In Character

Dru gently touched Suö's arm in a reflexive gesture to try and calm him but after a moment Dru drew his hand away. Dru was unsure how Suö felt towards him at the moment other than love. @Shirochankun
Alas game a small nod to Blake as he starts to follow her, he feels emotionally down. This feeling he has, the fact of how he failed to do yet another task, or how he has to comply with a dragon...


"It's gonna take a couple hours to get there, but if you wanna set up camp just tell me, ok?" Blake said. "Oh, and here," She handed back two of the four bags that had treasure in them, "There's yours."

He glared right back at Suo, in fact he stood up and took a step towards him, a bit tired of this. "I'm sorry do you have a problem? Because if you do I would LOVE to settle it now." He also scoffed at Dru. "No fool, we stay on the path. You may not have people skills but if Hunters are in the area dragons will be a great way to lead them right to Whitemoon, which I trust none of you to defend." He wasn't sure how he knew that Whitemoon held significance, but the thought of it certainly was better then that of Yogig or anything else. @Shirochankun @AllTheFangirlThings @Drumonkey (DRU I still love you for the whole Eragon thing don't take this personally!!! Oh and no Homo) (OH AND not that I have a problem with gays I just am not one so keep your pants on) ) )
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"Alright then..." Alas said, he felt a bit calmer, or just better in general. The feeling is still there, but it started to shrink by a bit. Plus, gold and gems are great! He's never held this much in his entire life. He places the two pouches in his bag. 

"So, tell me more about this kingdom of yours King Blake." Alas said with a smug grin. "Or maybe this culture of yours, I think I may of heard it before.." Alas now starts to dig in his memory, trying to remember anything about it... nothing.

12 minutes ago, Inheritance said:


He glared right back at Asura, in fact he stood up and took a step towards him, a bit tired of this. "I'm sorry do you have a problem? Because if you do I would LOVE to settle it now." He also scoffed at Dru. "No fool, we stay on the path. You may not have people skills but if Hunters are in the area dragons will be a great way to lead them right to Whitemoon, which I trust none of you to defend." He wasn't sure how he knew that Whitemoon held significance, but the thought of it certainly was better then that of Yogig or anything else. @Shirochankun @AllTheFangirlThings @Drumonkey (DRU I still love you for the whole Eragon thing don't take this personally!!! Oh and no Homo) (OH AND not that I have a problem with gays I just am not one so keep your pants on) ) )


(Asura isn't with your part of the group. it was Suo who glared at Malekith.)
Darmani jumped off into the manhole, and then looked angelina and Alistair. "Worry about that , we have to move." he said as he threw alistair onto his shoulders, the boy holding on. "Come!" Darmani exclaimed as he ran and jumped into the water, which was a high jump. @Shirochankun @FireMaiden
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6 hours ago, Drumonkey said:

Dru gently touched Suö's arm in a reflexive gesture to try and calm him but after a moment Dru drew his hand away. Dru was unsure how Suö felt towards him at the moment other than love. @Shirochankun


47 minutes ago, Inheritance said:


He glared right back at Suo, in fact he stood up and took a step towards him, a bit tired of this. "I'm sorry do you have a problem? Because if you do I would LOVE to settle it now." He also scoffed at Dru. "No fool, we stay on the path. You may not have people skills but if Hunters are in the area dragons will be a great way to lead them right to Whitemoon, which I trust none of you to defend." He wasn't sure how he knew that Whitemoon held significance, but the thought of it certainly was better then that of Yogig or anything else. @Shirochankun @AllTheFangirlThings @Drumonkey (DRU I still love you for the whole Eragon thing don't take this personally!!! Oh and no Homo) (OH AND not that I have a problem with gays I just am not one so keep your pants on) ) )


Suo felt Dru touch his arm and turned to look at him just as Dru quickly removed his hand, leaving Suo feeling a little hurt. Suo turned back around and glared at Malekith again with slitted, draconic eyes. He stayed firmly in place, not backing away when the other male stepped towards him. "the only problem here is your bullshit pride of yours. i bet you think you could lead this group better than Kage or anyone else couldn't don't you? and as for Whitemoon, if you don't trust us WHO ARE THE SAME BRED AS YOU, then who do you trust? actually, i don't care. why don't you just go and defend Whitemoon by yourself then?" Suo growled once and turned away from Malekith in a dismissive manner and walked to a nearby tree and leaned against it.

28 minutes ago, Emperor Of Embers said:

Darmani jumped off into the manhole, and then looked angelina and Alistair. "Worry about that , we have to move." he said as he threw alistair onto his shoulders, the boy holding on. "Come!" Darmani exclaimed as he ran and jumped into the water, which was a high jump. @Shirochankun @FireMaiden


12 minutes ago, FireMaiden said:

Kage stood by the lake, a few feet cormorants the shore. "Oc me on guys, we gotta hurry. We made it put of the city, but the others might think we aren't comming back aren't nd try to leave without us," She said.

@Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers @Safety Hammer

"Well, the women definitely have more power than they have here," Blake chuckled. 



Asura was the first after Kage to reach shore. He took his usual self-claimed place beside her and watched the others while waiting for them to reach the shore.

Angelina looked between Alistair and Darmani, unsure. She wanted to help Alistair but Darmani was also right in their need for haste.
"That's fairly strange, or at lest odd. What do you mean late king?" Alas asked, he doesn't really know what'll be like to live in that sort of culture, he barely even knows most of his own!

"Hey!" Keres said, snapping and glaring at Sup and Malekith. "That's enough! Listen to me." She growled. "If we want to survive the trip to the city, we can't afford to pull stunts like this. We need to work together. And you know what that means. NO. ARGUING." She said sternly, giving them pointed looks to prove her point.

She crossed her arms. "I don't know about you two, or what your morals would be as parents, but I don't want my child exposed to two people that are supposed to be friendly arguing with each other and biting each other in the ass, almost starting a fight!" She looked at Dru and Suo. "Can either of you be a dear and cover Lucian's ears please? I don't want him to hear this." 

She pointed at Malekith. "You" she began. "Suo is right. You need to stop letting your pride get in the way. It's making you seem arrogant and egotistical. And let me tell you right now, that it is NOT GOING TO FLY. Do you understand me?" She said, using her "mom voice" which was actually pretty scary. She was not yelling, far from it, but speaking with venom oozing out of every word. 

"And second of all, how old are you? No older than, what, 30? Not even that, right? Let me tell you something. I'm over 200. I was born and raised a dragon, and part of this childhood was spent in whitemoon. So I'll be damned if you don't trust me to defend it." She growled. "So go ahead, call me incompetent and incapable of defending my home again. I suggest you get your head out of your ass right now, before I do it for you. Watch where you're treading, dear sir. You're about to step right onto a bed of nails, and it would be very painful for you." 

She looked at the group. "At this point, we're all each other has got. And this shit is what is going to tear us apart and get us all killed." She put her hands on her hips. "I know our conditions are far from ideal, but right now we have to make do. We have important people to defend, more dragons." She sighed. "Think of who is the most important to you. What would happen to them if we failed an important task? They'd all die. I don't know who you saw, but I saw my son. And I am not going to let petty arguments get me or my son killed." She said. "Now. Do I make myself perfectly clear of my expectations here?"

@Inheritance @Drumonkey @Shirochankun
"Oh, the dragon thing wou- Well I-.." Alas sheepishly smiled as he just noticed, his smile starts to slowly fade, 

"Uhh..." He forces a cough and gives a straight face, "Sorry." Short words from Alas, and the only words from Alas from now he became silent.

Dru listened and used sand to shield the boys ears. "I say we travel the forest because we can sense them and you all can shift to half dragon forms and sprint through the forest. As for hunters and defending I've killed my fair share of hunters and am competent in fighting. Also I don't know about you but I know how to avoid hunters. Lastly I don't care if we are comrades or not you will not speak to my mate that way." (No hard feelings I've met plenty of people like you) @Inheritance @Shirochankun 
Alas knew if he said anything that might be offensive his head wouldn't be on his shoulders, so he speaks with what he feels is best to say.

"Nothing really, just had to think happy. Sticking to grim thoughts isn't me." Alas the "professional" liar.

"Okay," Alas said, he took a small breath and then started to speak again,

"Maybe the reason why all of that happened is because of your trust in dragons?" Alas said, he was bracing for a swing from Blake.  

"Oh yes. My little sister being ripped in half, by little brother being burned alive, th twins being eaten, and my parents being buried by our collapsed house was all because of my trust in dragons," Blake nodded, "Makes sense that an evil, ancient dragon who's been feral for hundreds of years wouldn't attack us because we had open minds." She sighed, "I trust very few dragons Alas, Havoc being the only one I trust with my life. So yes, the random attack of innocent people who were nowhere near his space was all because we didn't run at the first sing of dragons."


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