous and misshaped, which is exactly what he wanted. When he spoke, he spoke with the souls that he had personally harvested during the God Wars so long ago, and all the agonized souls almost screamed at the same time, giving his voice a sound like no other. When he cast spells with them, he originally tried to get them all to cast them at the same time, which went horribly wrong and actually lost him a few battles fighting Gods, battles where one mistake could cost you the fight. Eventually he realized that he would distort the spells intentionally, and because he was already so good with chaos, he would just use the chaotic spells, which he found to be much more powerful when he or his disciples used them.

At his command, a orange light shattered against the stone. It was a detonation that could have blown apart a house, and it was as condensed as a tennis ball. "WhO iS iN tHeRe?" He growled... @Emperor Of Embers


"Let's start with an easy question. Where were you going?" He grinned. "Answer truthfully....if you don't..." @FireMaiden

"Good girl. Why were you going there?" He opened the cage up, he left it open but stood by the opening. He began to drum his claws on the floor. "Don't lie. I can tell when you lie." @FireMaiden
"A-A lady told us to. She said she needed help," Kage said, wincing as she moved a little. "She-She wan-" The girl started coughing. It was painful, her broken ribs making it hard even to talk. @Inheritance

He began to stabalize once he was in midair, and began a rather decent flight pattern, when a dragon blocked his view. He had never actually seen Keres in her dragon form, or a visible one, but he recognized her voice. "Get away from me. I can't be here any longer." He growled, then shot past her...well tried to. He was big, strong, but a fairly weak flyer. He was hoping she would just let him pass, he wasn't sure how but he was fairly certain she would be able to stop him if it came to ariel battles, so he just assumed she would let him by.  @AllTheFangirlThings


"WhAt Is ThIs?" He growled as he came closer to the statue. Well, whatever it was it probably wasn't a threat to him. Besides, it was interesting... "ViAkUn GlAkUs" His accent...or rather thousand voices made the spell hideous and misshaped, which is exactly what he wanted. When he spoke, he spoke with the souls that he had personally harvested during the God Wars so long ago, and all the agonized souls almost screamed at the same time, giving his voice a sound like no other. When he cast spells with them, he originally tried to get them all to cast them at the same time, which went horribly wrong and actually lost him a few battles fighting Gods, battles where one mistake could cost you the fight. Eventually he realized that he would distort the spells intentionally, and because he was already so good with chaos, he would just use the chaotic spells, which he found to be much more powerful when he or his disciples used them.

At his command, a orange light shattered against the stone. It was a detonation that could have blown apart a house, and it was as condensed as a tennis ball. "WhO iS iN tHeRe?" He growled... @Emperor Of Embers


"Let's start with an easy question. Where were you going?" He grinned. "Answer truthfully....if you don't..." @FireMaiden

As soon as she was freed, she corkscrews into the air, and expanded her wings to their full size, and roared, then landed onto the ground. Raven transformed into her human form. "I was in there.... Thank you." she said as she got up from her kneeling position. 

A....dragon? No. Half Dragon. Painful memories of the God wars began spiraling in his mind. He hated the dragons, so good, so perfect. But more memories surfaced, and his quick mind thought of something. Why would dragons be half human? It was ASKING to be corrupted. Well he remembered, not all Gods were good. Some Gods, even if they weren't allied with the 4 old Gods, still fought against Midnight and Tiamat and such. They were now known as devils and demons, but really they were Gods. Chaos, like all the Old Gods, had 3 ranks of powers. Mortals. Dragons or titans and powerful beings, Angels and Devils (which were on Par with some of the greater titans and dragons), and Gods. Now Chaos, not that he really knew WHY Half Dragons came to be, realized he could use them. They were the perfect weapon! They took him down, so he could use them for his rise! "HoW lOnG wErE yOu In ThErE?" He stood standing, a bit straighter now.  @Emperor Of Embers

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