In Character


"Oh SHUT UP!" He lurched to her, grabbed her by the torso, and muttered "Xila niro"

Instant relief for pain would be felt, not that it actually healed anything, she just wouldn't feel it. "Help with what?! TELL ME THE WHOLE STORY!" @FireMaiden

"Midnight?! You're sure?!" This was interesting! Chaos would love this! Wonder what he was doing... "AND Tiamat? At Whitemoon?" Hmmm "That's enough for now." With a wave of his wrist, his pain killer wore off. He left and slammed the door shut. "I may need you again. So stay pretty." @FireMaiden
Kage groaned, pulling herself up again. She hadn't heard him lock the cage door. Maybe she could save herself. So, once he was gone, she looked at how far down the ground was, which wasn't far. Then, she checked that he was in fact gone, before pushing the cage door open. She took a pained deep breath, before jumping down. Pain shot through her body, but she made no sound, before looking for a place to hide, which was pretty easy. Now she just needed to find a way to get back to Whitemoon. @Inheritance

This was big! This was huge-wait till Chaos heard about this! The other Gods needing help from half dragons? Stupid. This was good. He would have his way with the girl again before Chaos got back...maybe now... @FireMaiden
She peeked form her hiding place, seeing no one around she moved to another hiding spot. She was glad she wasn't making to much noise, until...she fell. She cried out, pain shooting through the side she fell on. @Inheritance

What the hell did she think she was doing? He strode over to the cage, taking his sweet time as he went. When he got there...he saw the door was open, and the bitch was nowhere to be found! He slammed his fists on the cage and screamed. "GET BACK HERE OR I'LL TEAR OFF YOUR LIMBS!" He roared. @FireMaiden
This sent fear coursing through her as the adrenaline picked up, causing her to quickly pull herself up, and hide again. She didn't know what to do, she had no way a run this place, and didn't even know if there was a out...but...but she had to try. This was wrong, and..she need ed to go. But where? She doubted the others would want to see her after she spilled their secrets, but she had no one but them...@Inheritance
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A....dragon? No. Half Dragon. Painful memories of the God wars began spiraling in his mind. He hated the dragons, so good, so perfect. But more memories surfaced, and his quick mind thought of something. Why would dragons be half human? It was ASKING to be corrupted. Well he remembered, not all Gods were good. Some Gods, even if they weren't allied with the 4 old Gods, still fought against Midnight and Tiamat and such. They were now known as devils and demons, but really they were Gods. Chaos, like all the Old Gods, had 3 ranks of powers. Mortals. Dragons or titans and powerful beings, Angels and Devils (which were on Par with some of the greater titans and dragons), and Gods. Now Chaos, not that he really knew WHY Half Dragons came to be, realized he could use them. They were the perfect weapon! They took him down, so he could use them for his rise! "HoW lOnG wErE yOu In ThErE?" He stood standing, a bit straighter now.  @Emperor Of Embers

"I do not know. It felt like eternity to me." She looked around, overgrowth everywhere, and animals who were infected by her huddled behind her, the same black smoke dancing off of their bodies, fur with a purplish hue, and a black ooze dripping from their mouths. She looked back, giving them all the death stare, forcing them to run off, deeper into the temple. "May I ask who you are? If you are a god, i apologize for being ignorant." She said as she looked up at Chaos. 
"So Blake, what of this place?" Alas said, it's not the camp. So it must be a village or some home.

"You know, I'm pretty sure you guys didn't live here at the start since they're not your race and all." 

"Of yeah, I we did live here until I was 20, there aren't many humans here," Blake said with a shrug. "Like I said when we got here, most of the people here are races who are rent really welcome anywhere cause where they're from was destroyed." @Dutchmann
Alas started to feel something after Blake's dialogue. He didn't like this feeling, it's painful. Is Alas mourning due to the fact that he's wrong? His people are the monsters all along? All of the lessons he has been taught is a lie. First thing he must accept, it's not a Danzer Camp.

"I don't know what to do Blake. If this is all true of what you said. Then what of us? What are we to you? What is our people looked at at their view?" Alas said, his tone wasn't aggressive, in fact, it was trembling.

"Well, from what it looks like, we're the monsters here." Alas said, finding the irony in this.

"My village claims that all of these creatures are nothing but bloody monsters. All just thieves and liars and manipulating bastards. Yet, if you're true than, doesn't that make humans the monsters? What we do is corrupt and wrong. Manipulating our own kind to think that what we're doing is right? I don't know what's right anymore." Alas' headach starts to appear and grow, chest pain as well. The acknowladgement that he's wrong and knowing what's doing is wrong and everything he thought was right. Is wrong.

"Oh, being tough now are we?" Keres sighed. "No. You're not leaving. So get your ass down to the ground" she growled. "Now. Don't make me do something I regret, Malekith. Not while my son is down there maybe watching."

East of Whitemoon - Whispering Forest


The birds left the trees as a female figure crashed through the dead branches of the haunted forest. Clothes in tatters, hair matted with dirt and blood, covered in wounds, Kage was returned to the realm of mortals. Her body limp in the forest floor now, she lay either waiting for death or an unlikely rescue. She wanted her uncle...her grandmother....or her parents in Japheior.

Kage wanted death



Mei awoke from her light sleep with a start, immediately getting up and gathering a lantern and dagger, before main her way to where the dragons were staying. Bursting in, she said one sentence that should make at lest three of the dragons immediately rise. "Kage has been returned."

@Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers @Safety Hammer @Drumonkey @AllTheFangirlThings @Baku

Also, Japheior is basically where dragons go when they die and wait to either be reunited with family or to be reencarnated.
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East of Whitemoon - Whispering Forest

The birds left the trees as a female figure crashed through the dead branches of the haunted forest. Clothes in tatters, hair matted with dirt and blood, covered in wounds, Kage was returned to the realm of mortals. Her body limp in the forest floor now, she lay either waiting for death or an unlikely rescue. She wanted her uncle...her grandmother....or her parents in Japheior.

Kage wanted death



Mei awoke from her light sleep with a start, immediately getting up and gathering a lantern and dagger, before main her way to where the dragons were staying. Bursting in, she said one sentence that should make at lest three of the dragons immediately rise. "Kage has been returned."

@Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers @Safety Hammer @Drumonkey @AllTheFangirlThings @Baku

Also, Japheior is basically where dragons go when they die and wait to either be reunited with family or to be reencarnated.

Dru opened his eyes and was downstairs in A minute. "Where? Show me the direction and I shall find her." Dru said quietly. 
"East of hear, the dead part of the forat. I'd hurry, she doesn't have much time," The elder said, before she started to clear a bed. "Take someone with you, the rest shall stay and help me get a bed and some medical supplies ready."

@Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers @Safety Hammer @Baku @AllTheFangirlThings

"why? I'd move much faster on my own as opposed to waking someone up then waiting for them to be ready." Dru said shifting to his half form. 
"why? I'd move much faster on my own as opposed to waking someone up then waiting for them to be ready." Dru said shifting to his half form. 

"Fine. That still doesn't change the fact you hurry," The old woman said, her focus on her task at hand not hindered. Another minute or two pasted, before she looked back up at him. "NOW!"
"Fine. That still doesn't change the fact you hurry," The old woman said, her focus on her task at hand not hindered. Another minute or two pasted, before she looked back up at him. "NOW!"se

Dru dahsed put and jumped high running across the roofs barely touching them as he ran. Once he made it to the woods he began running so fast and hard he broke branches that he touched as he kicked off them with that much force. It too him about a minute to reach her but he quickly stopped long enough to scoop her up with Sand that covered her and shot ahead of him as he sprinted but the sand coffin made it with her body in about 20 seconds. 
Dru dahsed put and jumped high running across the roofs barely touching them as he ran. Once he made it to the woods he began running so fast and hard he broke branches that he touched as he kicked off them with that much force. It too him about a minute to reach her but he quickly stopped long enough to scoop her up with Sand that covered her and shot ahead of him as he sprinted but the sand coffin made it with her body in about 20 seconds. 

(He brought her back already? Sorry, I'm just a little tired and not completely sure)
Asura, who hadn't slept at all since Kage's abduction. Had spent all his time at the ruins of the tallest building within Whitemoon, constantly watching the surroundings. So seeing Dru suddenly taking off after having Mei's raised voice, stunned him momentarily.  The only words him having truly heard being 'Kage' and 'back'.  From which he instantly jumped to the assumption that Kage was back.  But could he actually face his loved one?  After having been as useless as an infant when she'd been taken?  Puching those thoughts aside along with that now deeply rooted guilt.  He was at mel's side before Dru returned.



Suo awoke only after hearing Dru's voice and peeking his eyes open to see him leaving.  Then as his mind shook off the sluggishness, Mei's words were heard.  His first thoughts were of Asura's whereabouts but that proved unneeded, seeing his friend for the first time since getting here beside Mei.
Mei looked at Asura and Suo, "Suo, I need you to get me a bucket of water, and Asura, the towels fro the cabinet over there. Understood?" She said sternly. Though she could heal, her magic couldn't clean. And from what Midnight had shown her...Kage was in very bad shape. @Shirochankun

Dru dahsed put and jumped high running across the roofs barely touching them as he ran. Once he made it to the woods he began running so fast and hard he broke branches that he touched as he kicked off them with that much force. It too him about a minute to reach her but he quickly stopped long enough to scoop her up with Sand that covered her and shot ahead of him as he sprinted but the sand coffin made it with her body in about 20 seconds. 

"D-Dru?" Kage questioned, her voice raspy and weak. "Wh-wha-What's going on?" Barely conscious and unable to move, she remained limp.
Mei looked at Asura and Suo, "Suo, I need you to get me a bucket of water, and Asura, the towels fro the cabinet over there. Understood?" She said sternly. Though she could heal, her magic couldn't clean. And from what Midnight had shown her...Kage was in very bad shape. @Shirochankun

"D-Dru?" Kage questioned, her voice raspy and weak. "Wh-wha-What's going on?" Barely conscious and unable to move, she remained limp..

"I got you, maybe a minute more and you'll be in good hands. Sorry I can't heal you but these injuries require magic that I don't have." Dru said keeping her close. Then Dru saw the buildings coming up and changed his stride to be less safe but much stronger denting roofs with each push off and traveling further. Dru then landed before the building leaving a small crater. He then pushed her sand coffin into the building. The sand would then gently set her down on the bed. 

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