In Character

"A Danzer Camp is a refugee camp full of lesser beings, which are non-humans. Considered to be full of criminals and the worst of things." Alas said, he looks around the place once more. His mentors can't be wrong, he wasn't lied to all these years, was he?

"But... It's suppose to be more, run down. Dirty, and a.. unhappy place to live in."

"Well, that wasn't in way racist," Blake muttered. "No, this isn't a Danzer camp, which sounds more like a mercenary camp than a fucking refuge camp," she said, Alas earing a few weird and slightly offended looks. "And just because and few of the poeple here don't understand English, doesn't mean they all don't."

"Listen, if you could understand me on this one. I've only been at this random shit for about a week. I've been at my hometown for many, many years where they taught me everything about what we stand for. You expect me to just give up on what they say? Non-humans were a problem and we're suppose to fix it. This has to be a Danzer Camp." Alas said, the words from Alas' mouth were rude of course, but Alas holds his ground.

Blake didn't reply, u til she stopped walking. "Alas, that kid want to tell you soemthing," She sais, pointing to a child who looked human, but with blue tinted skin. She was holding soemthing.

Violet was oddly quiet for the past hour or so. Which was unlike her. Maybe she had grown used to the trouble that seemed to follow the group. But one thing that was on her mind was that other dragon they had encountered. He looked familiar to her. And he looked at her with... Guilt? Who was he? And did he know her parents? 
Kage, feeling like it was ok to leave the rabbit be for a few minutes, and who hadn't formally apologized to Malekith and walked after him. She hoped the others would get up soon, but for right now, she was really worried about Malekith. "Ummm," her small voice broke through the trees. "M-Malekith? Are you around here?" @Inheritance

@AllTheFangirlThings @Shirochankun @Drumonkey @Safety Hammer 

The smell of cooking food floated through their makeshift camp, possibly making a few rise, and certainly grabbing the attention of one individual.

Darmani was exhausted, and was hungry, since he could not risk destroying entire forests for a single hunt for food. He growled in frustration as he got up, slightly weak from walking the past day. 

Alistair grabbed out his ocarina, and proxi floats beside him, and spoke, "Angelina, wanna see something cool?" she asked. @Shirochankun
Alas slowly picked up the item from the girls hand, it was the coin purse that Blake gave him. He must of had it loose on his bag or something.

"Uhh... Thanks?" Alas said, he can't tell if she understood him or not, but he gave some sort of a smile to her as he places the coin purse inside his bag so it wouldn't fall out.

Alas tries to think if he heard of any kind of elemental spirit. He knows of a "spirit" demons, monsters. More things to hate on basically. Yet, an elemental sprite isn't something his teachers taught him of.

"Never heard of an air sprite before, or any forms of elemental sprite." Alas said, he looks at the girl again who gave him his coin purse. 

"Everything here is... new to me." 


(Sorry, I thought I posted this.)

"What the hell do you want?" He had totally ignored what she had said, all he knew was there was someone here...someone he could easily direct his anger at...but...his more logical side began to ring. WHY am I mad? What am I doing here? He wondered the whole time... His eyes however, began to glint Red. "Speak..." He almost growled. @FireMaiden


He of course didn't for a second question his master. He followed exactly what he was supposed to do, and began to head off towards where Yogig directed him. He was told to be wary of travelers, and practice whenever he could safely. Everything was image here, the humans had to loathe the dragons first, and he was intent on making that happen.  ( @Shirochankun when you wanna add what's her face?)

He That was the easiest way to put it, he had finally escaped Midnight's little cage. What a piece of shit she was, but now...he would get his revenge. A revenge involving the entire world burning....however, he had found a fun little toy, and a fun little plan. MAKE the DAMN DRAGONS who fought HIM kill each other! Oh he was so excited he could barley hold himself together, as he sat and watched his aura take effect! @FireMaiden

She wanted to apologize! That was good! Why was he mad? They knew they were in the wrong, so they had come to apologize! He turned around to put out his hand...when...exploding pain in the back of his skull made him snarl out, and fall back against a tree, covering his face.What...was...that..? He didn't know...all he knew...was it was this bitch's fault...he waited for her to come closer, breathing heavily, eyes glowing red now, though with a covered face, he hoped she couldn't see it.



"No No No" He hissed, feeling his sense of order return. That wouldn't do, so he went ahead and...fixed the situation. Now all the girl needed was to run or take a step closer and he would be on her faster then starving wolves on homeless people. That was always fun to watch.

She cared for him...right? Why does...why was he mad..? He...His vision turned red, and he whipped up and around, then delivered a dreadfully accurate right hook, his fist coated in red fire, and his eyes almost leaked chaotic energy... "YOU FUCKING BITCH." He stormed towards her...


YES! YEES!!! THIS WAS GREAT! He laughed as his aura took the desired effect...


@Emperor Of Embers @Shirochankun @Dutchmann @AllTheFangirlThings

Pleased she didn't try running, his hand shot up and grabbed her throat. "Giving you a taste of medicine!" He smiled, insanely, and lifted up, and back over his shoulder, slamming her into the ground, then letting go and standing above her, waiting for her to try to get up. "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?!" @FireMaiden
Kage yelped when he grabbed her throat, and cried out when she was slammed. But she couldn't even try running, because she couldn't breathe. Maybe it was just fro the force if the blow, or maybe, some of her ribs was broken. Either way, she couldn't flee.


He didn't care. He couldn't see anything but red...and the outline of his victim. He grabbed her by the back of her neck, lifted her up a bit, then slammed her face down on his knee, then circle threw her back into some tree. He rolled up, and continued his advance. @FireMaiden

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