In Character

Seeing that Malekith was freaking out upon his awakening, Keres took action. She slowly extended her hands and closed her eyes, attempting to make a mental connection with Malekith and using his soul to calm him down. She didn't know if it would work, however. She was extremely tired and running out of energy. 

"FiNe DoN't TeLl Me. It WiLl Be MoRe FuN tHiS wAy." With a call, a demon materialized next to him. "Yessss massster?" It hissed. "HaVe YoUr WaY wItH hEr TiLl I gEt BaCk" With that,  Chaos vanished,  to check out the new energy.... 

The demon grinned and went to the cage. "You and I will have great fun....great fun indeed. You will love it..." 


(I'm out,  tbc tom)
Dru observed the proceedings processing all the information at once. If anyone had been able to see in his head they would see him processing all the information blindly placing it in a corner of his mind until it became relevant. Dru spoke up "ok so everyone should calm down since it seems like Malekith wasn't the culprit at least not intentionally. We have to regroup and start moving as soon as we can to whitemoon I'm sure there will be answeres there." As Dru said that the sand that had been holding Malekith suspended let him go and formed a human shape that began patting his back gently. @Inheritance @Shirochankun 
"Something took her you say...this is quite troublesome," The old woman pondered. "Which one is Asura? If he is the one with her blood on his hands, I have some very choice words to say to him." Though it didn't seem like it, Mei was indeed very worried, and slightly angry at the moment after hearing what Dimitri had to say. "And why are there childern here? They don't need to be seeing a mess like this." @Drumonkey @Shirochankun @Inheritance @AllTheFangirlThings

"Wrong place, wrong time." Darmani said in response to the question about alistair and angelina. "And the boy has the skill of an elite swordsman. So i doubt he has fear of anything."
Blake continued walking for a few more minutes before she stopped and knocked on the door of one of the larger huts. There was a shuffling sound being it, before it swing open revealing an intemidating old man who was about 7 feet tall. "Hey Havoc!" @Dutchmann

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"Wrong place, wrong time." Darmani said in response to the question about alistair and angelina. "And the boy has the skill of an elite swordsman. So i doubt he has fear of anything."

"Whether he is skilled in swords play or not, he should not be here. Now, would someone in from me on what happened to my granddaughter." @Shirochankun @Drumonkey @AllTheFangirlThings @Inheritance
"You know my hoy, it's not polite to stare," The old dragon said, beckoning them inside the warm and inviting hut. Before she went in, she leaned over to Alas, "They're pericings." @Dutchmann 
"What hum-Wait, is that the d-..." Alas wanted to shout dragon, he wanted to be rude to him. A dragon.. in front of him, is this trickery? Something he doesn't like, yet, he still steps in and says 

"Sorry," He doesn't know why, a habit? Fear? Something, he just can't tell what it is.

"What hum-Wait, is that the d-..." Alas wanted to shout dragon, he wanted to be rude to him. A dragon.. in front of him, is this trickery? Something he doesn't like, yet, he still steps in and says 

"Sorry," He doesn't know why, a habit? Fear? Something, he just can't tell what it is.


Havoc gave the weird boy who had come with Blake an odd look, before happily smiling at the person he consider a daughter. "Oh my dear girl, how long it's been!" He gave Blake a warm hug, which the woman greatly accepted.

"Yes, it has been a while. But, we're her-" 

"Oh you just must try my latest batch of cookies! Simply wonderful if I say so myself."

"We'd love to try them bu-" 

"Oh, and I've got the a new cat since Cinnamon passed a few months ago. I'm sure you go the lett-" 

"Havoc! Alas really needs to talk to you!" 

"Oh my why didn't you say so? What is it?" The dragon asked, looking down at Alas.
He seems ni- Stop..

"Sir, there's this vile thing. I cannot explain it, but it somehow attacked me out of now where, mentally. It was chaotic, it made me think dark things. i think it was trying to do something to me, but I cannot tell what it was. I can still feel it, faint, but still there..." Alas words were hesitantly said speaking to a dragon and about whatever the hell this thing is isn't what he's into.

Dru sighed "it seems something made Malekith attack your granddaughter and then that thing took her. It had to be pretty powerful to have made Malekith go to such an extent. At the moment all we know is theories until malekith can confirm it for us." @FireMaiden
The old dragon was silent for a minute after sitting down in a worn chair. He then sighed, "That seems familiar to what happened to me, and many of my fellow dragons years ago. The work of the gods," He explained.  "Please, sit down, and I'll do my best to answer your concerns." @Dutchmann

Dru sighed "it seems something made Malekith attack your granddaughter and then that thing took her. It had to be pretty powerful to have made Malekith go to such an extent. At the moment all we know is theories until malekith can confirm it for us." @FireMaiden

Mei sighed, "It is as I feared. You are in no doubt searching for the old dragon city Whitemoon yes?" She asked. 
Gods? Work of gods? Was it that god everyone was fearing in his village? Praising? He sees now why he should of praised him as well... Is this a puni- He can't get too carried away, Alas sits down and looks at the man, man or not, he needs answers.

Blake sat down nearby as Havoc began his story. "I'm sure you know about what my kin did over 200 years ago, for which, I'm truly sorry. If I had been withing my right mind, I would have done soemthing to help you humans and your fellow races." The old dragon sighed, "The god Yogig, and his brother Chaos, who are very much real, took...control of the dragons. Influencing them in such a way, they attacked. I'm ashamed to say I was part of those numbers. Chaos made our anger manifest, we lashed out, and took control. By time most of us had come out of it, it was to late. Yogig had the humans and other species rise up, and slaughtered us. I only managed to escape with a pregnant woman, and a few other dragons who stayed at our cities." He said this with a grim expression, never liking to retell his war story. But, he continued. "What you experienced was Chaos' touch. And I'm afraid, this means the gods and their sisters have risen." @Dutchmann
Darmani sighed as he clenched his fists, listening to Dru. "We will have to find Kage.... But we will need help." "I KNOW WHO CAN HELP US!!" proxi shouted as she zoomed past darmani, and floated in front of everyone. "We could ask a Great Fairy to help us. Though we will have to find one, and they hide in fountains hidden in cities, behind walls, in caves, or in temples." proxi added as Darmani sighs. "Great Fairy? I have never heard of such a being." he muttered befor proxi spoke, "you know nothing of elven mythology." she barked. @FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Shirochankun @Inheritance
Darmani sighed as he clenched his fists, listening to Dru. "We will have to find Kage.... But we will need help." "I KNOW WHO CAN HELP US!!" proxi shouted as she zoomed past darmani, and floated in front of everyone. "We could ask a Great Fairy to help us. Though we will have to find one, and they hide in fountains hidden in cities, behind walls, in caves, or in temples." proxi added as Darmani sighs. "Great Fairy? I have never heard of such a being." he muttered befor proxi spoke, "you know nothing of elven mythology." she barked. @FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Shirochankun @Inheritance

The old dragon was silent for a minute after sitting down in a worn chair. He then sighed, "That seems familiar to what happened to me, and many of my fellow dragons years ago. The work of the gods," He explained.  "Please, sit down, and I'll do my best to answer your concerns." @Dutchmann

Mei sighed, "It is as I feared. You are in no doubt searching for the old dragon city Whitemoon yes?" She asked. 

It took everything in Dru for him to not run at the fairy try to grab it gently and ask it a ton of questions.  The deserts Dru came from were harsh and as a result the myths were harsh so creatures like fairies were a foregin concept for him so to see one so close intrigued him."Uhh... yeah, yeah the city whitemoon." Dru had been staring at Proxi intently with an almost scary intensity however he turned to Mei "we are close right? I think that would be the slightly smarter path mainly because we don't know where the nearest great fairy is... unless you do?" Dru said turning to Proxi as he asked. 
Asura stayed distant from the group. Despite standing near them. He didn;t trust himself to talk or even move without making an attempt on Malekith's life. And anyone one who tried to stop him. 

Suo was also staying silent. for for a different reason apart from Asura. He just had nothing to say.

Angelina stood near Alistair just occasionally glancing at the others.

It took everything in Dru for him to not run at the fairy try to grab it gently and ask it a ton of questions.  The deserts Dru came from were harsh and as a result the myths were harsh so creatures like fairies were a foregin concept for him so to see one so close intrigued him."Uhh... yeah, yeah the city whitemoon." Dru had been staring at Proxi intently with an almost scary intensity however he turned to Mei "we are close right? I think that would be the slightly smarter path mainly because we don't know where the nearest great fairy is... unless you do?" Dru said turning to Proxi as he asked. 

"Dreadfully close, in fact, back at your camp, if you had kept walking for about three more yards, you would've come across the entrance."

Asura stayed distant from the group. Despite standing near them. He didn;t trust himself to talk or even move without making an attempt on Malekith's life. And anyone one who tried to stop him. 

Suo was also staying silent. for for a different reason apart from Asura. He just had nothing to say.

Angelina stood near Alistair just occasionally glancing at the others.


Mei looked over at Asura, and walked over to him. "Dear, you see unusually destressed compared to your friends. You wouldn't happen to be rather close to Kage would you?"
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Mei looked over at Malekith, and walked over to him. "Dear, you see unusually destressed compared to your friends. You wouldn't happen to be rather close to Kage would you?"

Asura gave Mei a hollow look. he felt he was hollow. he'd failed in being there when Lage needed him. and had arrived too late and could only watch as he lost her. Asura wanted Kage back and Malek it dead.
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Asura gave Mei a hollow look. he felt he was hollow. he'd failed in being there when Lage needed him. and had arrived too late and could only watch as he lost her. Asura wanted Kage back and Malek it dead.

Mei could almost feel his angry, which was quiet a weird feeling. But she understood, "You're her mate, yes?"

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